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The Sentry

Feb 1, 2022, 2:50:35 PM2/1/22
to the-s...@googlegroups.com

Real life stories. Documents. Quotes.


u When one sends their child to a Mosad HaTorah it is with the intent that they progress in limud HaTorah, midos tovos, yiras Shamayim etc. Of course another important goal of a mosad is to protect the child from foreign influences. But now the “Chareidi” Department of Education has introduced computers into the classrooms of a massive school network in Eretz Yisroel. The content of what will be shown on the screens is obviously controlled by the “Chareidi” Department. According to the Department of Education the program is; “Designed the break the barriers that exist between the world outside the school and the world inside the school… It will help prepare the students of Israel to deal with future challenges, both local and global; economics, cultural, and defense. It will also assist the students to integrate into society, and to be successful in the business world.”

u It has been ten years since the passing of Rav Dovid Nachman Blau z”l who was one of the directors of Chinuch Atzmai, and oversaw tens of Talmudei Torah in the north and the south of Eretz Yisroel. He was also politically associated with Agudas Yisroel. Fifteen years ago, at the very onset of the government’s meddling in the chareidi chinuch Rav Blau held the following newspaper interview; “The State of Israel exists, and we – Chareidi Jewry need representation in it in order to protect our interests. But the truth is that this doesn’t help much. Whoever is knowledgeable today with what is occurring with the gezeiros against the chareidi chinuch, and we who are in the field are living through this daily, knows that we are undergoing an awesome galus.

Chareidi Jewry is totally reliant on the state funding. In the early years of the state they gave pennies. [However] with the passing years, those pennies grew. Even then I argued that this is no good, and who knows where this will lead us. Yesterday I heard from a first-hand source that now there is a new decree on the horizon, and it is very close to being implemented. The decree is, that all chareidi mosdos without exception must accept upon themselves to study the ‘Liba Curriculum’, without any shortcuts or schemes that existed until now.

On the day that the Talmudei Torah began to accept support from the state, I said; ‘If I had children of the Talmud Torah age, I would remove them from the Talmud Torah of Chinuch Atzmai and place them in the Talmud Torah of Neturei Karta.’ For the moment that they give the state such absolute control over the budget, it is to be assumed that its emissaries will seek to uproot the base of the traditional Torah chinuch.

I would like to make a calculation with you; we are dealing with thirty million dollars. We can get the thirty million dollars from the rich and not from the state. Besides, I hope that they will not be angered if I say that our mosdos, while enjoying state funding, have begun to live more lavishly. It is permitted to be more modest.

I cannot advise the menahalim of the mosdos. It is a difficult situation. There is nothing to say. If they would listen to me [however], I would advise that we should disengage [from the funding] today. There are chareidim today who are among the wealthiest, here and abroad. It is possible to turn to them in place of placing all our hope on the government and its funding. My evaluation is; acccording to the slippery slope that we find ourselves on today, our situation is extremely not good and not simple at all.”


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