You @%#*$ RACIST !!!!!

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Jan 21, 2014, 5:07:49 PM1/21/14

RACIST!!! is the first thing out of a liberal's mouth EVERY time he finally realizes he can't logically confront any question about the dichotomy of Obama vs. competency in the office of PotUS.  It's always the disconnect that thwarts any criticism of the usurper's competency.  It's always their final answer to any argument they can't logically discuss with any expectation of winning, based strictly on fact.  However the real racist today is the liberal who deliberately pulls that stunt, who can't rationally and factually face the truth about the liar-in-chief and his terrible effect on the republic.

And because of that insidious phenomenon we have come to recognize as irrational "white guilt," the accusation is nearly always effective in killing any rational discussion whenever liberals feel threatened by the facts.  White people, especially, have got to get over their self-hatred for being born white.  If every other color has the right to feel irrational pride in their color, then SO DO WHITE PEOPLE!!!  The overwhelming difference has always been that white people have every reason to feel pride in their color because the white race is responsible for nearly every original cultural and scientific advance in the history of civilization, barring the ancient asians, who contributed nearly as richly to the advance of civilization.

The effects of affirmative action and reverse discrimination are finally coming home to roost in America and that's not good for any white person who wants to remain free.



He Really Hates Us

January 21, 2014 by Ben Crystal  
He Really Hates Us
Less than a week before the Nation observed Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, The New Yorker published a story about President Barack Obama. Editor David Remnick asked the obvious question about Obama’s abysmal approval ratings. Sitting in the shadow of King’s dream of a color-blind society that is united in harmony, Obama played the race card: “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President.”
Of course Obama played the race card. Excepting those occasions when the target is someone like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, world-renowned surgeon Ben Carson or some other black person who demonstrated the temerity to allow their accomplishments to speak for themselves, the Democrats default to spurious accusations of racism faster than Texas State Senator Wendy “Abortion Barbie” Davis can shriek “war on women!”
I almost feel bad for our poor President. Facing public approval that is folding faster than Vice President Joe Biden playing Jeopardy!, Obama assumes his detractors must be motivated by what he calls racial animus. It has never occurred to him that his detractors might be motivated by myriad scandals that have come to define his tenure. In Obama’s mind, the Obamacare debacle, the Benghazi murders, unfettered National Security Agency spying on private citizens, politically motivated Internal Revenue Service harassment of innocent taxpayers, Fast and Furious gunrunning to narcoterrorists, and/or the arming of al-Qaida-affiliated Syrians are insufficient to explain the increasing disaffection Obama endures from the electorate.
What a shame that is — not just because it’s dishonest and crass, but because Obama’s tendency to blame racism for everything from political opposition to parking fines reveals a deeper (and actual) animus.
This guy simply doesn’t like us.
And Obama is hardly alone. Late last week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo fantasized about an Empire State free of people who believe in the sanctity of human life. “(C)onservatives who are right-to-life… have no place in the state of New York.” While New York, which has been hemorrhaging population to “red” States over the past few decades, has become increasingly inhospitable to non-liberals, it’s no California. In declaring pro-life citizens to be personae non gratae, Cuomo has essentially given the bum’s rush to the members of his electorate who recognize that there’s more to New York than Manhattan, the Hamptons and the Governor’s mansion. While Cuomo didn’t identify racism as a factor, there’s no mistaking his clear distaste for the millions of people who think life begins before you’re eligible for union membership.
This liberal hatred for the overwhelming majority of their fellow countrymen and women begs a question. In the case of Obama: What kind of man ascends to the highest office in the land despite absolutely despising half the population? For that matter, what kind of man would want to spend the loftiest moments in his career — indeed, his life — in a job that requires he interact with 150 million people (more like 190 million of late) whom he hates more than Martin Bashir (and pretty much every liberal) hates Sarah Palin?
I expect I can add that question to the miles-long list of questions to which Obama will never provide a satisfactory answer. I expect I can add that question to the miles-long list of questions about which Obama doesn’t care.
–Ben Crystal
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