Hi All, returning member

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Oct 29, 2013, 4:30:24 PM10/29/13
to the-freshwa...@googlegroups.com
Hi all, I used to be active on here awhile back.  Not sure if anyone remembers me or who is still around.  Anyway guess I should reintroduce myself, my name is Melissa, I am 28 years old. 

I have a heavily planted 5 1/2 gallon tank with ludwigia, crypts and some other stem plant I can't remember the name of right now.  It is stocked with pygmy cories (6 or so?), several shrimp (cherry shrimp, amano shrimp and red rili shrimp), scarlet badis (1 or 2), 3 dwarf barbs (I think thats what they are can't remember!) and 3 killi fish which are coming out as soon as I feel like taking the tank apart to catch them.  Yes I know the tank is overstocked, it gets a daily 2 gallon water change.  Filtration is a sponge filter for a 10 gallon.

Then I just set up a 15 gallon long bare bottom tank for a tiny baby electric catfish.  Currently the filter on it is just a small aquaclear that was on a 6 gallon I just took down.  I'm trying to decide what type of filtration I want to put on it permanently (well as permanently as the tank is going to be, these guys get huge).  I do have a fluval 404 in the basement, I'm tempted to just put that on the tank with the flow turned down, but that might blast the little guy to much, what do you think?   From what I have read they don't particularly like a lot of current, but on the other hand they are very messy fish . . .  Fatty is only about an inch long right now, getting fed new life spectrum cichlid food and repashy (sp?) gel food for meat eating fish.  I plan on only feeding him every other day to keep growth slow and keep him from getting obese.  We were kinda overfeeding them at the store to try and keep the aggression down between them and he is quite the little sausage right now.  The plan is to upgrade him to a 40 breeder size tank next when he outgrows the 15 long, and then from there to a 120.

And last but not least, I have a 2 gallon plant with anubias nana with a betta (bet tuh not bait ta), a dragon scale plakat or something like that.  His name is Mr. Manager and he shares his home with 2 amano shrimp.  He used to live in the 6 gallon I just took down and is not pleased with the downgrade, but I had to make room for the 15 gallon (outlets are in short supply). 

I work at the local fish store part time and go to college full time.  I moved back home in order to be able to to do the college thing.  I used to be the fish room manager years ago at the lfs I work part time at now. 


Oct 29, 2013, 5:27:25 PM10/29/13
to the-freshwa...@googlegroups.com
burmese red striped rasboras not dwarf barbs


Dec 15, 2013, 9:10:00 AM12/15/13
to the-freshwa...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mel,
My tanks are a mess : (  Stocked my 60g home office tank and they they got sick.  Too small for meds, I did massive water changes so there were survivors, but I just got so discouraged that I let the tank be.  Now it's half full and only has Cherry shrimp which are oblivious to my lack of care.  The lights burnt out on the salt water tank, and you know what happens when marine tanks don't get light.  Fortunately I think I only have 1 urchin in there.  The turtle tank is ok, but that was never high maintenance.

Right now I'm building a company, and for the last 2 years it's been 100 hour weeks.  I'll be at it for another year for sure, and then my dream is to get my life back - and then I'll whip up a multi-tank biotope with a self-maintaining food chain. : )

Hope everyone is well.


On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 4:30:24 PM UTC-4, Melissa wrote:
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