Update... And help requested

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Apr 28, 2006, 2:19:44 PM4/28/06
to The Gradone Family
Hello everyone!

I hope this email finds you all well. Everything is going great out
here although I'm still doing my best to adjust to life as a new dad!
For those who are interested (and those who aren't interested but like
looking at little baby pictures) you can check out my little boy here:

Here's a brief update on my researching and whatnot. Not much! I
completely forgot to send the link to those old marriage and death
certificates I found. So before I forget again, here they are:
I apologize for the quality; they are really pictures of the actual
microfilm projected down onto a screen. This was the best way for me
to get legible copies, as the microfilm printer is definitely pretty
lousy. If nothing else, it's interesting to take a look at!

Second, I have been corresponding with Iuri Silvestri, a professional
genealogist in Italy. He is a highly recommended and well established
genealogist with a solid track record for his work throughout Italy. I
have been trying to determine the best way to obtain additional
information and to possibly fill in the gaps of what I already have.
After a bit of discussion, I think he will be able to find a great deal
of information and provide additional material that wouldn't be
accessible without someone actually going out there. Here's the most
recent email I received from him:

"Considering the period involved and the information you already
have, my suggestion, and proposal, is an onsite research. In onsite
research I go to investigate directly on the church records. In this
archive normally there is all data: baptism, marriage, burials,
starting from the foundation of the parish or from 1600. Before going
to the village, I speak with the priest and make sure that the archive
is accessible and to agree about the time of work. Then, when I am
there, I gather as much information as conditions and the time permit.
When I research, I always collect copies of records, trough scanning or
photographing the pages. I collect as well pictures of the area, of the
ancestor's houses (if still existing), testimonials from old people,
material that could be interesting for you: pictures of museum,
anecdotes, an historical overview, etc. so the research can become a
rich treasure for your family.
In order to avoid any surprise for clients, I normally charge per day
of work, including all expenses and also including the whole
preliminary time (setting appointments, obtaining authorizations,
etc...) and afterwards work on documents ( reorganizing information
into a family tree chart, writing comments and notes, etc...)
The cost of an onsite research in Castelvetere sul Calore is 400 Euro
(today about $ 501), all expenses included (travel, accommodation,
postal, etc...) for the first day of research; 350 Euro (today about $
438) for any further day.
A genealogical search can be unlimited, since ancestors double each
generation we go back. But often some lines get interrupted by lack of
documents, or because ancestors came from another village, etc... In an
onsite research, I always carry on the work considering the budget I
have and also the contingent situation. Basically, if you decide to
hire me, you decide what your budget is and then I will develop the
research respecting that budget, using in the most effective way the
sources that step by step will be available. A detailed preparation of
the research will be very important to know exactly your goals and to
have the most satisfactory result.
Based on the information you have already provided, one day might be
enough. In any case, due to so many variables in the research, I can
never promise results. It might be possible also doing more in one
day, but much depends on the conditions of records, availability of
priests, etc...
So, you can think about it. If you'll decide to hire me, I will put
all my commitment and experience to use in the best way the time I have
for this research. I hope I could give you an idea about myself and
the way I work. Then, I will be glad to answer to all other questions
from you to make everything clear."

Here's where I'm going with this... I'd like to take advantage
of his capabilities, at least for a days' worth of research, but I
certainly don't have $500.00 to spare. So I am asking everyone here
if this might have any interest to you. If it does, would anyone be
willing to help chip in to cover the costs involved? If I am out of
line, I apologize! I would just love to have the opportunity to
continue filling in the holes of the Gradone family in Italy and think
this would be a good chance.

Let me know what you think!



May 2, 2006, 8:03:08 PM5/2/06
to The-Grado...@googlegroups.com
You are one amazing fellow.  I wish I had your energy and imagination, even thirty years ago. 
My sister Linda has some geneaological connections at work (the Newton Library), and is looking into the gentleman you've contacted and his proposal, just to see how it stacks up to similar services.  If he checks out (as I expect he will - you don't seem to approach anything casually), I'll pitch in to help cover a day's research.  I'll be in touch when Lin gets back to us.
How's fatherhood?  Is Dominic sleeping through the night yet?  You'll start accumulating milestones you never thought about before, along with all the usual ones.  For every first "Mama", there's the favorite plastic toy he wears out.  Savor the generation you've just brought into the world.  Lord willing, he'll be somebody else's ancestor in a few hundred years.
Take care.  I'll be in touch soon, I hope.
-------------- Original message --------------
From: hach...@gmail.com

> Hello everyone!
> I hope this email finds you all well. Everything is going great out
> here although I'm still doing my best to adjust to life as a new dad!
> For those who are interested (and those who aren't interested but like
> looking at little baby pictures) you can check out my little boy here:
> http://hachaliah.googlepages.com/dhm
> Here's a brief update on my researching and whatnot. Not much! I
> completely forgot to send the link to those old marriage and death
> certificates I found. So before I forget again, here they are:
> http://loanprocessor.googlepages.com/pictures
> I apologize for the quality; they are really pictures of the actual
> microfilm projected down onto a screen. This was t he best way for me
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