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The Sentry

Jul 2, 2021, 1:20:50 PM7/2/21
to the-s...@googlegroups.com

Real life stories. Documents. Quotes.


For many years, the issue of desecrating graves [“Chitutei Shichvi”] in Eretz Yisroel has been a fierce battle. At times the decision to ignore the graves may be on account of convenience, as arranging construction around burial sites can cause complications. However, on a deeper lever, the secular see the issue as a battle over the belief of hasharas hanefesh and techias hameisim. And although this issue has been left mostly to the Anshei Yishuv Hayashan to deal with, it is a most concerning issue to all of Klal Yisroel.

Last week, in Gush Etzion there was a large protest against the desecrating of graves in the area. A number of elderly Gedolim arrived at the site; the Ga’avad of Yerushalayim, Hagaon Rav Yaakov Meir Shechter, Hagaon Rav Yehoshua Dovid Turchin and others. When their vehicles arrived, the police audaciously threw a number of stun grenades on the vehicles. Baruch Hashem they escaped unscathed. However, this act is a serious escalation of total liberty of the police to do as they will. Even amongst the nations of the world there is a standard of respect toward religious leaders, and such an unprovoked act is unthinkable.

On Tuesday a massive protest of tens of thousands was arranged in Yerushalayim, to cry out against the state that has no basic respect for living Talmidei Chachamim, and consequently no respect for buried kedoshim as well.


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