Congress to exempt themselves from Obamacare

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Jul 28, 2009, 10:11:07 AM7/28/09
 waaaaaait for it, here it comes,the other shoe is about to drop. OH GUESS WHAT! our congressmen will be EXEMPT from having to be forced to participate in the ovamit's hell care plan!!! you knew that was coming didn't you! we should be MAD, AMERICA and quit sitting on our duffs. time to stand up and stand together for surely we WILL all be HANGED together, sound familiar? it should. another outraged person once said this against another MAD bully tyrant. time to do what they did? you betcha!

Congressman Fleming: What's Good for the Goose...

Update: Welcome Michelle Malkin readers! Look around, as long as you're here!

Via My Bossier, Congressman Fleming has proposed a Resolution which states that members of Congress must also participate in whatever health care plan they choose for the rest of us:

Under the current draft of the Democrat healthcare legislation, members of Congress are curiously exempt from the government-run health care option, keeping their existing health plans and services on Capitol Hill. If Members of Congress believe so strongly that government-run health care is the best solution for hard working American families, I think it only fitting that Americans see them lead the way. Public servants should always be accountable and responsible for what they are advocating, and I challenge the American people to demand this from their representatives.

If you agree with me, sign our online petition below and together we will work to ensure that any plan that is good enough is for American families is good enough for every member of Congress.

View Resolution

It IS curious that they would exempt themselves from the plan, no? Why is that, do you think? Not good enough?
Dear Leader can't be happy today. His health care plan has been shelved "until further notice" as Blue Dog Democrats stand against it, and just yesterday Cap 'n Tax got shelved until at least September.
Jim Geraghty at NRO points out that "if you juggle too many plates at once, sooner or later one or more comes crashing to the floor." Colin Powell had the same sentiment when he said last week, "I think one of the cautions that has to be given to the president -- and I've talked to some of his people about this -- is that you can't have so many things on the table that you can't absorb it all," he said. "And we can't pay for it all."
One has to wonder about Obama's overly ambitious agenda. Is he attempting to accomplish as much as he can while he has the support of a Democratic Congress? With his approval numbers dropping (although is overall numbers are still pretty good), possibly he is beginning to feel the heat?
Victor Davis Hanson has a piece this morning that suggests voters are beginning to understand that our President does in fact have flaws and simply cannot go around constantly apologizing for American sins, spending like a drunken sailor, blaming the previous administration for EVERYthing, take no personal responsiblity for ANYthing, and continually operate on the principal that "the ends justify the means."
It might be time for Obama to slow down and rethink his game plan and his outlook. I don't think that will happen, quite honestly. His normal practice has been the arm-twisting Chicago way and it is possible that his being out of the country and preoccupied with foreign affairs has left him unable this week to wrangle these initiatives through. That's our good fortune. I've never seen Obama admit at mistake, either. He blames someone else or feigns ignorance ("I never knew Reverend Wright to be like that! That's not the man I knew!")
Back to Congressman Fleming, he's got the right idea with regard to the health care issue. If it's not good enough for Congress, it's not good enough for us. During his "town hall" meeting last month Obama was asked if nationalized health care would be good enough for his family:
[Dr. Orrin] Devinsky asked the president pointedly if he would be willing to promise that he wouldn't seek such extraordinary help for his wife or daughters if they became sick and the public plan he's proposing limited the tests or treatment they can get. The president refused to make such a pledge, though he allowed that if "it's my family member, if it's my wife, if it's my children, if it's my grandmother, I always want them to get the very best care.
So, I'm guessing Obama won't be signing Congressman Fleming's Resolution?
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Congress to exempt themselves from Obamacare

Topics: Political News and commentaries
In other words, Congress is saying that nationalized healthcare is good for you and me but not good enough for them: Congressmen will be exempt from Obamacare and get to keep their present coverage:
Under the current draft of the Democrat healthcare legislation, members of Congress are curiously exempt from the government-run health care option, keeping their existing health plans and services on Capitol Hill.


Disgusting. Hypocritical. This miserable POTUS and those who elected him and continue to support him and his entire staff should be run out of the country.
If only that was possible. However, being the good citizens that we who see the truth about these people are, we need to make sure their exodus from office starts in 2010 and continues through 2012. Our country cannot survive too many more years of Barack Obama and Democrat-controlled Congress.
Congress nor the president should be able to pass law, policy, or otherwise, that they can exempt themselves from. You frigging democrat idiots wanted change well in spite of God you got it!!! I am tired of seeing my worked for, tax payed money being handed off to low lifes who refuse to fend for themselves. Welfare was intended to be a program to help people get back on their feet not a damn career. It is these same thugs (and yes I mean THUGS) that vote for these worthless idiots that keeps people like me and thinking Americans beat down. Social Security was such a great program to help in retirement but the idiots in Congress didn't think it was good enough for them. After using the money (that does NOT belong to them) to bail out Chrysler years ago, they also justified using this money to $700,000 on a get-a-way for government employees recently. Who the hell do these people think they are??? Now we have the health care BS they want to feed us (supported by working, tax paying Americans) they exempted themselves from. I know I am preaching to the choir on this blog but if you voted for these thugs, you are part of the problem and as far as I am concerned you too are a THUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can well rest assured that no one associated with Hyscience voted for Obama or a non-moderate Democrat. As for the commenters, the majority most likely voted the same way.
I was sure of that but had to rant in hopes the demo idiots would reply. Apparently, they (the demo voters) would prefer a government hand out as opposed to taking pride in working for what they have. Nonetheless, thanks for the reply and take care!

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