Nightmare: Heritage Foundation Exposes Universal Health Care Myths & Destruction of Free Market

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Belinda Realion

Jul 28, 2009, 9:35:28 AM7/28/09

Posted By Vicki McClure Davidson on June 1, 2009

Free market health care will be destroyed by nationalized / single-payer health care | Photo credit: Ivy Dawned,

Free market health care will be destroyed by nationalized / single-payer health care | Photo credit: Ivy Dawned,

Call it public health care, socialized health care, universal health care, government health care, nationalized health care, single-payer health care, “ObamaCare”… the lofty claims, happy-ending myths, and actual lies about this kind of taxpayer-subsidized, government-run health care have been explored and debunked by the Heritage Foundation.
Socialized health care will destroy the free market and competition in health care, and eliminate free will choices and individual privacy.
It hasn’t worked in other countries; there is no reason to believe that it will work in the United States. More money (a lot more money) from taxpayers to pay for substandard, rationed health care will be the end result.
It won’t be cheaper, it won’t be better, it won’t work in conjunction with private health care plans. And the very people it claims it will help will, oftentimes, not be helped, particularly older Americans.
Here are a few paragraphs from their report:
The Public Health Care Plan: What Seems to Be the Problem?
By The Heritage Foundation
Debunking the Myths - Fact Sheet #29
  • Lower Costs? It’s a shell game. A government plan always looks cheaper, but the reality is that the true costs are hidden. Costs are passed on to providers in administrative costs and lower reimbursements, resulting in a huge cost-shift to private payers to make up the difference.
  • Quality Care? One only needs to look at current government health plans. Medicare has huge gaps in coverage. And Medicaid’s quality is notoriously bad. The record is clear: They offer substandard care compared to private health insurance, especially in the areas of cancer and cardiac care. These persistent quality deficiencies are routinely overlooked in discussions of a government health plan.
  • Increased Competition? With a public plan, the federal government would create the rules for the “game” in which it plans to compete. But the government would not just be a neutral umpire in the game. It would also own one of the competing teams, namely the public plan.
  • The Public Plan Won’t Crowd Out Private Insurance? It’s impossible to believe that Congress and the Administration could resist setting rules—and interpreting those rules—in favor of their own public plan. Independent estimates show that as many as 119 million Americans would no longer be in private coverage.
  • The End Goal Is Not Single-Payer? As Congresswoman Schakowsky will tell you, the end goal is definitely a single-payer system. That’s why many supporters of a single-payer system, where the government runs the whole health system, are suddenly converts to choice and private competition as long as there is a public plan.
For more information, go to Heritage Foundation.
Related reading:
Hot Air: Video: ObamaCare an “Old Joke”; Update: Cost now $1.6 trillion and White House throws Kennedy under the bus? and Obama: Let’s work together to destroy American health care by year’s end and Video: Are the elderly cost effective?
John Saarikko, Universal Health Care Info: The Truth Nobody Wants You To Know
Adam Baldwin, Big Hollywood: ‘Global Citizenship’: An Unsustainable Social Injustice
JustOneMinute: KennedyCare
Business and Media Institute: CNN Glosses Over Failure of Universal Health Care
Glenallen Walken, Salon: Ask a Wingnut: The Wingnut explains why socialized healthcare sucks
Michelle Malkin: Barack Obama speaks the truth! Update: Mayo not okay-o with Obamacare and Congress should be required to enroll in Obamacare and Health care tax-apalooza: It’s here! and Tax-maniacs backing off health benefits? and The Obamacare horror story you won’t hear and Caught on tape: SEIU thuggery and Obamacare on the rocks?; Plus: All Barack Channel refuses diverse viewpoint and Undercover at an Obama health care meet-upand Obamacare poster contest: Coming to a hospital near you!; Updated with new entries and Counterprotesting Obamacare and the ACORN/SEIU mob and Mobilizing against Obamacare and
and “Administration Is Open to Taxing Health Benefits” and Did Canadacare kill Natasha Richardson?
Big Hollywood: Steven Crowder Talks Socialized Obamacare With Neil Cavuto
Pursuing Holiness: Railroaded Into Nationalized Health Care
Adam Baldwin, Big Hollywood: A “Cultural Fix”?: Global Citizen Educators Rethinking Sustainability into Population Control vs. Academic Freedom
Michael Tanner, National Review Online: The Obamacare to Come, Dems’ health-care plans do not provide the reform most Americans seek
Frugal Café Blog Zone: The Sham of Socialism: Save America While There’s Still Time… ‘1984′ Prophesy and Video: Steven Crowder: ‘Socialized Health Care Sucks’ and Heritage Foundation: Myth Exposed - American Health Care System Not Perfect, but Superior to Socialized Health Care and Cautionary Tale: ‘Prime Minister, You Have Run Out of Our Money’
World Net Daily: Government health care ‘an abyss’ financially - ‘I think there’s going to be no end for the claims’
Tim Slagle, Big Hollywood: Democrats — Why so Unhappy?
Matthew Moore, Sufferers pull out teeth due to lack of dentists
Jewish World Review: Far East illustrates the limitations and dangers of universal health care
Daily Herald: Universal health care isn’t universal
Jim Blazsik: Did Socialized Medicine Have a Hand in Costing Natasha Richardson Her Life?
Pirate’s Cove: Obama Does Still Want A Government Run Insurance Company
BBC News: Mother killed after care failures
John Goodman, Cato’s Letter (pdf): Five Myths of Socialized Medicine
Positive Liberty: “If you think health care is expensive now…”
GOPMom: Bring on National Health
The American Spectator: Quebec Has Helicopters for Pepe Le Pew But Not Emergency Patients and Obama’s False Choice
Pirates! Man Your Women: Wherever the Winds Blow…
Homeland Stupidity: “Universal Health Care” Has Failed Again

Categories: Conservatism, Economy, Government, Health, Social and Political Climate
Tags: America, government health care, health care, nationalized health care, Obama, ObamaCare, redistribution of wealth, single payer, single payer health care, socialism, socialized medicine, taxes, universal health care

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