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The Sentry

Jan 12, 2022, 2:42:19 PM1/12/22
to the-s...@googlegroups.com

Real life stories. Documents. Quotes.


The Arab political party Ra’am has ended their stalemate regarding voting for the new draft law. The coalition therefore has a majority that is willing to vote for the law, and they plan to bring the law for a vote in the coming days. The old draft law was set to expire on Jan 6, so the Minister of Defense requested of the Supreme Court to extend the old law. This is the eleventh extension, and it highlights the masterful thwarting of their plans by The Master.

As reported, the new proposed draft law is only a temporary solution. A released Defense Department documents reveal a long-term overhaul plan of the army draft. It states that the first Prime Minister explained that Israeli army service serves a dual function; military duty and the first country to also use the army as an educational tool. [This is factually incorrect, as the Russsian army was used extensively as a brainwashing institution.] It explains that the army was the country’s melting pot, the place where various groups were brought together and re-formed to create a united Zionist people. However today, a more efficient means is needed to bring the chareidi and Arab groups into the educational faction of state service.

They are therefore proposing National Service to be mandatory for all; secular, Arab and chareidim, boys and girls. They believe that National Service will be more easily tolerated by the chareidi public than military service. National Service also provides the Zionist educational aspect, as one who serves the state develops a strong connection to the ideal that they are serving. To underscore this point; about ten years ago a government minister proclaimed; “I have no doubt that the children of those who today are doing National Service will yet serve in Tzahal.”

This document also highlights the idea that the state has no need for soldiers at all, and the primary motive for the draft law is to affect the mindset of the chareidi community. As such, it is a law which seeks to spiritually undermine the Torah, otherwise known as a gezeiras shmad. It should be noted that according to the new proposed law, everyone without exclusion must serve the state. Even the select group of “Masmidim” who will be allowed to learn, are being given the opportunity to do so as service to the state.

The law also calls for girls to do state service. They note that [as feared], chareidi girls are anyways doing work similar to national service, so there is no reason that they can’t do it as service to the state. The Chazon Ish famously said that even if the girls would be given the task of making tzitzis in the most religious of schools under the watch of top teachers, if it is done as service to the state it’s included in the prohibition of yei’hareg v’al ya’avor of National Service.


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