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The Sentry

Jul 12, 2021, 3:05:51 PM7/12/21
to the-s...@googlegroups.com

Real life stories. Documents. Quotes.


The 28th of Tammuz marks the 9th yartzeit of Maran Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv zt”l. Talmidim have noted, that while Rav Elyashiv would on occasion argue on the halachic rulings of gedolim of previous generations, regarding matters of hashkafah he would not veer one iota from the path that was handed down from the earlier generations.

Rav Elyashiv once wrote the following in honor of Rav Shach’s yartzeit; “Maran conducted many crusades of hashkafah. The central message that he left us is; not to divert a kutzo shel yud from the path that has been handed down to us from rabboseinu. Over this he toiled and exerted himself, and this we must guard more than anything. We cannot allow changes to tunnel into our community. And we can’t allow those who wish to create changes to succeed in their path. We must stand like a fortified wall and prevent them from doing as they wish.”

Rav Elyashiv added; “Perhaps some will say; ‘[Rav Shach’s] words were applicable for his time and generation, but not for all generations.’ [Truth be told] those who didn’t want to accept [his stances] already said this during Rav Shach’s lifetime. However, we must know that Zos haTorah lo t’hei muchlefes.’ [Kisvuni L’doros pg. 373]


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