Where do we go from here

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con hol

May 15, 2009, 4:08:51 AM5/15/09
to The XaraLX Development Group
Are we doing the documentation that was discussed earlier? Since I'm
no coder that's what I'm capable of doing anyway.

Looking at the xaralx to-do list at http://xaralx.org/Developers/tasks-remaining-prior-to-10.html
there isnt much that can be done by the non-coder. Translations
could be doable.

What do you have in mind Gemini?


May 15, 2009, 10:15:30 AM5/15/09
to The XaraLX Development Group
We can discuss the best way to set-up a documentation environment. It
is definitely a good idea.
As far as that list... In my opinion, the entire svg function is not
the most important, even though it was for so long. As I have said in
the past, the import and export functions work.. it is just all the
functions in between that are missing, i.e. support for gradients, and
transparencies, etc.

Id like to see some work done on the brushes area, as well as the
pressure sensitivity. XaraLX functions much like the earliest versions
of basic Xara Extreme. Even though it has not been worked on in quite
a while.. it is still a very usable application with much
functionality. It is still a heavy contender in the game.

I think the most important areas to work on at first stage... is to
think on how to gain attention. How do we go about getting the word
out, about what we are looking to do? How do we get people to sign a
kind of petition? How do we go about setting up a donation option?
The key element here, is showing Magix that reviving work on XaraLX
would be worth it.. (getting the source code would help alot too)

One main thing I want to put clear, is that this entire project
should be kept separate from LGU as it would quickly cause LGU to look
like a XaraLX fanboy site. And would also be to singular and cause LGU
to become a XaraLX-centric area. It would be viewed as favoritism.

Another key... "How do we attract independent Linux devs" Simple:
with $$
It is well known that the Linux Devs available and willing these days
is dwindling. Some of the cause could be the current state of the
economy. There just aren't that many people out there these days, who
can afford, or have time to dedicate hours and hours of work for free.
They need companstation, and it is not all that hard to understand.
Another thing they need... is praise. Much more praise than whining
from users about what doesn't work or a heap of "when will it work"
questions. DO we need an entire corp. of developers? No, one or two
skilled developers would more than suffice. One feature at a time,
nice clean and organized code and processes. Much more than that, and
egos can come into play and wreak havoc on the entire project.

Upon finding one or two developers.. comes the need for a time
tracking system. Some way for them to be able to log the time they put
into development for the project. It might not be as hard as we think
to find a couple developers... as long as they know it would be a
nice, laid-back way for them to make some extra cash. Some form of
paperwork will need to be drawn up... agreements, etc. A developer
should be able to expect to get paid, and at the same time... users
should be able to expect to see results from money being paid out for
quality coding.
So, it is vital to the entire project from the start... to have all
these things well thought out and planned, and in place before
anything begins. If it is done after the fact... it creates problems
and leads to losing any dedication and gives a bad name to the entire
thought of such a project, yet again. And this time, I think the
damage would be even worse than any original problems of the project's

Another important key to this having any chance of being
successful... is to get people involved (even if only for advice here
and there) who actually know what the hell they're talking about.
The entire history of the XaraLX project, has been obscured over the
internet, and there are certain ways (right ways) to go about the
entire matter. We want to launch from a good, solid footing, and keep
the momentum of positive progress alive from the very beginning.
I am already, fully aware there will be opposition to this project
for a variety of reasons from the start... My word of caution and
experience.... "Don't feed into it" and "Don't get sucked or drawn
into a fight" no matter how much you try, the results will always be
negative. "Kill them with kindness" and ignore those attempting to
undermine the goals of the project. We should be far to busy to engage
in any heated debates anyway.

Over time, the project will (hopefully) require some serious web-
space of it's own... A blog, forums (LGU could be used as user forums
so that is already clear) Attracting people with a fair amount of tech
knowledge concerning XaraLX will be crucial. It will require it's own
presence much like that of any other graphics software, which is very
appealing to the user's eye and sophisticated, yet easy to navigate
and understand.

That's all I have on thoughts for the very moment... As you can see,
my mind is already bubbling with so many thoughts on this... and I
need to put it all into some order. Just the thought of even the
slightest potential at being successful in reviving the development of
XaraLX is very exciting to me. So, I have to organize it all, and put
it all into steps or the whole thing becomes just a pointless waste
and senseless dribble. haha

One major, and key figure I would love to attract to this group, is
Charles Moir. Even if only to get his input and tips in certain steps
to take at a time... To keep our thoughts in a reality check. He may
even completely refuse... he has dealt with more than his share of
frustration over this in the past and may have no desire to be
associated with any of it at all, again.

What I will do from here, is make a post asking that anyone
interested in this project to add their name and then put out invites
to this group to each of those people at LGU, and then begin making
the same post at other places....

con, you are an owner here so.. make sure you are putting anything
you want here... thoughts, ideas, etc..... let's handle this like
people with a mutual interest and not in a way where I am mistaken as
the overall ruler/leader haha.... I like it better when people dont
come to me to ask what "I" want to do. I am not the best person to
have a mob following.. things could get ugly really fast haha.

On May 15, 3:08 am, con hol <conhols...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are we doing the documentation that was discussed earlier? Since I'm
> no coder that's what I'm capable of doing anyway.
> Looking at the xaralx to-do list athttp://xaralx.org/Developers/tasks-remaining-prior-to-10.html
> there isnt much that can be done by the non-coder. Translationshttp://xaralx.org/Developers/translating-xara-xtreme-for-linux.html


May 15, 2009, 10:19:37 AM5/15/09
to The XaraLX Development Group
A little more on the svg comments I made... I had spoken with Carl
Worth a while back on my thoughts about the svg functionality issues
and while he was uncertain about the fact to it... he mentioned it
could be quite possible. The svg functionality is and was a bit over-
rated. xar and svg are two completely different formats. Inkscape has
full svg functionality, because that is the format it was build
around... We don't see Inkscape making any attempts to bring a xar
import/export functionality, do we?
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