help for little girl

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Dec 22, 2011, 10:56:25 PM12/22/11
to Hacker Challenge
Ruwani Ragana a nine year old girl who is suffering from a rare
ailment is awaiting your kind donation to see the world tomorrow
Please pay your kind donation to her father’s grievance
Rangana nivasa
99th mile post ; Gangiyaya
Embilipitiya; Sri Lanka
Rev. Sir /Hon. Ladies and Gentlemen’s,
Our daughter who was born on 07. 01. 2002 as a normal baby was
admitted to hospital for a minor treatment on medical advice after
three months of her birth.
While was being treated with an antibiotic at the hospital her level
of hemoglobin (Hb) came down up to 2.5Gm/Dl (The standard Level should
be for infants 10-15.55Gm/Dl) within 3 days.
Then she was treated in order to regain the standard Hb level and
maintain it. ultimately the disease was diagnosed as PURE RED CELL
APLSIA at Lady ridgeway hospital for children –Borella in Sri Lanka.
According to their medical advice the only solution for
this was to get her blood transfused monthly. Afterwards in the hope
of receiving a satisfactory solution; we consulted a few consultant
Hematologists in government hospitals Among them consultant
Hematologist Dr. Dammika M. Dissanaake [MBBS; Dip. Path. M.D.
(Hematology)’Ph, D,] paid a greater attention to this case. Under the
guidance of Dr. Dammika M. Dissanaake ; we tended to seek the medical
advice of Prof.Dr. Alok Srivastava, (MD;FRACP;FRCPA;FRCP; (Professor
and head Department of haematology) of Christian Medical College in
Vellore ;Thmilnadu; South India.
By then we had only two children and the younger was our little
son .According to the prof. Dr. Alok Srivastava,
(MD;FRACP;FRCPA;FRCP; (Professor and head Department of haematology)
the best solution for our daughter’s ailment was Bone marrow
Transplantation (BMT) which should have been done in
India .Unfortunately that effort also came to nothing because of
unmatching Bone marrow of our younger son. Then they decided to
increase the growth of Red Blood cells using number of
medicines .Unluckily it was also ended with smoke.
After that amidst a lot of hardships we decided to have another baby
as there was possibility to do a Cord Blood Transplantation(CBT) more
successfully. So my beloved wife gave birth to a baby girl amidst
obstacles and impediments at the Christian Medical college in india
Unfortunately her cord blood too was not matching;
enough to do the Blood transplantation successful . Then under the
guidance of Prof Dr. Alok Srivastava; we managed to find out a
Matched Unrelated Donor (MUD) with the help of National Marrow Donor
Program (N.M.D.P.) institute of America for a successful Bone Marrow
(see the attachment (1))
This surgery has been planned to be done by a team of doctors
including Prof Dr. Alok Srivastava, (MD;FRACP;FRCPA;FRCP; (Professor
and head Department of haematology) At Christian Medical College in
Vellore India in March 2012. The estimated cost for this surgery is US
$ 80,000 i.e. around Rs. 8,900,000.00 (Sri Lanka Rupees)
As we have no such a big money we are seeking your kind financial and
nonfinancial support (i.e. Suggestions, Opinions, Advertising and
We kindly request you to credit your financial donations in favor
of H.P.Ruwani Ramgama Hospital No: 880030 C and Account No:
10404158249 at State bank of India. (See the bank statement)
Account Name :- Christian Medical College Vellore
Name of the Bank :- State Bank of India
Branch :- Vellore Town Branch,
City & Country :- Vellore -632004 Tamil Nadu India
Account Number :- 10404158249
Swift Number :- SBININBB473
Patient Name :- H. P. Ruwani Rangana
Patient ‘s Hospital Number :- 880030 C
If it is inconvenient to you please be kind enough to credit it in
favor of the ACC No: 0450 – 02017421 - 101. of Seylan Bank in
ACCOUNT NO :- 0450 – 02017421 - 101.
Account Name :- H. P. RUWANI RANGANA
Name of the Bank :- SEYLAN BANK-
City & Country :- Embilipitiya ; Sri Lanka
It you are willing to do something in advertising or guidance please
be good enough to send them us using following ways.
E-mail :-;
Skype :- rangana818
Web :-
Tele :- 0094 777 361278 ; 0094 718576969 ;
0094 47 5670633;
Fax :- 0094 47 5670633
With best wishes, H.P. Gnanathilaka.
(Patient ‘s father) Sri Lanka

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