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The Sentry

Oct 27, 2022, 3:29:17 PM10/27/22
to the-s...@googlegroups.com


Real life stories. Documents. Quotes.


 Last week the Meron Committee released their recommendations to the government about how to conduct Lag Ba’Omer in Meron this coming year. The proposal basically reflects the past year’s system.

What indeed did happen in Meron this past Lag Ba’Omer? A short introduction is necessary. There are media personalities who are experts in “chareidi affairs.” They are experts at analyzing the happenings among the chareidi community. These media figures took a good look at the situation this past year in Meron. Interestingly, their focus on the government controlling Meron was not in regard to the safety aspect. Rather, they conveyed that Meron 2022 was nothing less than a showdown between the government and the chareidim. Will the chareidim finally accept the government as the authority over their lives and affairs?

And to this question the resounding answer was one big NO. From two o’clock in the afternoon on Lag Ba’Omer, the entire arrangement that was put in place to control Meron, one that took months prepare, at the cost of tens of millions shekel, was entire dismantled. The thousands of police officers on duty in Meron totally disappeared, and tens of thousands of yidden poured in to rejoice and daven. The ehrliche yidden took control of all the arrangements, and safely directed the event themselves. 

On the other hand, those who purchased the coveted tickets to Meron, suffered terribly. The authorities held busloads in waiting stations without providing even basic necessities, such as bathrooms and water. They made them wait for hours on the busses in the heat, for no apparent reason. Thus those who opted to follow the authorities were also enlightened to the bitter truth; the government is not one to be allowed to control chareidi affairs, period.

The lesson that emerged was a general idea that has been proven over the years; if you give the government a finger, they will want a hand. However if you tell them NO to their demands, then there is very little that they can do to force a large population to do something against their will.


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