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The Sentry

Feb 8, 2022, 3:00:33 PM2/8/22
to the-s...@googlegroups.com

Real life stories. Documents. Quotes.


It is being reported in the media that the mosdos of the second largest chassidus in Eretz Yisroel will be changing-over to become “Chassidi Mamlachti.” They will change the curriculum to now include advanced mathematics and science, English, Ivrit etc., what is known as the “Liba Curriculum.” Additionally they will be under the complete control of the Education Department and their inspectors. The terms of the agreement is simple; correlating to the amount of Liba that will be learned in each institution, will be the amount of government funding received.   

Besides the danger to the nine thousand tinnokos shel beis rabban who are currently in the institutions, and the future children who will be enrolled in the chassidus’s mosdos, there is a much greater danger. Only two days after the story broke in the media, the Department of Education publicized an offer to all chareidi mosdos to increase their secular studies and consequently their funding. Once a hole was created in the boat of the chareidi mosdos, and no fierce reaction was issued, the government saw that they have a green light to proceed.

The negotiator of this deal was MK Turpaz from Lapid’s party “Yesh Atid”, who was in an important position of education in Yerushalayim, this is what he said; “I am happy to announce that after a year of leading quiet negotiations on behalf of the Department of Education, [Chassidus] B. has come to final terms to institute a process that includes studying the Liba [Curriculum] for the boys. The goal is to begin in the coming school year. Chassidus B. is the second largest Chassidus in Israel. Their Vaad Hachinuch came to me and said; most of our students need the study of science, English and mathematics on a high level [for two reasons]; to receive funding, and also to prepare their children for the workplace. They are overcoming the [issue of] studying English, which is banned by many chareidim.  

We are speaking about an important and dramatic process. I am confident that this process is the beginning of significant change in the chareidi community. I predict that the success with B. will pave the way for other boys’ schools to study Liba. Additional chassidussin are standing in line and watching B. [saying] ‘If they enter, we should also follow suit.’ I am a Tzioni Dati from the Yesh Atid party, and I extend my hand to my chareidi brothers and attempt to assist them.”

And to sum it all up Turpaz stated; “Mikadmim shinui, matchilim b’chinuch – To advance change, one must start with the chinuch.”

The Brisker Rav famously wrote that the act of changing over chareidi mosdos from the status of “Mosdos Petur” which are institutions that are outside of government control to become “Mamlachti Chareidi”, which is directly under the authority of the state, is “Sof hashmadas haTorah – absolute destruction of the Torah.”


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