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The 360° Network

May 5, 2010, 4:11:45 AM5/5/10
to The 360° Network, sol...@the360network.com
Thank you so much for choosing to join us. Special thanks to you who
were able
to join us at the 360° Linkup and all the previous events!

We hope that we are helping you to develop into the best that you can

In case you haven't noticed, we have made improvements to the website
http://the360network.com/. Please visit and check out these new

1. You can now create an account by clicking the "Register" button.
You can then
add your comments any articles and even write your own articles. You
will also
be able to interact with other members registered on the site.

2. Yo can also safely login to the website using your Facebook account
clicking on " Connect with Facebook " button.

3. If you like an article, you can always share it with your Facebook
friends by
clicking the "Like" icon at the beginning and end of the article.

4. Once every week, we post a Tusker Malt Lager sponsored Quote of the
week to
inspire you.

5. We have provided for more life changing quotes in the "Nuggets of

6. Everyday we continue to post life changing quotes and articles at
Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=93616658334 .
Please feel
free to comment and share or add your own comments

7. You can check the weather forecast (yes) on the website.

8. You can view upcoming events and update your calendar.

9. You can subscribe to our RSS feed at (http://the360network.com/?
feed=rss2) so
you can automatically receive updates when we post new items.
10. You can also follow us at twitter (http://twitter.com/

Feel free to share with us your experience so we can make the site
even more
user friendly!

Of course we are continuing with our weekly cycling practice for Tour
Kampala. Join us every Sunday at Kololo Airstrip at 4pm. For those
with kids
under 5, they are safe at the airstrip if you can come with a
caretaker. Older
kids can safely bike at the airstrip until we return.

For details and further clarification please call Solomon 0772535215,
0772403507 and Carol 0701565876 or email in...@the360network.com


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