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Feb 3, 2014, 2:10:39 AM2/3/14

Amazing news: we have a serious chance to beat the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and stop the biggest corporate power grab in a decade.
Just this week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that he opposes the fast track authority the Obama administration wants to negotiate the deal with limited Congressional oversight. This is great news: the TPP is being called a free trade agreement, but it's really a corporate wish-list attacking everything from environmental and labor rights protections to affordable medicines to internet freedoms
But we can't declare victory yet: the House of Representatives is the key battle, where Republican leaders are still trying to ram the deal through. More and more representatives are distancing themselves from the TPP because they're hearing from their constituents, so we need to to keep up the pressure. Even if you've already made a call, please take a few moments to call your representative and say why you oppose fast track and the TPP.
Can you call your representative, Mark Pocan, at (202) 225-2906 today and tell him to vote NO on fast track?
Kaytee and the team at SumOfUs
Here's the email we originally sent out about fast track authority:
Our democracy could suffer a huge blow this month -- Congress is preparing to sign away its authority on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal that reads like a corporate lobbyist’s wildest dream.
The TPP would make it easier for corporations to sue our government, prevent regulation of GMOs, and keep people in impoverished countries from accessing life-saving medicines. And worst of all, the full text of the deal has been kept secret from the public, and even Congress doesn’t have full access -- even though hundreds of corporate lobbyists who have helped write the agreement do!
Now President Obama is trying to ram this deal through by seeking “fast-track” authority, which would prevent Congress from making any changes to the deal and stifle any debate. Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle have spoken out against fast track authority, and if we can get more Democrats to join them, we’ll have a real chance to stop this corporate power grab.
Can you call your representative today and tell them to stop fast-track?
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is called a trade deal, but it's really a corporate wish-list aimed at attacking everything from environmental protections to affordable medicines to internet freedoms.
If the deal is signed, future laws designed to protect consumers, our health or our environment could be challenged by corporations that claim that the law reduces their profit -- and there is nothing we or our governments could do to stop them.
Corporate lobbyists and government insiders are keeping the text of the deal secret because they know that if the full details got out into public view, we wouldn't like what we saw. Even Congress can’t see the bill, but the Obama administration wants authority to negotiate without any oversight. But we already know enough through leaks to know it's really bad. We can't let this sail through without public scrutiny, and the only way we can give the public time to review the bill is by stopping fast track now!
Thanks for all you do,
Kaytee, Paul, Rob, and the team at SumOfUs
SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.

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