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The Sentry

Jun 25, 2021, 8:00:38 AM6/25/21
to the-s...@googlegroups.com

Real life stories. Documents. Quotes.


Translation of a letter written on the 21st of Sivan, by Hagaon Rav Yosef Binyamin Wosner shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin, Rav of the Zichron Meir neighborhood in Bnei Brak, and grandson of the Shevet Halevi

[In response] to the inquiry of many in our community

In light of the discussions and proposal to vaccinate children aged twelve and up, I present to you very briefly what has recently become additionally clear to me in the last few months. [In addition to what we spoke Thursday night Parshas Vayigash – Translator’s note; it can be heard on Kol Hachaim 718-223-5535, press 1, 2)

Following many long hours of gathering a massive amount of testimony concerning vaccine-related injuries and the vaccine’s effect, both positive and negative, whereas on one hand the sickness has almost completely stopped, and the authorities attribute this to the vaccines. And on the other hand, we are seeing all different types of side-effects [that have occurred] to men and women in all ages; deaths, body injuries at varying levels of severity, and varying severe levels of psychological harm, Hashem yerachem.

The above-mentioned testimonies were heard first-hand from senior doctors, veteran MDA and Hatzalah personnel, including an extremely veteran paramedic. During all the testimonies there were also present well-known doctors, who absolutely recommend the vaccines and were themselves vaccinated, as well as official documents and data that were publicized by various government ministries.

My conclusion is based solely on testimony, as per Torah law, obviously with the necessary evidence and scrutiny. [All this is] without my taking into account the predictions cited by various doctors and studies, both in Eretz Yisroel and the rest of the world, which foresee severe future side effects, may Hashem have mercy and watch over kol Beis Yisroel, rather, everything is based only upon the present facts.

And with [the required] combination of prudence and responsibility, [as well as] delving properly into the topic, we have BS”D come to the following conclusion;

1) As per the reasoning of my grandfather zatzal in his Sefer Shevet Halevi, the categorization of damages resulting from vaccines is one of ‘Me’ut Hamatzuy’ [a significant minority], which according to Halacha one is obligated to take into consideration. Therefore, under no circumstances and by any means should one coerce someone into getting the vaccine.

2) Those who have recovered from corona should be especially careful not to take the vaccine, because the danger [of negative reactions] is more common ch”v [in such people]. 

3) Al pi Torah it is an issur gamur v’chamur to permit [to], assist [in], or administer the vaccine for children. Whoever is capable of preventing this effort is required to do so, as it states “lo saamod al dam rayecha”, and he will thus attain many zechusim.

And in conclusion we ask from everyone to increase in Tefillah and Tachanunim that Hakodosh Baruch Hu watch amo Beis Yisroel from all trouble and sorrow, and from all plague and sickness, and may we soon merit witnessing the salvation of Hashem and the raising of the glory of the Torah and Yisroel.

Your friend who is concerned and crying out for you; have pity on yourself and your children.


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