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The Sentry

Jan 26, 2022, 8:01:00 AM1/26/22
to the-s...@googlegroups.com

Real life stories. Documents. Quotes.


u B”H a number of Batei Dinim have sat and heard testimony of both sides of the COVID vaccine debate and have issued various rulings of caution. One Beis Din was arranged exclusively to research this topic [Beis Din Meyuchad L’Birur Sakanas Chisunei Corona]. Another Bais Din in Ma’aleh Adumim sat and heard testimony from all involved parties. And another Beis Din joined together in the U.S tri-state area to gather information, and then formulated an extensive ruling. Hagaon Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita commented; “Those who are truly experts say that there is a sakana. I researched the topic in depth, and I am certain that whoever says that there is no sakana, either he does not know [the facts], or is not an expert.”

u The FDA assured the American public that they would be transparent regarding the licensing of the Pfizer shots. The FDA then requested of a judge that they be given until 2096 to release all the documents pertaining to the licensing, at a rate of five hundred pages a month. The irony of the story is that they took only 108 days to review and “confirm” the accuracy of the documents, but to just release them requires 75 years! It should be noted that some documents are stamped “Not reviewed by FDA”. Some have compared this outrage to a kashrus agency that approves a facility, while admitting that they do not review the operations at the site. B”H a federal court recently denied the request and ordered the FDA to release the documents at the rate of 55,000 per month.

u It may seem impossible to some to formulate an opinion regarding the COVID shot, after all how can a simple layman understand a complex drug concoction and its ramifications. Perhaps the following can shed some light even for such a person. Athletes are generally younger people in the health prime of their life. It is therefore quite rare for an active professional sportsman to die suddenly. Yet, a list has recently been compiled of 108 sport players from around the world who have suddenly died, starting from December 2020 when the COVID shots began to be administered. An additional 75 have suffered severe sudden injury, unrelated to their games.

Another example is airplane pilots. There is a magazine for pilots that records the death of active pilots. In 2019 they reported that one pilot died, and in 2020 six pilots died. However in 2021, following the vaccine mandate for pilots, over one hundred and ten pilots died.

u A Kol Korei was released a few months ago from eighteen Lakewood Rabbanim which states; “Regarding the new vaccines which were released recently against the coronavirus, our opinion is that, being that ample time has not yet passed to see and know the nature and outcomes of these vaccines, and moreover, recently, we have heard of serious adverse reactions which have occurred to individuals who have been vaccinated, and there are those who have died shortly after being vaccinated, therefore we are instructing those who ask us, that for now one should abstain from taking these vaccines.”


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