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The Sentry

May 26, 2022, 11:50:12 AM5/26/22
to the-s...@googlegroups.com
Real life stories. Documents. Quotes.


We have all heard about the hazardous changes that are being proposed by the New York State Education Department to the mosdos hachinuch in New York. There are a few short days remaining [until the end of the month] of “comment period”, when letters regarding the proposed guidelines can be submitted. These letters, especially in large numbers, has a tremendous effect on the Board of Regents, which is the panel that votes on the guidelines.

Hagaon Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita has written a letter strongly encouraging all the send petitions asking that the proposed guidelines be voted down.

Please note; it is unnecessary to be a resident of New York in order to send a petition. This is because the Board of Regents is not an elected body. The effect of the petitions is purely because of public opinion, which is relevant even when coming from out-of-state residents.

Attached is a petition that has been reviewed and approved by Rabbonim and lawyers. It can be signed and emailed to central...@gmail.com. [Due to the short time remaining, emailing would be the ideal option.]

One can also mail it to:

New York State Education Department

Office of Counsel

89 Washington Ave.

Albany NY 12234

Last week Monday there was a Board of Regents meeting in Albany. A large group of Yidden and a number of Rabbonim traveled to the state capitol. During the meeting a rally was held outside. The rally included thousands of tinnokos shel bais rabban and bochurei hayeshiva, who stood there quietly and respectfully, showcasing a yeshiva system that successfully produces fine products and is not in any need of correction.

The board was humbly requested to ensure that Yidden can continue to control their systems of education, and not tamper with our traditions. Another important message was also conveyed; our religion dictates the particulars of our yeshiva system, what we learn and what we do not, for how long we study it and how we approach it. As much as we are loyal citizens, should we be faced with a choice between state and religion we will choose religion. Therefore, we ask that we can continue to run our yeshivas legally, and not be forced to break the law. 


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