Links for Resources for COC’s The Role of Equity and Diversity in Early Childhood Education OER Textbook

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Jennifer Paris

Aug 4, 2021, 7:55:52 PM8/4/21
to The Role of Equity and Diversity in ECE OER Resources

If you are looking for the book as either Word document or PDF and other “document-based” resources that may be available, each book and its resources/derivatives/translations can now be found in one Google Drive folder: The Role of Equity and Diversity in Early Childhood Education

If you are looking for a place to find the book and resources, but also share resources or for non-document based resources (such as links), please visit the Google Group: The Role of Equity and Diversity in Early Childhood Education Google Group

Book in LibreTexts In English and Spanish translation 

Link to print book in Lulu: The Role of Equity and Diversity in Early Childhood Education (188 pages, paperback, 60# paper, standard color - $10.15 + shipping and tax)

Resource shells in Canvas Commons (link may not work if you are not logged into Canvas – you can search for Jennifer Paris to find it): Teaching in a Diverse Society

Access quizzes created for the book: Enroll in the assessment Canvas shell (using your academic email address) at If you don’t yet have a Free for Teachers account, please select new user when enrolling. Once you are enrolled, your role will need to be changed to Teacher to allow you to export the quizzes. Then you can import them into your own course/s. Be sure to use the Select Content option when importing, so you only bring in the quizzes you want. Once you have enrolled, please bookmark this link to directly access the course (if you re-enroll, your role will go back to student) 

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