6th February 1957 & 27th February 1957 are now published - Seminar IV. Hooray!

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Julia Evans

Mar 15, 2022, 12:49:05 PM3/15/22
to Julia Evans

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Seminar IV :  Object Relation & Freudian Structures (1956-1957) : from 21st November 1956 :  Jacques Lacan 

Download sessions 1-11 (21st November 1956 to 27th February 1957)  at  www.LacanianWorksExchange.net   /lacan (November 1956)

Commentary : 
Seminar IV : 27th February 1957 – The Anorexic Gap  : 1st February 2022 : Julia Evans : See https://lacanianworks.net/2022/02/seminar-iv-27th-february-1957-the-anorexic-gap/  or www.LacanianWorksExchange.net   /lacan (November 1956)

Information, Notes & References

References from 6th February 1957 to date

10. Seminar IV : 6th February 1957  - Fp165 

para 7 : Probably  The Psychology of Transvestism : 31st July 1929 (Oxford) : Otto Fenichel See   here   http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12620 

para 8 : The Symbolic Equation – Girl = Phallus : 1936 : Otto Fenichel or here   http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12624  

para 22 : Die zweierlei Mechanismen der Identifizierung : 26th April 1936 – Basel : Gustav Hans Graber  or  here   http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12664 

Para 25 : Introjektion und Übertragung [Introjection and transference] : 1909 : Sándor Ferenczi  or  here    http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12674  


11. Seminar IV : 27th February 1957 – Fp179 

Citation   Fp193 reference 8 of Shame, an old-fashioned affect? : (Paris) November 2009 : Jean-Luc Monnier or here http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12172   

Para 2 : Reference to La thérapeutique psychanalytique (Psychoanalytic Therapy) : 1956 : Sacha Nacht  or  here   http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12654  

 Le Congrès des Psychanalystes des pays romans: quelques éléments d’histoire : 1991 : Alain de Mijolla or  here   http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12875 

Para 6 : Seminar III : 16th May 1956  :  p235 of Russell Grigg’s translation : See Seminar III: The Psychoses: 1955-1956: from 16th November 1955: Jacques Lacan or here          http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=657 

Para 11 refers to Jean Mallet’s text which was presented in the XVIII Congress of psychoanalysts of Romance languages in Paris in 1955.  The split from the SPP in 1953 is mirrored in the history of these Congresses.  Those Lacan cites are on the Nacht side of the split.  More extensive notes in this text in the Alain de Mijolla text.

See Troisième Rapport – Contribution à l’étude des phobies : probably September 1955 (Paris) : Jean Mallet  or here     http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12878 

Para 13 : Seminar III :  30th November 1955 :  p39-40 of Russell Grigg’s translation : See Seminar III: The Psychoses: 1955-1956: from 16th November 1955: Jacques Lacan or here          http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=657  

& Seminar III : 14th December 1955 : p64 of Russell Grigg’s translation : See Seminar III: The Psychoses: 1955-1956: from 16th November 1955: Jacques Lacan or here          http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=657 

Para 14 : Seminar III : 30th November 1955 : p36 of Russell Grigg’s translation : See Seminar III: The Psychoses: 1955-1956: from 16th November 1955: Jacques Lacan or here          http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=657 

Para 14 : Beyond the Pleasure Principle : 1920g : Sigmund Freud  Part II, P283 of pfl  : SE Vol 2, pp. 14–17.  : published bilingual at www.Freud2Lacan.com //homepage (BEYOND THE PLEASURE PRINCIPLE)

Para 20 : What is this libido: the libido of preservation, or sexual libido?  Of course, it is the latter in itself; it is even the latter that involves ‘destrudo’, but it is precisely because it became involved in this dialectic of substitution of satisfaction in the face of the demand of love, that it is an eroticised activity in the first place: libido in the strict sense, a sexual libido. : See Todestrieb und Masochismus : 8th June 1935 (Vienna) : Eduardo Weiss or here   http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12900

Para 20 : … on the topic of the eroticisation of the breast, for example, by Mr. Charles Blondel. In the latest issue of Etudes philosophiques, focused on Freudian commentary, Mrs. Faver-Boutonier reminds us  : La psychanalyse et les problèmes de l’enfance : October 1956 : Juliette Favez-Boutonier or here    http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12923 

 Para 21 – 22 : This - and this alone - explains the true function of symptoms such as mental anorexia. [Two lines from bottom of p184]  [p177 of Adrian Price’s translation, which does not give the French page numbers]

[16 lines down, 2nd paragraph of p185] I spoke to you of the primitive relation to the mother, who at this moment becomes a real being, precisely because in being able to refuse indefinitely, she can do literally everything.

Footnote : In Jacques Lacan - Séminaire IV Éditions du Seuil (1994) p184-185, two paragraphs are included which have not been translated as they do not appear in the original transcript used for this translation. Adrian Price refers to this as ‘interpolated material’ in Translator’s Notes, ‘XI The Phallus and the Unfulfilled Mother’ – Note 2,   Jacques Lacan – The Object Relation, The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book IV, Polity Press 2020, p437

 Seminar IV : 27th February 1957 – The Anorexic Gap  by Julia Evans on 1st  February 2022  or here   https://lacanianworks.net/2022/02/seminar-iv-27th-february-1957-the-anorexic-gap/ 

Related text : Comment on how Jacques Lacan’s texts grow or shrink over time! : 11th March 2022 : Julia Evans by Julia Evans on 11th March 2022  here    https://lacanianworks.net/2022/03/comment-on-how-jacques-lacans-texts-grow-or-shrink-over-time-11th-march-2022-julia-evans/



Para 31 : You may have seen a sort of booklet come out in 1939, as the fourth edition of the year of the International Journal of Children’s Analysis. It seems that someone said: ‘All the same, there is something in language…’ : Probably On the Exceptional Position of the Auditory Sphere : 1939 : Otto Isakower  or  here   http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12922 

 Para 31 : I’m basing this on Loewenstein’s article, which … : See Some remarks on the role of speech in psycho-analytic technique : probably October 1956 : Rudolph Loewenstein  or  here   http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12924 

Para 31 : Course in Linguistics : 1916 (in French) : Ferdinand de Saussure. English translations are available on the internet or from www.LacanianWorksExchange.net  /texts by request.  Ask for the password.

Para 32 : The Nature and Function of the Analyst’s Communication to the Patient : 5th May 1956 : Charles Rycroft  or  here   http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12926 

Para 38 :  The Phallic Phase : given in Wiesbaden on 4th September 1932 [1933] : Ernest Jones or here     http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=11976   

Para 38 : Reference to Jones & Freud, See p77 of Jacqueline Rose’s translation of The Meaning (or Signification) of the Phallus (Munich): 9th May 1958 : Jacques Lacan  or here  http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=11851  

Reference to Freud : SE XIX p174 -176 & SE XIX p178-179 of The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex : 1924d : Sigmund Freud, SE XIX p173-179 :  Published at www.Freud2Lacan.com //homepage  (The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex (Der Untergang des Ödipuskomplexes))

& SE XIX p251-253 of Some Psychical Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction between the Sexes: 1925j : Sigmund Freud, SE XIX p241-258.  Published bilingual by www.Freud2Lacan.com   /homepage (Some Psychical Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction Between the Sexes (Einige psychische Folgen des anatomischen Geschlechtsunterschieds))

Para 43 : The Elementary Structures of Kinship : Claude Lévi-Strauss, The Elementary Structures of Kinship, 1949. The revised edition 1969 and translated from the French by James Harle Bell, Beacon Press Boston.  Available at https://monoskop.org/images/5/5e/Levi-Strauss_Claude_The_Elementary_Structures_of_Kinship_no_images.pdf

Para 47 : [I would like to show you once more how this notion of the lack of the object is absolutely essential, simply in order to read the right psychoanalytic authors, among which I count Karl Abraham who wrote a simply admirable article on the castration complex in women in 1920  ]

See Manifestations of the Female Castration Complex : 1920 : Karl Abrahams or here http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=11971

 Para 48 : Probably SE XXI p225 of Female Sexuality:  1931b : Sigmund Freud, SE XXI p221-243. See  www.Freud2Lacan.net  /homepage (Female Sexuality,)

 Para 50 : p242-243 of Female Sexuality : 1931b : Sigmund Freud   SE XXI p221-243  : Published at www.Freud2Lacan.net   /homepage (Female Sexuality,)

& p324 of The Flight from Womanhood: The Masculinity-Complex in Women, as Viewed by Men and by Women : 1926 : Karen Horney or here http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12257

& p460-1 of The early development of female sexuality : 1st September 1927 (Innsbruck) : Ernest Jones or here http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12161

 Para 52 : Probably p213 of  The Psychology of Transvestism : 31st July 1929 (Oxford) : Otto Fenichel See   here   http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12620 

Para 55 :  SE XXIII p275 of Splitting of the Ego in the Process of Defence : 1938 [published 1940e] : Sigmund Freud,  SE XXIII : p273   Published at www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage (Splitting of the Ego in the Process of Defense)

 Para 58 : SE X p22 of Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy – ‘Little Hans’: 1909   SE X p5-149, Available from  www.Freud2Lacan.com /homepage  (Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy (Little Hans))  



12. Seminar IV : 6th March 1957 – Fp215

 NOTE : From Adrian Price’s Translator’s Note on “XII On the Oedipus Complex”, p438 of Jacques Lacan - The Object Relation - The Seminar of Jacques Lacan|Book IV, edited by Jacques-Alain Miller, Polity Press (2020), the dates given to two sessions have been swopped.  This session given on 6th March is published as if given on 13th March & the session given on 13th March is published as the 6th March.  The same swop has been made in Jacques Lacan - Le Séminaire livre IV - La relation d’objet edited by Jacques-Alain Miller, du Seuil (Mars 1994). The page number which refer to the French text jump from p198 at the end of 25th February 1957 to p215 at the beginning of this session.  A paper is in preparation on this giving more details & will be posted shortly.



Para 1 Freud Sigmund  “Female Sexuality” (1931b) SE XXI p221-243  See  www.Freud2Lacan.net   /homepage (Female Sexuality,)

Para 1 Sigmund Freud Draft N - Notes (III) (31st May 1897), enclosed with Letter of 31st May 1897 - Letter 64:   p250 of The complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess 1887-1904 ,Belnap Press (1985)

Para 5  The early development of female sexuality : 1st September 1927 (Innsbruck) : Ernest Jones See here http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12161 “This notion, specific to him and cited mainly by English authors, is ‘aphanisis’” ‘Aphanisis’ is used on p461, p462, p463, p467, p468, p470, p472 of Jones (1929)

Para 7 : Seminar XI : 4th June 1964 is a session where Jacques Lacan further explores aphanisis.  p216-229 of Alan Sheridan’s translation, titled The Subject and the Other – Aphanisis.  Usually translated as fading See  Seminar XI: The Four Fundamental Concepts: 1963-1964 : beginning 15th January 1964 : Jacques Lacan or here  http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=1145

Para 10 : ‘Privation and castration are here used distinctly, only because it is in fact impossible to articulate anything about the impact of castration without separating out the notion of privation insofar as it is what I called a ‘real hole’.’ : This continues the argument began in Seminar III : 21st March 1956 : p176 of Russell Grigg’s translation : ‘It's a matter of a dissymmetry in the signifier. This signifying dissymmetry determines the paths down which the Oedipus complex will pass. The two paths make them both pass down the same trail – the trail of castration.’ : See Seminar III: The Psychoses: 1955-1956: from 16th November 1955: Jacques Lacan or here          http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=657 

Para 23 : Sigmund Freud, Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy – ‘Little Hans’ (1909) SE X p5-149, www.Freud2Lacan.com  /homepage  (Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy (Little Hans))

Para 25 : It is clear that he [Hans] loves his father very much,  : SE X p44  Hans: "Yes. Why did you tell me I'm fond of Mummy and that's why I'm frightened, when I'm fond of you?" '

Here the little boy was displaying a really unusual degree of clarity. He was bringing to notice the fact that his love for his father was wrestling with his hostility towards him in his capacity of rival with his mother; …

Para 25 : admits the little Hans into his parents’ bed against the father’s, her spouse’s, express reservations. SE X p17 Lying in bed with his father or mother was a source of erotic feelings in Hans & SE X p23 Unfortunately, when he got into an elegiac mood of that kind, his mother used always to take him into bed with her.

Para 26 : “If you masturbate, we’ll have Dr. A cut it off.”.  :  SE X p7-8 op. cit.  Sigmund Freud’s Footnote 2, SE X p7 ‘I have nevertheless put forward the view that the term 'castration complex' ought to be confined to those excitations and consequences which are bound up with the loss of the penis.’

Para 31 : Alice Balint, Love for the Mother and Mother Love 

Parts of this paper were first published under the title 'Reality Sense and the Development of the Ability to Love' in the S. Ferenczi Memorial Volume : Lélekelemzési tanulmányok, Budapest, 1933.

The final version appeared in German under the title 'Liebe zur Mutter und Mutterliebe' in Int. Z. f. Psa. u. Imago (1939), 24, 33-48,

Published in English in International Journal of Psycho-Analysis - IJPA (1949) V30 p251  See Love for the Mother and Mother Love : 1939 : Alice Balint or here  http://www.lacanianworks.net/?p=12199

Also twice referred to in Seminar IV : 12th December 1956

6th March 1957 : para 37 : We see the child completely involved with this relation in which the phallus plays the most obvious role.

SE X p7  The first reports of Hans date from a period when he was not quite three years old. At that time, by means of various remarks and questions, he was showing a quite peculiarly lively interest in that portion of his body which he used to describe as his 'widdler'   ['Wiwimacher' in the original.]  www.Freud2Lacan.com  /homepage  (Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy (Little Hans))


Julia Evans 
Mail to: je.la...@icloud.com
Website: www.LacanianWorks.net www.LacanianWorksExchange.net
Practicing Lacanian Psychoanalyst

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