Re: A dirty little secret about the wounded military heroes of September 11

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Belinda Realion

Aug 29, 2009, 11:45:57 PM8/29/09

--- On Thu, 8/20/09, Townhall Spotlight <> wrote:

From: Townhall Spotlight <>
Subject: A dirty little secret about the wounded military heroes of September 11
To: "b o" <>
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 9:55 AM

Troops wounded on or after September 11 need your help to avoid financial ruin

Coalition to Salute
America's Heroes

PO Box 96440
Washington, DC 20090
Providing Emergency
Aid to Severely Wounded
Troops and Their
Families in Crisis

Key Programs:

Emergency Financial

Road to Recovery

Homes for
Wounded Heroes

Wounded Hero
Career Network

Family Support

Military Friends:

Major General
John K. Singlaub
USA, Retired

Lieutenant General
William H. Ginn, Jr.
USAF Retired

R. Admiral
Charles E. McDowell
USN, Retired
Brigadier General
James H. "Jimmie" Leach
DSC, USA Retired
Brigadier General
R. Carl Szarlan
US Air National Guard, Retired
Ed. H. Caton
USAF, Retired
Abe Friedman
USA, Retired
Patrick F. Kennedy
USN, Retired
Lt. Colonel
Walt Purdy
USAF, Retired

Coalition to Salute America's Heroes

Dear Patriotic American,
I'm sure you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing on September 11, 2001 – the horrific day when terrorists commandeered three jumbo jets and smashed them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
A National Guard Reservist named April G., was inside the Pentagon.
More specifically, the young mother was buried under four floors of rubble.  So was her 4-year-old boy, who was blasted out of his stroller and buried in the rubble right alongside her.
April was registering her son for day care at the Pentagon, where she worked.  The little boy suffered severe injuries.  His mother sustained multiple fractures, a twisted spine and a brain injury that would affect her life for years.
What happened to April G. as a result of serving our nation has happened to thousands of other severely wounded servicemen and women.
I call it a "dirty little secret" because the news media doesn't discuss it much. And the government certainly doesn't, for obvious reasons.
I'm talking about how thousands of America's severely wounded troops end up facing financial ruin because of their injuries.  They have lost their arms, their legs, their hearing, their eyesight and more while protecting us from terrorism.
Yet they are facing bankruptcies . . .evictions . . .  utility cutoffs . . .  foreclosures . . .   and other financial disasters. 
My name is Major General John K. Singlaub, U.S. Army (Retired).  And frankly I'm disappointed the government is not doing enough to help them, or even calling attention to the problem. 
When's the last time you heard any politician publicly say our severely wounded troops are getting shortchanged, or propose legislation to provide them with the kind of long-term financial support they need?
I'm asking you, as a patriotic American, to follow this link right now to honor the wounded military heroes of September 11.
Your tax-deductible donation to the Emergency Financial Aid Program, sponsored by the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes, will help a serviceman or woman who's been severely wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan feed and clothe their family or avert an eviction, utility cutoff or other crisis.
On the donation page you'll also be able to send a THANK YOU and GET WELL card to a severely wounded GI.  (You can even type in a personal greeting if you like.) Your greeting card will let them know you haven't forgotten the painful sacrifice they've made to protect you and me and our families from another terrorist attack.
But back to the story of April G.
(By the way, for privacy reasons, April asks not to be identified.)
In 2003 the severely wounded young Reservist was medically retired and lost her housing and clothing allowances. Unable to work full-time OR collect unemployment, April's finances eventually started to spin out of control.
On the verge of losing her home, April checked out homeless shelters . . . but they were all full.  "I didn't know what I was going to do," she said.
In March 2007 April contacted the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes. Thanks to our patriotic supporters, within days she was rushed a check for $5,050 to pay the rent.  And in the process she avoided a humiliating eviction.
(Can you imagine having to explain to your child why you're being thrown out into the street – after suffering back and brain injuries while serving your country?)
That emergency grant "Gave me a chance to breathe," said April. "When you are suffering, you can't fight for yourself."
Think about that for a minute. This brave young servicewoman who suffered painful, permanent injuries inside the Pentagon on September 11 was nearly homeless – until she was rescued by generous Americans like you.
Not just that:  Tens of thousands of troops who volunteered to serve in Iraq or Afghanistan as a result of the September 11 terror attacks have also suffered painful, permanent injuries while defending you and me.
And just like April G., they are facing evictions, and foreclosures, and utility cutoffs.
The Coalition to Salute America's Heroes was formed to provide emergency financial aid to our troops who have been severely wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan.
To date our patriotic family of supporters has responded to more than 11,000 requests for emergency financial aid from our disabled GIs and their families. In the process we have provided them with more than $22 million in assistance.
Will you please join us?
Bear in mind: We can't help any of our suffering GIs without the generosity of patriotic Americans like YOU.  And that's why I'm sending you this e-mail.
As a September 11 tribute to the Marines, soldiers, sailors, airmen and guardsmen who have been seriously wounded while protecting your family, and mine, please make a generous donation.
Sadly there are many more single mothers just like April G. who've been burned, blinded or even paralyzed in the War on Terror.
Many have small children, and they need help right now to buy things like diapers, baby formula, food and clothes. And to avoid being thrown out into the street like April nearly was.
These severely wounded troops have sacrificed their arms, legs, hearing, eyesight and more while protecting our nation from more terrorist attacks.
Giving them our moral and financial support is one small way to show them we honor and respect their sacrifice.
  • A special September 11 gift of $25 could help provide a week's worth of baby food or diapers for a servicewoman who is struggling to support her family after being disabled in Iraq.
  • Your donation of $50 could help supply this disabled mother with baby food and diapers -- as well as clothes or food for her other children.
  • A contribution of $100 could help pay an electric, phone or gas bill for a GI who's facing a utility cutoff after being paralyzed by a sniper in Afghanistan.
  • A patriotic gift of $250 could help a serviceman who's been severely burned by a roadside bomb in Iraq avert a car repossession.
  • A larger, tax-deductible donation of $500 could help a serviceman or woman who's lost an arm or leg avoid getting evicted from their apartment.
  • An even more generous, tax-deductible September 11 gift of $1,000 could help a disabled service woman like April G. and her family from losing their home to foreclosure. 
So please give a special September 11th gift of whatever amount is right for you, while doing right by our severely wounded troops and their families.
Thank you and may God bless you.
Major General John K. Singlaub
U.S. Army (Ret.)
P.S. The upcoming anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks is the perfect time to pay tribute to the wounded military heroes of 9/11.
As I mentioned, many troops who went to Iraq or Afghanistan to protect your family, and mine, from further terrorist attacks have returned home brain-damaged, burned, blinded or even missing their arms or legs.
Unfortunately, many of these permanently disabled GIs are also facing financial ruin.
Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to the Coalition's Emergency Financial Aid Program
Your gift will help a serviceman or woman who's been severely wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan feed and clothe their family or avert an eviction, utility cutoff or other crisis.

Coalition to Salute
America's Heroes
PO Box 96440
Washington, DC 20090

Providing Emergency
Aid to Severely Wounded
Troops and Their
Families in Crisis

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