The DNC is running a new Web ad calling town hall protesters an “angry mob.” Take a look:

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Belinda Realion

Aug 5, 2009, 11:02:29 PM8/5/09

Sound of the Day: 8/5

The DNC  is running a new Web ad calling town hall protesters  an “angry mob.” Take a look:

What do you think of the ad?


the american people the new target of the ovamit

It’s apparent that we are finally getting a real glimpse of Obama. He is not the unifier that he once claimed to be. Obama, after telling us that he aspires to be like Pres. Lincoln, referrs to Americans disagreeing with his policy as an angry mob. Obama is not who he says he is.

The conservatives are called such names because the socialist liberals want ignorant cooperation. This whole administration, and the neurotic liberal socialist democrats in the House, Senate, and Congress prey on the ignorant, and misinformed. They’re beginning to lose some sleep at night. Poor babies.
I am 78 and had prostate surgery 10 years ago. I had mitral valve surgery 12 years ago and exercise every day. I am in very good health according to my doctors. The porcine valve that replaced my mitral valve will last 2 to 4 more years according to my surgeon. The proposed health care bill would prevent me from having the surgery unless I paid for it due to my age. It states that a counciler would be made available to me during my last living days. My surgeon states that I could live but obama wouldn't let me if this nightmare passes
The DNC with their latest Chicago Way intimidation tactics are opening up a bag of worms which they do not want to deal with!!! You do not intimidate the american people and if you try, they simply get more energized and fight harder!!! I say ” bring it on DNC” and the MOB will see you at the polls in 2010 and 2012!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m part of the supposed mob. Mad as hell and don’t want to take it anymore. He’s lying. Cash for clunkers and not making it for American made cars. Wonder how Michigan feels about that. Then he watched his Mother worry about all the bills she had. Where is medicare going? But it’ll make him happy to know I’m already taking pain pills for a bad hip. Every time he opens his mouth the hole is getting bigger.
The Obama administration want to crush free speech and turn a two party system to a one party dictatorship. The main trouble is that with all their tactics and mega dollars, they can bribe, threaten, push amnesty for many more voters, give more positions and perks to keep the media in their back pocket, change district borders with powerful Acorn and greatly influence the next election
I am appalled and angry. I am a 71 yr old Grandmother who has always been part of the “Silent Majority” but current event have forced me to become politically active. I participated in the “Tea Party” in my home town exercising my constitution right to protest and to express my disapproval about the Health Care Reform Bill. When we can no longer do that we are no longer a government OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE. I think we have awakened a sleeping tiger
The DNC is completely out of touch with the American people. I write to my senators all the time expressing my opposition and I never get a response or when I do I am not surprised what the response is. I guess that is what you get for not even reading constitutents email let alone a 1,000 page bill that no one has looked at. I have supported tort reform which can save 100 billion per year in waste and fraud but democrats are not open to tort reform The opposition to a government run health care
BIG BROTHER is here!!!
The ad is shameful, divisive and dismissive. It demonstrates the Obama administration’s frantic efforts to convince his constituency – which is quickly dwindling – that only hard-core Republicans oppose his ideas. He would have us believe that the people are not genuine, don’t know what is really good for them and cannot think for themselves. They must be coached by his enemies. And by the way – the ad is a perfect example of HATE SPEECH. Shouldn’t something be done about that?!?!
I’m confused. Is this a step up or down from being the “nuts and sluts” of the Clinton days
I must turn myself in… this ad is causing me to think fishy thoughts!
The DNC must be fearful. I have never seen any ad like it before. The best thing that can happen is if these so called mob like people see this newly made add. I am sure they’ll be as upset about being called a mob. When in fact I myself have been to townhall and the majority of the folks that were there were Democrats like myself who had voted for Obama. I hear now that people are wanting to kick themselves in the behind. Obama is destroying our nation piece by piece. America is waking up
This video shows just how delusional and out of touch these radicals in control of the government really are. To say that people who are voicing opposition to the dangerous Obamacare nightmare are being led around by the nose by some organized group is beyond insulting. Unlike their simpleminded followers, freedom loving Americans are capable of forming their own opinions. This tactic will come back to bite them.
I’m appalled at the DNC ad! I honestly believe Obama doesn’t care what the American people want unless it alignes with what he wants!! This is just a way to spin it and see if anybody buys it
Obamacare must not be allowed to pass. The country can not afford another plan that will cost trillions and the paying of this plan passed on as taxes to the people. This plan also is saying to the senior citizens ‘why don’t you just shut up and die quietly’.
This government is not listening to the American people…that proves what is in power. Will people wake up before it’s to late. Obama does not want us to have a voice or an opinion, that is communism. Since we’re being considered “angry mobs” and not what we really are (Strong Americans with a voice and open mind) we need to kick Obama’s muslim ass out. I’m mad and I’m a voting American and if the democratic party in our government wants to call it FAKE, then they can all go straight to…!
The ad is an insult to our intelligence. I only hope the majority of Americans are smart enough to see through this. Everything the administration is whining about is exactly what they have been doing only worse. The Democrats have been the meanest, foul mouthed group of elitists. Where is Eliot Ness when you need him.
am a single mom, and a registered Democrat. However, I am from Chicago and am very well aware of the way the “Chicago Machine” works. The way Chicago politicans work and run there operations are like none other. It is a very clicky club, exclusive to the MACHINE. This “Machine” knows very well how to manipulate very precisely anyone whom will get in the way. This has been well known in our state of Illinois for decades. The majority of his staff (Obama) are tax evaders, liars and cons.
sounds a lot like cuba for the past 50 years. a country where no one is able to express their opinion freely, where people tell the authorities if you dissent. venezuela, bolivia nicaragua, etc are going down the same path. is this the future of the United States of America – it sure looks like it. i brouight my four children out of cuba in 1960 for many of the things i see happening here!!!!!!
 think it’s sad when the very people who say they want freedom of speech actually mean if you only agree with their democratic agenda. My father just turned 80 years old this past May. He has served his country & now his health is declining & I’m his primary health care giver. I would gladly invite anyone to come with me & see for themselves what a government health care system would be like at the VA hospital. What is funny this ad will backfire on them….can’t wait until 2010!!!! :)
I am a college educated female that has been in the business world for 12 years until the last two when I stopped working to raise my 3 small children. I am a lost of words for the administration that called me part of an angry mob. I DO NOT LIKE THIS HEALTH CARE PROGRAM! I can not believe this administration us to the point in the Land of the Free that I cannot go voice my concerns to the very people that are supposed to be listening to me in order to make decisions in my best interests.
this is crazy why are they so threatened by regular people speaking out. we have finally had enough of taxation without representation and the last i checked we have that right under the first ammendment as well as firing their butts under the constitution and replacing them and maybe we should do just that while they are out for break. It is time for us to stand up we have sat idle and silent and let things go but now we have the internet and we can let our representives know how we feel
This administration is like a thief who keeps getting away with robbing others, and so has become bolder and bolder. Now the game is up, the American people have caught on and are respectfully, but firmly saying enough is enough. But the big guys running our government don’t like it so they are going to try and discredit and destroy any dissension concerning their schemes and plans. They have long forgotten, that they are supposed to represent us, and believe they are supposed to run our lives
This ad is outrageous! This just goes to show that Obama’s true intentions are to oppress the White Americans in this country. He was suppose to be a uniter and not a divider. We are the people who are the true Americans and have made this the greatest country in the world. Apparently he has spent more time studying Affirmative Action and Racism with his buddies Al Sharpton and Professor Henry Gates than he has learning the Constitution.
What I see is a lot of scared politicians. They seemed to think they can do no wrong, but the American public is not as dumb as the politicians wanted to believe they were. The American Public is using common sense and putting their foot down. Enough is enough, and that really worries the politicians because they have absolutely have NO common sense. It seems they don’t even know what it is. If they don’t know what it is, they have no idea how to stop it. It appears the tables have finally turned.
When I saw the DNC web ad, I was so startled I jumped. Then words & images flooded in: Nazi Germany, Hitler’s SS, Hitler’s brown shirts. And good old Joe McCarthy–report your neighbor the communist, save yourself by naming names. Let’s not forget the Hollywood blacklists that ruined lives. George Orwell’s 1984 finally becomes non-fiction. Anyone who disagrees with the far-left liberals must be hunted down. I have a right to express an opinion without being demonized.
It’s a sleazy ad and insults our intelligence. The Democrats don’t want to discuss the issues on their merits and the only the way they can counter our arguments is to insult us.
It’s not only the elderly that get the short straws in the draw of medical care. That’s just the start. Check any country with the baloney title of ‘Universal Healthcare’. There’s nothing universal about it except for its misleading title. Rationing is deciding and that’s what it would come to. You’ll have children dying in E.R. while waiting to be seen for burst appendixes. You’ll have people in wheelchairs with obstructed urine passage dying in the waiting room of Emergencies.
As far as the ad the Democrats are running saying Americans are an “angry mob” because we are outraged that the Government wants to run our health care and we as Americans are speaking up and voicing our opinion is ridiculous. Americans have the right to speak up and say what they believe. We are still a Democracy, unless President Obama gets his way and moves us to a Socialist nation. The health bill has not even been fully read by the people who are supposed to represent us.
Acorn buses loads of people to the homes of AIG execs. In February, they hold a foreclosure protest in D.C. -In 2008, they occupy the lobby of National City Bank in Detroit demanding justice. The end of July, Obamacare protesters are told to be quiet by a police officer and people sporting ACORN t-shirts, as they try to answer general questions by passersby. (see Code Pink blocks the entrance to a recruiting center in Berkeley
The Constitution guarantes FREE SPEECH and that is what these Americans are doing. They have a right to protest USCongress when they are tring to control our lives. We don’t want their Health Care Plan. If it is so great, they should pass it for themselves!!!!
obama says our anger is chatter that is just childish and we don't know what's good for us with his wonderful plan. us dissenting his plan is unamerican WHO is the un-american?

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