Extensive Cell Phone Use Can Triple Brain Cancer

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May 18, 2014, 4:18:03 PM5/18/14
to the-sni...@googlegroups.com

Extensive cell phone use can triple brain cancer

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/045170_brain_cancer_cell_phones_radiation.html#ixzz322cI2a00

(NaturalNews) Questions continue to arise about cell phones and their contribution to certain cancers. Even the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has raised some concern about extensive cell phone use. The NCI explains that cell phones emit radio frequency energy in the form of non-ionizing radiation. In other words, a cell phone basically lets off radio waves which are absorbed by the nearest tissues of the body. If a person carries a phone in their pocket all day long, energy can be absorbed into the person's side and midsection.

How does this energy affect the cells over time?

Does this constant exposure disrupt cellular processes, especially when held up to the brain?

While the NCI says that a cell phone's non-ionizing radiation has not been proven for carcinogenic activity, other studies may prove otherwise.

More than 15 hours of cell phone use per month may triple brain cancer risk

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Americans cannot think that the Islamic revolution is a Middle Eastern or European problem. Muslims understand only one thing: total & complete conquest of the West and America, and of anyone who does not bow to them and their dangerous out-of-date theology of hate and revenge.    
<Dr. David Jeremiah, What in the World Is Going On, pg 72>
     Can God bless a Godless America?
The answer is NO.  If the churches of this nation will not repent -- why should God bless a nation that spits in His
Face and kicks Him out of the country while His followers sit idle on their hands and remain silent in the face of evil?

  < http://swordattheready.wordpress.com/2014/05/07/god-bless-a-godless-and-wicked-america/ >

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