Date Night

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Oct 14, 2007, 8:47:18 PM10/14/07
to The Food Diaries
Well- I know I haven't posted "Date Night" in awhile but thats for
several reasons- one being my computer was a !@^%*. Now, I have a
faster,better program- so now I am back on top of my game! I want to
tell you about the dinner friday night. Filet Mignon stuffed w/blue
cheese in a Port Wine reduction. Take a Filet approx. 4-6oz and cut a
small pocket on the side. Stuff the pocket with a good blue cheese-and
make sure it is cold so it won't ooze out of the steak while pan
searing. Heat a small amt of olive oil and a pat of butter in the pan
w/ crushed fresh garlic. season your meat w/ S&P then pan sear for a
crisp brown crust-then into a 400 degree oven for approx 10 minutes-
depending of course on how tender and juicy you like your meat!
Meanwhile...reduce about 11/2 cups of red wine- I happen to have a
cabernet on hand but any red wine should do fine....reduce until it is
a syrup consistancy-not a maple syrup per say but a simple syrup
consistancy...then add 2TBLS. of blackberry jam-and reduce further for
a few more minutes. The sauce was sweet with a slight tartness and it
went so well with the steak/blue cheese combo! My side kick dish for
this was a potato nest-simply grate potatoes or get a bag of grated
potatoes at the grocery store- grease a muffin tin-and press potato
mixture in the tin and bake on 400 degrees for about 20 minutes-then
pop them out and fill with whipped potatoes-top w/paprika and bake
again for 10 minutes until the top is brown- I topped them w/sour
cream and bacon. Our veggie was baby carrots tossed lightly w/ a thyme
butter. AND.....drum roll please.....Dessert was a homemade coconut
cake w/ a drizzle of warm chocolate! Yes- then we all went jogging in
the park for a few days! Bon Appetite-Renee


Oct 16, 2007, 10:34:26 PM10/16/07
to The Food Diaries
Wow, Renee! Your passion for food always inspires me, and right out of
your own kitchen! I love your idea of reducing the blackberry jam in
the cabernet sauce! What a sumptuous combination for the palate
contrasting with the blue cheese!

Oct 17, 2007, 8:11:01 AM10/17/07
to The Food Diaries
Welcome back Date Night, keeping it coming!

Oct 22, 2007, 8:04:22 AM10/22/07
to The Food Diaries
Good Monday morning! It was quite a foodie weekend over here! Friday
night a few of us gathered here for a little feast along with a couple
of guitars and a sing along! We have some pretty good sonic sessions
over here....I guess it helps that some of the neighbors are here! But
anyway- I made crab and shrimp in a madeira sauce over angel hair
pasta- it was quite tasty. The crab and shrimp are sauteed in a few
pats of butter w/shallots and garlic, then add about a cup or so of
Madeira- which is a white wine with a distinctive flavor- reduce for a
minute or so then whisk in tomato paste beaten with two eggs and some
light cream- then pour over angel hair pasta- top with chopped parsely-
great dish and feeds a number of people. And as always- crusty bread
to sop up the juices-and a salad of baby greens,chopped apple, bacon
and blue cheese in a balsamic dressing- sometimes I think I like the
salad more than anything!! Then for dessert I made an angel food cake,
poked holes in it and drizzled the top with a mixture of
Frangelico,Godiva chocolate liquor and strong coffee- then for the
frosting-whip together cream cheese-softened,sour cream and powdered
sugar- add a small amount of whipping cream to thin a bit- and there
you have a spin off of Tiramisu- but in a quick cake fashion! I must
say- the cake received great reviews and it was so can
but a purchased angel food cake or grab the boxed white cake as I did.
Then our friends broke out their guitars and we sang,sang and sang
until it was time to call it a night!
Then on Sunday my friend dropped off her mother's pasta machine-
hand cranked just like the one in Italy- actually- this one is made in
Italy as well. And I made fresh pasta for most of the day. I will say-
it takes some practice but for the most part I was suprised at how
efficient the machine really is! There I was rolling out fresh sheets
of pasta- spacing w/ my hand like Melcchiore showed all of us in Italy!
~ The filling was ricotta cheese mixed w/shredded smoked mozzarella-
wonderful indeed! the sauce was a spicy pink sauce made from crushed
tomatoes,garlic,fresh basil,red pepper flakes and light cream. I went
out and purchased some red wine, tuned my radio into 88.5- {and
ironically- they seemed to be playing Italian music of some sort}-
and made lots of pasta- It was a big hit with Jim and the kids! took
some to my neighbor down the street- and she called to say how much
she enjoyed it. So- if you've ever thought about making homemade
pasta- take the time to ust do it!!! You won't be sorry- It was worth
it!! Bon Appetite! Renee

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