[The Non-Euclidean Blog] Larry Sabato

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Aug 11, 2009, 2:44:54 PM8/11/09
to the-non-euc...@googlegroups.com
If you're interested in politics, and you don't follow the University of Virginia's Larry Sabato, I shall henceforth consider you a poser. His analyses of America's political landscape are unfailing sips of cool, clear thinking from the muddied river of civic discourse.

I've always found Sabato refreshingly non-partisan, as today's morning tweets demonstrate:
  • Watched POTUS NH town meeting. Best point Obama made: Bush & GOP passed the drug benefit w/out paying for it, adding massive debt.

  • Yet many of the same Republicans who dismiss Obama's plans make no apologies for their own deficit disaster. Pure hypocrisy.

  • Worst point Obama made in NH: His plan won't add to the national debt. No one believes that, no one should. Govt cost projections always off

  • Programs this complex not only cost tens of billions more than projected, but they are expanded regularly by vote-hungry congressmen.

  • George W. Bush doubled the national debt & he's going to answer for that in history. Obama inherited Bush's debt, but he's making it worse.
Go ahead; sign up for his Crystal Ball e-mail updates. You'll learn a lot about politics without enduring the mindless drivel of the cable news channels.

Posted By NEB to The Non-Euclidean Blog at 8/11/2009 11:44:00 AM
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