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Nov 22, 2013, 3:43:17 PM11/22/13

Carl F. Worden
November 21, 2013
As an insurance professional with 40 years in the business, I can tell you precisely how ObamaCare was made possible: It was your very own state Department of Insurance.
Insurance regulation and oversight is a state’s right. There is nothing in the Constitution which gives the federal government authority to regulate insurance matters, and because no such authority exists, the Tenth Amendment in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights firmly forbids federal incursion into matters related to insurance of any kind.
Having written that, ObamaCare was made, “necessary”, because your state Department of Insurance failed to do their job to protect you from unethical insurers.
At one time, the California Department of Insurance was one of the most respected and feared in the entire nation. Before they admitted an insurer to sell insurance to state residents, they carefully scrutinized the ethical and financial condition of the company. They carefully scrutinized the wording of each insurance contract before they approved the contract for sale to California residents, and if a California insurance consumer filed a complaint with the Department of insurance, alleging the insurer did not comply with the terms of their own approved contract or had violated California’s Fair Claims Practices Laws, the insurance investigators would review the complaint, and if found valid, they would order the insurance company to pay the claim. They don’t do that anymore -- not effectively anyway.
If you listen carefully to those who still manage to defend ObamaCare, one of the reasons they give for implementing it is because insurance companies were writing policies that could be canceled on the anniversary date -- even if the consumer had developed a serious medical condition and would be uninsurable after the coverage canceled! So in a case where a person developed cancer and began receiving treatment, the insurer could simply elect to non-renew their coverage on the anniversary date and avoid further liability.
If your state department of insurance allowed that insurer to sell you such a policy, they obviously didn’t do their job. Don’t blame the insurance companies, because it is their job and legal duty to provide their shareholders with the highest possible legal profits, and as I’ve written many times before, if it can be abused, it most certainly will be abused! It was your own, state taxpayer-funded department of insurance that was trusted and tasked to prevent such poorly written policies to be sold to you, and nobody is pointing the finger at them because in most cases, the public isn’t aware of what their duties and responsibilities are.
Carl F. Worden
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