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New Concept Mapper for Academics?

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Eric Durbrow

Jan 13, 2010, 8:36:59 PM1/13/10
This may interest people who want to give non-linear presentations. I can't seem to find any other advantages of it over other concept mappers but please let me know if I am missing something.

Don Blohowiak

Jan 15, 2010, 9:10:43 PM1/15/10
I've downloaded VUE, watched some of its tutorial videos and started playing with it. Seems very full featured.

Significantly, it integrates with Zotero, is multi-platform, and very web-centric for importing visuals, exporting to html & wikis, etc. It features layers for placing nodes over photos and other imported images.

At first glance, VUE appears quite robust.

Is there a better open source concept mapping program?

Don Blohowiak
Fielding Graduate University

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Eric Durbrow

Jan 15, 2010, 9:13:32 PM1/15/10
Don asks if there is a better open source mind-mapper. Although it is not open source (I think) the free version of X MIND is easier to use than VUE and you can upload maps to the web. The Pro version is by subscription and allows for non-linear presentations.

There is also FreeMind but I still find it clumsy on the Mac. Perhaps it is more versatile in Windows/Linux.


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Kevin P.

Jan 18, 2010, 2:56:51 PM1/18/10
to The Efficient Academic
There is an interesting fork of Freemind called SciPlore Mind Mapping
( it seems aimed
particularly at academics. It has strong ties with BibTex and nice
integration with Zotero, Mendeley, Jabref, etc. I am running it now
on Win7 and has been performing very well. I have also used in on an
Ubuntu box with success.

On Jan 15, 8:13 pm, Eric Durbrow <> wrote:
> Don asks if there is a better open source mind-mapper. Although it is not open source (I think) the free version of X MIND is easier to use than VUE and you can upload maps to the web. The Pro version is by subscription and allows for non-linear presentations.
> There is also FreeMind but I still find it clumsy on the Mac. Perhaps it is more versatile in Windows/Linux.
> On Jan 15, 2010, at 18:10 , Don Blohowiak wrote:
> > I've downloaded VUE, watched some of its tutorial videos and started playing
> > with it. Seems very full featured.
> > Significantly, it integrates with Zotero, is multi-platform, and very
> > web-centric for importing visuals, exporting to html & wikis, etc. It
> > features layers for placing nodes over photos and other imported images.
> > At first glance, VUE appears quite robust.
> > Is there a better open source concept mapping program?
> > Don Blohowiak
> > Fielding Graduate University

> > On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Eric Durbrow <> wrote:
> >> This may interest people who want to give non-linear presentations. I can't
> >> seem to find any other advantages of it over other concept mappers but
> >> please let me know if I am missing something.
> >>
> >> EHD

> >>

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mg zobel

Jan 18, 2010, 5:15:58 PM1/18/10
This list is incredible. Thank you so much for the last couple
references; I've checked them out and shared them with colleagues.
This last one, SciPlore, is exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you so much!

"If you want to understand the truth in writing, to see any text clearly, you must throw away the notion of styles or schools, like and dislikes, and so forth.  Then, your mind will cease all conflict and come to rest.  In this silence, you will see totally and freshly."
--Bruce Lee modified, "writing" substituted in for martial arts and "text" substituted in for fight

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