Brian Simmons:"I Will Release Again the 10 Principles of Revival Taught by Charles Finney

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Sep 15, 2011, 6:35:50 PM9/15/11
to the Fat lady hasn't sung yet!

Brian Simmons:"I Will Release Again the 10 Principles of Revival
Taught by Charles Finney

"Not many days ago I had an amazing encounter with the Lord that has
since left me trembling and awakened! The voice of the Lord came to me
in power telling me that the Lord Himself was about to release AGAIN
the revival that swept America during the days of Charles Finney – but
in a much greater dimension.

In the awakening released by Charles Finney, entire cities were shaken
by the power of God and the anointing of revival that once poured out
of a man. With Finney's prayer partner, Father Nash, he would enter a
city only after adequate prayer had saturated the ground and opened
the heavens over a region. Many attribute those days of "Heaven on
earth" to the prayers of Father Nash and his praying team.

The word of the Lord spoke and said to me:

"I will release again the 10 principles of revival taught by Charles
Finney! I am releasing two of those principles to you now! The
remaining eight principles you must ask for and seek to receive!"

I've found my spirit trembling many times since He spoke those words
to me. After hours of prayer and research, allow me to share in brief
what I've discovered about 10 Principles of Revival. These are the
truths that Finney taught throughout his ministry after seeing miracle
conversions in the northeastern part of the United States.

During the peak of the revival outpouring, Charles Finney took these
principles and taught them (more than once) to the awakened churches
that received him. These powerful revivals resulted in the largest
number of conversions EVER, in the history of Christianity in America.
Throughout the last one hundred and sixty years, revivals have
occurred from the Holy Spirit's anointing with the practice of these
very principles. I want to share with you these truths that I know GOD
HIMSELF will restore to the holy awakeners who seek His face and are
willing to run to the nations with a fire never before seen on the

10 Principles of Finney's Revival

Here are these 10 principles of Finney's revival that we, like Joel's
Army of Awakeners, will release in this coming awaking. Note: I
believe the first two principles that the Lord said He was releasing
in this very hour are: The Principles of Repentance and the Principles
of Prayer. Expect to hear many of the prophets and preachers speak on
these two themes – a deeper repentance and a higher level of
intercession that is coming! Here's only a summary:

1. Principles of REPENTANCE!

This is what the Bible refers to as "breaking up the fallow ground,"
or laying our hearts exposed and naked before the eyes of glory to
search and cleanse. Repentance always, always precedes revival
outpouring. Is your repentance releasing the glory of God's presence
into your life and ministry? If nothing else breaks open a city, try
breaking open your heart for your city! (See Hosea 10:12.)

2. Principles of PRAYER!

Every revival can be traced back to prayer! Even in the upper room in
Acts 2, they were in a 10-day prayer meeting! This is not general
prayer or simply soaking in prayer – this involves a direct
confrontation with spiritual forces that are hindering and holding
back the deluge of power that will awaken a city in a day. Prayer to
the next level will bring glory to the next level! Maybe the way we've
been praying lacks potency to unlock doors to revival. "These prayer
principles WILL be restored again," says the Lord! (See 1
Thessalonians 5:17.)

3. Principles of HOLINESS!

Not only is God holy, He has made His holiness "absorbable." We can
absorb this holiness that surrounds Him by lingering in His living
glory – much like Moses who stood before a burning bush until he
became one! God ignited Moses' soul because he was highly flammable!
Moses absorbed a measure of the glory of God's holiness in such a way
that he released deliverance to a nation. I believe that "absorbable"
holiness will fill a generation of deliverers soon to be dispatched to
the nations. Will you remain in the holy presence until you "catch" it
and become a burning one? (See Isaiah 6:6-7.)

4. Principles of POWER!

How we all seek for the power of God, often not knowing what we're
asking for! Imagine taking hold of 10 billion volts of power: would it
change you as it lit up the sky? When we are willing to be changed by
His power, not just ask for more power in our meetings, we will begin
to see the nations electrified by God's dunamis power. Get insulated
in purity before seeking naively the power of God. The power of this
coming awakening will radiate out for many miles when it falls upon a
city! Many will be converted when the Church is changed by the power
of resurrection life! (See Philippians 3:21.)

5. Principles of FAITH!

Our preaching and ministries must now move into a greater dimension of
faith in order to penetrate the darkness of our land. Faith – bold,
raw, unrelenting, never-turning-back-faith is the key to revival
glory! The authentic principles of faith will be released in a fresh
and new way by those who carry the anointing of awakening! If revival
depended on YOUR FAITH, how close are we to seeing cities bow before
Christ and crown Him King? (See Hebrews 11:1.)

6. Principles of JOY in the Holy Spirit!

You have to understand how radical this message of joy would sound to
a world being crushed and tested in the hands of God. Joy has a
breaker quality, breaking open hearts and breaking open a city! Joy
parties and alluring feasts of extravagant joy – even in the midst of
difficulties – will unlock a city! Expect to see the Holy Spirit
release new JOY PRINCIPLES and restore us like in the days of Gideon's
victory! (See Isaiah 9:3-4.)

7. Principles of RIGHTEOUSNESS!

This is our breastplate that covers our hearts! The Christ-life is all
our righteousness; we have none apart from Him! Without a living union
every moment with this pure and holy Partner, we will become defiled
by selfishness and sin. What glorious protection is this righteousness
that guards us in all our relationships and in our daily walk! Expect
to hear about and see new levels of righteousness taught by our
shepherds and lived out in our lives! (See 1 Corinthians 1:30.)

8. Principles of DISCIPLESHIP!

Rapidly releasing new converts will be crucial as nation after nation
opens up their arms to receive more of this heavenly gift: Jesus
Christ! We cannot plod along any longer insisting new converts remain
"under our covering" when they are ready to roll with revival! In the
days of the Jesus Movement in the '70s, we would see converts won in a
day, and by a month they were leading and charging forward with
evangelism and Bible studies. God does not wait until we sprout wings
and a halo before He uses us! Why keep in our "sheep pens" those whom
God will equip to shake nations? Jesus sent out 70 before He gave them
the Holy Spirit!

True discipleship means carrying the cross and going out in grace to
reach a world! Discipleship must include releasing converts into the
ripened harvest! Who let the sheep out? (See Matthew 10:1-8.)

9. Principles of PEACE

In days of great shaking and turmoil we will need to find the "eye of
the storm" with Jesus in our boat! We need greater revelations of
peace to grip us instead of fear of calamity and doom. Peace is a
weapon for warfare.

Watch the GOD OF PEACE crush satan soon and swiftly under your feet!
(See Romans 16:20.)

10. Principles of LOVE

The greatest truth of all eternity is this: Jesus loves me this I
know, for the Bible tells me so! You will never outgrow your need to
receive and release the love of God. Everyone everywhere has a love
deficit – so watch the Love of CHRIST change the world, starting with
me and with you! More love means more power! More love means more of
Jesus Christ given away to the world. You can have great faith for the
harvest, but is it working through love in your life? Expect to see
more broken-hearted lovers filling our churches in these days of
Heaven on earth – the GLORY REVIVAL is upon us. Be ready, my friend!
For all we need is faith working through love (Galatians 5:6)!

Lord Jesus, release to the hungry and passionate ones these principles
of revival! Empower your awakened Bride to run to the harvest with
great faith and overflowing love! Amen!

Please note that the Lord did not give me verbatim these 10
principles, only that He will release these and that we should seek
and ask for God to give us these spiritual keys to unlock revival
glory for our nation. It may be that after more research the Lord will
enlighten us further, but these are those principles taught by Finney
and that have been burning in my spirit since the encounter. May this
be pleasing to the Lord and to His hungry people.

(For more resources and study on the life and teaching of Charles
Finney, see below.)

Brian Simmons
Apostolic Resource Center (ARC) & Stairway Ministries

Brian and Candice Simmons have been described as pioneers, prophets,
and pastors. As a spiritual father and mother, their teaching and
prophetic gifts have opened doors in many nations to take the message
of authentic awakening and revival to many. For the last 35 years they
have labored to present Christ in His fullness wherever God sends
them. As an apostolic couple they have pioneered church plants for
many years with a tribal people group, planted churches in New
England, and helped to translate the New Testament into the Kuna
language. Brian is the founder and director of Apostolic Resource
Center (ARC) based in New England, and they have established Stairway
Ministries under which they travel full-time. Brian is the author of
numerous books which reveal depths of insight that the Holy Spirit has
released for the last days.

More About Charles Finney:

I compiled these 10 principles from Charles Finney from many sources.
There isn't one message that he taught giving these 10 principles, but
rather they became a summary of his revival ministry. His years of
"burning" were about 10-12 years (1824-1836), then he became a
professor and later president of Oberlin College in Ohio in 1851.
There are hundreds of Finney's sermons online, most of which are
listed in his books (or books about him).

Here are some great links for more study on the life of Charles
Finney: (This is a great resource for
much of his teaching material.) (Another web site loaded with
info, you can spend a day on this one!) (This would be
one of the best summary pages; however, it is not written from a
Believer's perspective.)
Charles+finney (This page would be a good starting point for a
summary from a Christian perspective.)
?ID=405 (Strictly from an evangelical view, not charismatic or

If you google 10 principles of Finney's revivals , from this page you
can go into dozens of others pages.

For the serious student; this link gives about everything written on
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