New Theano article on arXiv

ยอดดู 59 ครั้ง

Pascal Lamblin

10 พ.ค. 2559 12:55:0410/5/59
ถึง Theano Announce, Theano Developers, Theano Users

We are happy to let you know that a new article on Theano is now
available on arXiv: "Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of
mathematical expressions",

If you are currently working on publications for research using Theano,
we would appreciate if you cite this latest article, rather than the two
earlier ones.

The article features 112 significant contributors as authors, including
all authors of the first two articles. Authors are presented as a
"collaboration" (The Theano Development Team), in alphabetical order, so
it may be a challenge to cite in some environments, but we felt it was
the best solution for a large group effort where it is not feasible to
compare the contribution of everyone.

To ease the citation process, we provide two bibtex files [1, 2], one
with only "Theano Development Team" as author, one with all the authors
and the "collaboration" field set. Hopefully one of these will work
correctly in your setting. If you have experience with bibtex for large
collaborations, suggestions for improvements would be welcome.

Thanks everyone for your support!


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