Updates 2020/06/21

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Peter Reutemann

Jun 20, 2020, 11:15:58 PM6/20/20
to ADAMS user list, ADAMS dev list
Hi everyone

Over last few months, I was working mainly on image processing projects, which explains the large amount of imaging related additions and changes. One other big change was happening underneath the hood, abstracting class loading and deep copies, in order to get Weka package support working again (Weka's isolating classloader doesn't make it easy integrating Weka in other applications).


  • Added the ArrayRSquared array statistic.

  • The ConfirmationDialog transformer no longer blocks the Flow editor window, i.e., it is now possible to stop the flow via the Flow editor's menu.

  • The control actors CloseCallableDisplay and CallableActorScreenshot now allow selecting top-level GridView and TabView instances as well.

  • Validating a flow now sets all the programmatic variables (like 'flow_dir') beforehand (if possible) to ensure correct execution.

  • The GOE editor for BaseClassname now lists all classes, including non-ADAMS and abstract ones, but excluding anonymous ones.

  • adams-imaging:

    • Keeping of all objects did not work properly in the ImageObjectFilter transformer, as indices could change due to filtering, resulting in an inconsistent mix of values in the report.

    • Fixed the compare with itself comparison of the DetermineOverlappingObjects transformer.

    • The logging of interactions is now properly filtered by the interaction loggers used by the ImageAnnotator.

    • fixed collecting of matches in AreaRatio and IntersectOverUnionRatio object overlap schemes: the order of objects could leave out matches as the currently highest value was used as threshold rather than the user-supplied threshold.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: The R^2 now uses the same approach like R for calculating the statistic.

  • adams-ml: The INTERSECT mode of MultiOutlierDetector now works correctly (used by RemoveOutliers control actor).


  • The Flow control actor now has a read-only flag. When checked, it will prompt the user wether to continue with editing, just viewing or cancelling the operation altogether.

  • The ConfirmationDialog now allows specifying a custom cancel token as well.

  • Upgraded java-cup to 11b-20160615 and switched from exec-maven-plugin to parsergen-maven-plugin for compiling java-cup/jflex parsers.

  • The MapToVariables transformer can suppress non-primitive objects getting turned into variables with the skipNonPrimitive option.

  • The SetVariable transformer now allows forwarding the current variable value instead of the input token with the outputValue option. Useful when constructing file names on the fly via variable expansion.

  • major class instantiation overhaul to add support for Weka packages again: adams.core.classmanager.ClassManager and the concrete CustomClassManager classes (ADAMS and Weka) are now responsible for instantiating a class from a classname and for generating deep copies of objects

  • The EnterValue source now can specify how large (cols/rows) the text box is, e.g., for entering multi-line text.

  • adams-imaging:

    • The CompareObjectLocations transformer now has the ability to forward screenshots of comparison to a queue and run in non-interactive mode.

    • The STARTING_WITH option for loading associated meta-data with the ImageFileReader now skips all the files that have an extension that the image reader itself manages.

    • The preview handlers ObjectLocationsFromReport and ObjectLocationsFromSpreadsheet can remove overlapping objects now as well.

    • upgraded Apache's commons-imaging to 1.0-alpha1

    • removed Apache Sanselan

  • adams-spreadsheet:

    • The LookUpAdd transformer now has an optional conversion for the value being stored in the look-up table.

    • The SpreadSheetInfo transformer can output the unique values across the sheet now as well (SHEET_VALUES).

  • adams-visualstats: The Histogram and ScatterDisplay sinks can export the plot data now as CSV files.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: The WekaAttributeSelection transformer now reduces/transforms the test set from a WekaTrainTestSetContainer as well (if not performing cross-valication) and stores the result in the outgoing container.

  • adams-net: upgraded requests4j library to 0.1.7

  • adams-rsync: upgraded rysnc4j library to 3.1.3-1

  • adams-ml-app: added adams-nlp module as dependency


  • The DirectorySupplier source allows selecting/outputting of multiple directories, analog to the FileSupplier source.

  • The FilterMap can be used for filtering Map objects using the specified filter.

  • Added inspection handlers for java.util.Map and java.util.List to the Flow debugger.

  • The EnterManyValues source allows users now to select enumeration values via the EnumValueDefinition class.

  • adams-imaging:

    • added the following object filters: AttachMetaData (attaches single meta-data key-value pair to all located objects), MakeSquare (turns the bounding box into a square one), RemovePolygons (removes polygon information from objects, eg for enforcing bounding box display).

    • The ClipBoundingBoxes image object filter fixes bounding boxes that stick out of the image boundaries (or removes them completely if width/height are zero).

    • The TransformMetaData image object filter allows you to pass meta-data through callable actors, e.g., for cleaning up.

    • The RenameLabels image object filter allows you to quickly rename labels, e.g., for collapsing multiple categories into a single one.

    • Added CocoAnnotationsReportReader and CocoAnnotationsHandler (Preview browser), which supercede their Detectron counter parts. The report reader is optimized for speed and the Preview browser handler caches the JSON files it read (and monitors, if these should change), allowing for rapid browsing of directories with lots of images and multiple JSON files.

    • The GrayOrIndexedColorizer BufferedImage transformer and the GrayOrIndexedImageHandler allow overriding the unique colors in the image with custom ones using the supplied color provider (eg when viewing PNGs used for image segmentation).

    • The AnnotationsAndPredictions draw operations allows overlaying annotations and predictions using reports from storage, simplifying the combining.

    • added support for reading PNGs as spreadsheet (eg for reading indexed PNG files) using the PNGSpreadSheetReader.

    • The ImageContainerToSpreadSheet conversion turns any image into a spreadsheet of its (A)RGB values.

    • Added the KeepHighestMetaDataValue scheme for removing overlapping objects (eg for post-processing predictions) - used in conjunction with the RemoveOverlappingImageObjects transformer.

  • adams-ml: Added the MeanAbsoluteError outlier detector (used by the RemoveOutliers control actor).

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Cheers, Peter
Peter Reutemann
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Waikato, NZ
+64 (7) 858-5174
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