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The Sentry

Jul 13, 2021, 8:01:24 AM7/13/21
to the-s...@googlegroups.com

Real life stories. Documents. Quotes.


In Israel there has once again been an escalation in COVID restrictions. Simultaneously there has been an intense call for children [age 12 and up] to receive the COVID shot. PM Bennet has even circumvented the parents and directly appealed to children; “If you don’t want your vacation plans to be disturbed, go and get vaccinated today.” There has been speculation that this push has come on account of the looming expiration of the Pfizer doses that are sitting in Israel. Israel has made a hush agreement with Pfizer to receive the shots first, and in exchange to give over the results of the experimental shots back to Pfizer. It seems that they are interested in finishing the testing in all ages of the population.

COVID presents very minuscule danger to young people. The flu is actually 4x more deadly for youth under 20 years old than corona. And [for under 18 years old] the flu is accountable for 14x the amount of hospitalizations than corona. Yet there is extreme pressure for parents to give their children the shot. Some may argue that it is important to give children the shot, as this will prevent transmission of corona to people that are at high-risk. However, the shot has not been proven to prevent transmission of COVID to others. And according to Pfizer’s own data sheet; “Safety and efficacy data was either not tested or insufficient in children younger than 16 years old.”

As the shots are increasingly administered, an interesting trend is emerging. When a link seems to appear between the shots and a particular sudden illness, it is first denied. When a large group begins to clamor, the authorities agree to convene and discuss the issue. Following the meeting, they release that the illness is a very rare occurrence and it will be added to the list of possible side-effects. However they believe that the benefits outweigh the risks. Recently this was the case regarding heart inflammation [such as myocarditis] in young males.

Dr. Paul Alexander, former Health and Human Services [HHS] COVID Adviser, warns: “Do NOT give COVID shots to children!” Dr. A. Carmel of Laniado Hospital [Netanyah] is sharply warning; “There will be parents who will go to the grave of their child, and they will think that he died from corona. Yet, truthfully, he died from the vaccine.”

In Israel, ninety three doctors publicized a letter calling for the government to halt the idea of giving the shots to children. In the letter they write; “The first rule of medicine is; Do no harm!”… Furthermore they write; “The growing opinion among the scientific community, is that the vaccine cannot produce ‘herd immunity’. Therefore, there exists no ‘altruistic’ justification to vaccinate children in order to protect the at-risk population.” And; “We maintain that it is forbidden to endanger even a handful of children by means of mass vaccination against a sickness that is not dangerous to them… Furthermore; it cannot be ruled-out whether the vaccine will have long-term adverse affects that have yet to be discovered, including development and fertility.”

It is important to note that although these doctors represent just a fraction of the sum total of doctors, their opinion is quite important. Each doctor who did sign the letter, mustered enough courage to go against the tide of public opinion, and indeed risked their entire career in the process. It can therefore be assumed that they represent a massive number of health professionals who are pleading for levelheadedness.

Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l wrote the following [Sing You Righteous Chapter Five: The Scientists]; “Today’s intellectuals are not to be found in the universities, for the academicians of the present generation are intellectually barren. The simplest reasoning can upset some of their most prized theories. They claim to find no scientific evidence of certain matters, when in reality all evidence asserts the verity of these matters in the most unmistakable tones. When one shuts his eyes and stuffs his ears, he “finds” no evidence. What is known as the body of scientific opinion of today is a mutual agreement to admit only certain “evidence” and ignore the rest.”


Here is a letter from one of the doctors. It is a translation from the original Hebrew.


Dear Parents,  

My name is Dr. Pinky Feinstein. I am a psychiatrist and chair of the Israeli People's Committee.  I am the father of four beloved children who received the full childhood vaccines with my approval, as a physician. What I write to you here may sound strange and detached from reality to you, and [indeed] it really sounds like that.

Just keep in mind that if I am right, even if the chance is only partial, you should be very careful and protect your children from an irreversible move. Believe me you should.

For reasons in which the medical part is not clear at all, after the corona epidemic has apparently passed from Israel, and despite the accumulation of very worrying information about dangerous side effects, also in adolescents, including mortality, the Ministry of Health hastened to inject Israeli children aged 12-15 with this experimental material, whose testing will only end in two more years.

It is difficult to grasp the possibility that the Ministry of Health is making an unbalanced move that will endanger your children. I know it's inconceivable. We are used to relying on government systems to make decisions that are only in our favor. This is how we live here, usually.

At the moment, unfortunately, enormous resources are being invested in blurring the true picture of serious side effects in Israel in the reproductive, neurological, cardiac systems, as well as blood clotting. Hospitals are full of people who are suffering severe injuries after this vaccine, but this does not get media coverage at all. 

I will not wear you out with words, so as not to burden you. Today, hundreds of doctors in Israel are already expressing open and unequivocal opposition to the Pfizer vaccine in children. But the government ignores them. Thus also ignoring you.

And these are the facts; your children are not in danger at all from corona. Your children are in danger from receiving this substance for their bodies. They may suffer from lifelong disability and there are question marks about impairment in their ability to produce offspring later on. Their heart may be damaged to the point of needing a heart transplant. They may suffer from large blood clots, impaired vision, hearing, breathing and the onset of dormant diseases that their body could have prevented on its own. And this is a partial list. In the United States a number of teens also passed away after receiving this material.

I advise you not to volunteer your children for this. I recommend that you watch over them and protect them so that in the future you will not have to explain to them what you will not be able to explain. When it comes to our children we do not take risks, right?

Pass it on to anyone you care about. Because once the injection is done, there is no turning back… Not sure?  Hesitant? Here is my phone number [011]-972-53-620-0370. 

"And you should diligently watch over yourselves ..." "V'nishmartem l'nafshoteichem... 

 Dr. Pinky Feinstein


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