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Springer's LaTeXSearch Launched. Searches over 1M Latex snippets

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Jan 27, 2010, 9:54:41 AM1/27/10
to The Efficient Academic
Springer has launched a free web service - LaTexSearch- to help
academics at large to search for LaTeX code within scientific

Here is the URL:
* (LaTeX sandbox)

LaTeXSearch allows users to locate and view the following:

* Equations containing specific LaTeX code.
* Equations containing LaTeX code that is similar to another LaTeX
* All equations belonging to a specific DOI.
* All equations belonging to an article or articles with a
particular word or phrase in their title.

Each equation result contains the following information:

* An entire LaTeX string (which will contain the searched-for code
plus any other code that completes that equation).
* A converted image of the equation.
* Information about and links to its source.

Most scientific publisher platforms render math in a suitable
presentation format (e.g., PDF, GIF images, or MathML), but these
formats are optimized for display and not for searching, making the
discovery of mathematical formulae online nearly impossible.

Currently, uses the content available from Springer's
corpus of literature, but future development plans include expanding
this content set to include open-access databases and preprint servers
such as ArXiV.

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