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The Sentry

Aug 18, 2021, 8:01:31 AM8/18/21
to the-s...@googlegroups.com

Real life stories. Documents. Quotes.


Although Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, they are seeing an increase in new COVID cases. PM Bennet went on a public campaign to blame the unvaccinated and said, “They are harming all of us.”


Former newswoman Oshrat Cotlar went on the counterattack. She wrote; “The vaccinated are getting infected and infecting others with corona. Therefore, precisely on what basis are you demanding of a million people who are apprehensive of the vaccine to go a get vaccinated? I was vaccinated and I got a frightening inflammation in an artery of the heart. Until today I suffer   from it. And there are thousands across the land just like me!”


Cotlar added; “Forty thousand doctors across the world have expressed that the unvaccinated are not putting anyone into danger. I have stopped trusting the Ministry of Health after receiving false numbers from them three or four times. I advise all writers of health columns to strongly suspect the announcements of the Ministry of Health.”


In the U.S. top health officials are making the claim that “99% of current corona hospitalizations are of unvaccinated people.” Thus they blame the unvaccinated, and attempt to bully them into getting the shot. However, in Eretz Yisroel they are already admitting that a majority of cases are of fully vaccinated individuals. Dr. Koby Chaviv, who directs a hospital, has publicized that over 90% of their corona patients are fully vaccinated.



Address of Rav Yosef Zalman Bloch shlita, [son of Rosh Yeshivas Telshe Hagaon Rav Elya Meir zt”l] Rav of Lakewood Minyan [Monsey] and Rosh Kollel Eitz Chaim


Let me begin by saying that I am far from being an anti-vaxer. In fact all my children B”H have all the vaccines. In fact, my policy for mosdos that asked me has been, that they are entitled to insist that children be vaccinated in all of the old-fashioned vaccines. So my position is not anti-vax. I am now speaking specifically about the new COVID so-called vaccine. Let me begin by saying the following; I don’t really need to add to the discussion. Anybody who will study the subject intensely, who will do his own research, will see the truth, and will have such a pachad that there will be no discussion necessary. Sy [both] mi’tzad the mitzius, it’s horrendous and frightening what’s happening right now, and also what ch”v could happen in the next few years.


Benefit vs. Risk


The benefits of the vaccine are mamash a joke. Baruch Hashem without the vaccine things were fine. The entire matzav had subsided and everything was on a good matzav. For people below age seventy they said the recovery rate was over 99.5 [for young people it was 99.997], and there was very little sakanah. All of a sudden now they are pushing the vaccine, not stam, I don’t remember in my lifetime such a huge push of propaganda non-stop to get people to take it. That itself should show you something is fishy, something’s wrong here. And they’re pushing it even on children. One of the biggest chasdei Hashem was that children were completely absent from the picture. Baruch Hashem children didn’t get it. Now they want to push the COVID vaccine on children. Why?


Fake News


Now as I’ve said there is nothing to talk about, it’s not necessary to discuss this; if you do your research you’ll find the truth yourself. The problem is that the frumme oilam gets the newspapers, and they see a report from Associated Press, CNBC, Reuters, CBS, and they think they have the information. However, all the frumme newspapers get their information from the mainstream media. So they’re just regurgitating all of the shkarim that are coming from all of the goyishe sources, without any kind of information about the truth, or what’s really happening. Now, the frumme oilam doesn’t realize the amount of propaganda that’s being hoisted on the world. There is immense pressure now being employed to convince people to take this so-called vaccine. And people are unaware of the truth. Now of course, many people have a vested interest in pushing it, and there are many temimim that haven’t learned to mistrust the sheker, and they feel that if you’re against this vaccine you must be a prehistoric creature that doesn’t understand what’s going-on in the world, and you don’t understand the necessity for a vaccine. But that’s not the truth.


Real News


What’s happening is that in Eretz Yisroel they are having hospital admissions of hundreds of people a day. The doctors say they can’t talk, if they open their mouth the government will take away their license, or worse. There is a terrible milchamah going on; they want to push this vaccine. The dangers are o’yom v’norah. I’ll give you another hochachah how much sheker is going on. There are two 100% safe medications that help with corona, baduk u’menusah. One of them is Hydroxy-chloroquine, the other one is Ivermectin. The government has fought bitterly to prevent them from being used. They were previously easily accessible medications. Today it’s difficult to get them, because the doctors are afraid to prescribe them. Why? Because they cure corona. Why did they take away the medicines? The answer is that they wanted to push the vaccine. So this is not some conspiracy theory, it’s a metzius. You can see with your eyes what’s happening. Doctors who have spoken up have lost their practices, and they’re being rodef any doctor who wants to speak out about his experience. A doctor puts a short video online telling people to watch out because of his own experience, and it’s taken down within ten minutes. There’s a huge milchamah going on.


Aaay the Doctor


The problem is that the frumme oilam used to be the savviest, smart, on-the-ball oilam in everything that’s going on in the world. Our oilam, the chareidim, were ahead of everyone else in understanding what’s going on. Now the frumme oilam has become mamash tipshim, they don’t know what’s going on in the world. Their family doctor tells them to take this vaccine, and they take the vaccine. They don’t understand; your family doctor has no ne’emanus on this topic. A doctor called me and asked me; ‘Why are you telling people not to take the vaccine’ I said, ‘Because it’s poison’. He said; ‘Don’t you understand, they made a big chiddush over here.’ I told the doctor; ‘A chiddush, you’re telling me a positive point? You’re going to inject millions of people with a chiddush?!’ I told this doctor; ‘I want to tell you something Doctor; I‘m not calling you a liar, but every single person you’re relying on, all the way up the chain, including Dr Fauci, are lying. They’re all lying. And you’re telling people to take the vaccine?! What are you afraid of that you have to tell people to take the vaccine, of losing your license?’


K’chomer B’yad Ha’yotzer


The most prestigious medical magazines in the world, The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine, were the most reliable peer reviewed medical journals. They printed articles that were total garbage and lies against Hydroxy-chloroquine. For the first time in history, The Lancet had to retract a previously printed article, ah shandeh v’charpah. Why did they print it? They printed it as part of the propaganda. Now this is the point; it is not necessary for me to convince you, if you do your research you’ll be convinced long before you’re finished. You’ll be horrified long before you’re finished. The only thing I have to tell you is; DO YOUR RESEARCH! Don’t let someone inject you, your father, and your children with some kind of a stuff that you don’t know anything about. Your family doctor has no ne’emanus anymore. You have to do the research yourself. With this so-called vaccine, zul der Eibishter upheeten, there are some people die as soon as they get it. Some people die two weeks later. If they die two weeks later, right away the story is; ‘Oh, who said it was from the vaccine. It’s normal for a twelve year old child to die two weeks later. It’s normal for a forty year old person to die a few weeks later. Who said it has to do with the vaccine.’ Olam hafuch! By COVID if someone died six months later from a traffic accident, it was because of COVID. But if someone got the vaccine and lasted fifteen minutes before he keeled over, they say; ‘Who said it was from the vaccine, maybe it was something else.’ Sheker, sheker, sheker, sheker, sheker.


A Well-Grounded Decision?


People tell me; I have to take the vaccine because I want to go to Eretz Yisroel. Are you crazy? Is it worth taking a chance with your life to go to Eretz Yisroel? Again; this is not a vaccine, this stuff is terrible, terrible, terrible. What it’s doing to people is o’yom v’norah. And what scares me the most is that there are serious chashashos that some people may not be able to have children after taking this vaccine. It’s nogeiyah right now; women are having very weird, weird kinds of problems that have never been experienced before. Shomer nafshoh yirchak mei’hem. Do not go near this vaccine. Be very, very careful. It’s absolutely forbidden to take this vaccine, assur b’hechlet. Do your research, and you’ll see I’m right. Hashem yishmireinu and the Eibishter should quickly send a refuah shleimah to all the cholei amo Yisroel.


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