It's a Neva's Easy as ABC Sunday on Blind Cafe

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Julie Parker

Feb 16, 2014, 11:13:07 AM2/16/14
to daily menu


Good Morning Members, its A Neva’s ABC. Easy as 1 2 3 Sunday on Blind Café!


***News Flash!

Last nights Valentine’s Talent Show was Excellent. We had 28 people in attendance and 16 of those were entered into the competition! Terra’s dedication song to Kathy Rose bought down the house and certainly left me in tears. All of our prayers are with you Kathy! Patti E, as always just a beautiful voice and we were so blessed to hear it last night. When Matt started singing, I thought Johnny Cash had entered the building! Great job Matt. Alicia was  outstanding as always with a voice like an angel but the congratulations have to go to Kevin! Kevin performed a song that he and I wrote together, called “Undying Love”  and also one called “The Clock” that he wrote himself. Excellent job Kevin and enjoyed by everyone! Special thanks go to our three Judges, Philip Morris from Florida, Bob from Arizona and Sergeant Rock from Florida, you guys did a phenomenal job and I’m sure it was hard to choose just one person as everyone did a fantastic job! I can’t wait until next year guys! Phew! We have some talent on this sight!


*Thanks to all our hosts and hostesses who work very hard to entertain our members.


“We hope you enjoy your day on Blind Café”



Date: February 16th, 2014

****On the Menu every day is for our new members as it has instructions on how to subscribe to our chat list and Menu. Also it gives a description of what can be found in a room by hitting F6. All other members can skip this section and go down to our Senior Menu to find a quick guide to today’s events. Our next section The Classic Menu gives a description of how our games are played. Finally our Dessert Menu is at the bottom of the page and is filled with articles from our members.


*BLIND CAFÉ’S Menu Favorites on the Menu every day:

*Check out our recipe on today’s menu in the Bistro, if you have a recipe that you would like to submit, please send it to   

*Located at the bottom of the menu you will find our Members Corner. Here we post Tid bits about Medical updates, Financial News, Today in history, zilch replays, Jokes, and other interesting articles sent in by our members.

. If you would like to submit an article please send it to


*To chat to your friends on Blind Café go to


*Blind Café recommends Cavi courses. If   you are interested in any Cavi courses you can visit:
or if you have any questions for Monica you can e mail her at:



*Mystery Theatre.  Press F6 and listen to one of our very own produced mini who dun nit plays, starring our very own Blind Café Members.


*Press F6 In our Faith Chapel and listen to one of Pastor Jonathon or Pastor Volly Nelson’s Sermon’s.


*Press F6 in The Pirate’s Cove and Sail Away to The Islands with Jimmy Buffet.


*Press F6 in Laughing Leprechaun and enjoy the luck of the Irish!


*Gadget’s Tech Room. Hit F6 and hear instructions on how to use I Phone Ap’s.


*I didn’t know that learning Centre. Hit F6 and listen to our learning tutorials.


*Café Premier Events Room. Sit back, hit F6 and get ready to listen to our full length, hilariously funny 2012 Christmas play that our Blind Café members starred in. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”


* Blind Café’s 2013, Murder in the Café Manor Halloween Horror Production by Julie P and Patti Woodworth


*Our 2013 Café Expresso Christmas Play, starring Willie and Jeannie Wilson as Santa and Mrs. Claus. See how our members turned into rogue toys and elves. Laugh along as poor Sweet P gets hit with the white stuff that she hates so much and last but not least, see how Lorraine runs Grandma over with the reindeer. For some reason Confetti and crew seem to have a hard time with getting Willie off the ground. Written and Produced by Julie Parker and Patti Woodworth, it’s definitely a must to listen to.


*T.V Land. Kick back, put your feet up, relax on one of our comfortable couches,   hit f 6 and watch one of our old time classic T.V shows such as Alf

All in the family

Andy Griffith


Brady Bunch


Gilligan’s island

Green acres

Highway to Heaven


Leave it to beaver

Little house on the prairie


Mork and Mindy

Mr. Ed

The Munsters

The Walton’s

W.K.R.P in Cincinnati


  We have more shows coming soon.


*The Café Comedy Lounge. Hit F6 and get ready for some great comedians like Jeff Dunham, Roy D Mercer, Bill Cosby, James Gregory, Rodney Carrington’s songs, Ron White, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Cosby, Jeanne Roberson, He Haw episodes and our very own John Harris and Willie in the Copper Clapper! Enjoy a great laugh whenever you want to get happy!  

*Movies, Movies, Movies:


We have over 600 described movies for your enjoyment. Come in to Willie’s cinema and watch the movie of your choice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Press F6 from the main room window, and choose the movie you would like to play. Happy movie watching, and don’t forget to bring the popcorn.


*BLIND CAFÉ Senior Menu:

*2:30pm Join TG Dragon blood for his Texas Hold Em Tournament, in the Winners Circle.



*8PM Join your host Joe for Chain Reaction.


9 pm Join Neva for ABC. It’s as Easy as 1 2 3 in Games R Us!

*10:30 PM Join your host Patti W in The Winners Circle for one last game of Farkle for the week! 

**BLIND CAFÉ’S New Events Menu:

New Event:

Blind Café’s Bake Sale.

If you love Lorraine’s fudge, Kathy’s cookie’s, Karen’s Raspberry and Cream cakes, Virginia’s sugar cookies and zucchini bread, (sponsored by Southern Pride Vending-Owned by Jonathan and Virginia) Also Patti’s cinnamon rolls and I will throw in some English Sausage Rolls. Even Neva has a specialty-making cookie’s so it’s all good!

Come by April 5th in our Café Premier Events Room at 2pm and let’s all enjoy a Bake Sale “Café Style” and support our members and our site!

****BLIND CAFÉ’S Classic Menu includes times and explanations of games, please read below. All times are Eastern Standard:



7 am The Donut and Coffee Shop opens:

 Join our breakfast club and find out about world events and what the weather is like in each others neck of the woods. If you are an early riser you will find one of us lingering around our freshly brewed coffee. If you like to dunk your donut, you had better grab one quick before Willie eats them all!


11:30 am the Bistro Opens Sponsored by Chris Spencer:

 Join us for lunchtime chat and sandwiches, croissants or try one of our French pastries for dessert.  Fresh on the Menu today. Sent in by Peaches. Family Breakfast Brighteners
Spicy Apple Pancakes With Cider Sauce
2 cups Bisquick baking mix
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 egg
1 1/3 cups milk
3/4 cup grated apple (about 2 medium)
Cider Sauce (see below)
Beat baking mix, cinnamon, egg and milk with rotary beater until smooth. Stir in apple. Grease griddle if necessary. Pour batter by 1/4 cup measuring cupfuls onto hot griddle. Cook until bubbles appear. Turn; cook other side until golden brown. Serve with warm Cider Sauce; if you wish, top with dairy sour cream.
Makes 18 (4 inch) pancakes.
Cider Sauce
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon each cinnamon and nutmeg or 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
2 cups apple cider
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 cup butter or margarine
In saucepan, mix sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and nutmeg; stir in apple cider and lemon juice. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and boils. Boil and stir 1 minute. Remove from heat; stir in butter.
Makes about 2 1/2 cups.



2:30 pm Texas Hold Em in the Winners Circle. Sponsored by Chris and Cheryl Spencer:

Join TG Dragon blood for his poker tournament. Terry will be in the room at 2pm to answer any questions you may have. You will need to have Quinton’s Playroom downloaded.




4 pm Senior moments Sponsored by our Vets:

 Join Willie, Alan, Julie or Patti, for happy hour. Of course that’s if you can remember where the room is! If you have to hold the key down for an extra second because you can’t remember what you were going to say, don’t worry, you’re in the right room.

 I think!


8 pm Chain Reaction In Games R Us Sponsored by JB Heart:

Join your host Joe for Chain Reaction the game where the word links above or below!

9pm Neva’s ABC. It’s as easy as 1 2 3 In Games R Us. Sponsored by JB Heart:

Join Neva for this original game that she made up. Can you figure out the word without any vowels? Its loads of fun. Come by and let Neva put you on a team!

10:30 pmFarkle In the Winners Circle. Sponsored by Chris and Cheryl Spencer:

  Join your host Patti W for one last game of Farkle for the week!


11 pm Café after Dark opens sponsored by Terra Lee:

Anyone for a late night chat. Let’s see who can stay awake the longest. If we survive until 7am we can always go down to the Donut and coffee shop and join the breakfast club. Where they meet every day.



*****BLIND CAFÉ’S what’s for Dessert Members Corner Menu:

*Tiffany’s Interesting Food Facts for the Day:

February 16
 National Almond Day

**Thought of the day:

Thanks Sharon for the thought of the day.

Hey Sharon we can all appreciate this one! > I don't live paycheck to paycheck. I live paycheck to four days before paycheck.

 *** Joke of the Day:

> One morning Emma woke up with a start.  Her husband Jim asked what was the matter. She told him, "I just had a dream that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's day. What do you think it means?"
> "You'll know tonight," Jim said.
> That evening, Jim came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, Emma opened it, only to find a book entitled "The Meaning of Dreams."

Ø      I just love this groaner sent Of Course! Boom Boom! Hahahahahahahahahahaha


****I Pledge Allegiance sent in by Alan:

I Pledge Allegiance
By Beth Cato

I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a
man live so that his place will be proud of him. ~ Abraham Lincoln

The first day of junior high school!
Excitement crackled in the air. My mom dropped me off at the curb, and I
practically skipped onto my brand new campus. Everywhere, kids were greeting
each other, grinning and laughing. I waved at familiar faces and called out,

It was weird, but after just three months, everyone looked so different -
taller, with new haircuts, new clothes.

I had P.E. for first period. I didn't mind it that much, since it meant I'd
get it over and done before the heat of the afternoon. I was weirded out by
the locker room though. It even smelled funny - stale and musty. We all
bustled around each other, shoving our backpacks beneath the benches, trying
to figure out the combinations on our new locks. I smiled at the girls next
to me and they smiled back.

In a far corner of the room, a speaker squawked on. "Good morning, Woodrow
Wilson Junior High School students! Welcome to the first day of a fabulous
new school year. We'll begin with the Pledge of Allegiance."

I tugged my gray gym shirt over my head and my right hand immediately rested
over my heart. Around me, other girls froze in place, all of us looking
towards the flag draped near the speaker.

A few tears came to my eyes. Every time I did the pledge, I thought of my
grandpa. He had died almost a year before, but I still missed him every
single day. Grandpa served in World War II and the flag had very special
meaning for him. Even if we heard the pledge or the national anthem on TV,
we stopped everything and saluted. He would get this distant look in his
eyes, like he could see all the way to India and China where he loaded
bombers during the war. It had made him proud and sad all at once.

The principal finished reciting the pledge. The other girls unfroze and
resumed dressing. The day continued, full of reunions and excitement and
groans as we confronted our first homework assignments of the year.

The next morning in the locker room, I noticed something odd. Some of the
girls talked through the pledge and continued to change clothes. The morning
after that, even fewer paused to place their hands over their hearts. I
looked at the gym teachers' cubby and was shocked that they talked and
laughed through the pledge, too.

By the second week of school, I was the only girl in the whole locker room
who did the Pledge of Allegiance. I stood out. That's when the comments

"What do you think you're doing?" sneered one girl.

"The pledge," I said.

"What's wrong with you? We don't have to do the pledge anymore." She tossed
her hair over her shoulder.

"Yeah," another girl chimed in, "there's no one to make us do it!" They
shared a triumphant grin.

I had known some of these girls since second grade, but now it was like I
didn't know them at all. It wasn't just their hairstyles and bodies that had
changed over the summer. Something else had changed, too.

The next morning, I hid in a bathroom stall to switch clothes. When the
pledge started, I faced a graffiti-covered metal door as I mouthed the
words. I couldn't see the flag. My stomach clenched in a great big knot. It
felt so wrong to be hiding like that.

I kept hiding for the next week, and it felt worse every single day.

The other girls left me alone, and that should have made me glad. It didn't.
Instead, I felt like I was betraying the memory of my grandpa. He risked his
life fighting for that flag. I rarely saw him cry, but when he'd hear the
song "I'm Proud To Be An American" by Lee Greenwood, tears would fill his
eyes. Now, tears were filling my eyes as I cowered in a bathroom stall. I
wished that I could go to the teachers for help, but they didn't seem to
care about doing the pledge, either.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive for Kids

I cared. I cared a lot.

I spent a weekend gathering up my nerve and practicing what I would say. By
the time Monday came, I was nervous, but also calmer than I had been in a
long time because I knew I was doing the right thing.

I changed into my gray gym clothes right away and was standing by my locker
when the principal began morning announcements. The pledge started and I put
my hand over my heart.

A girl nearby slammed her locker shut and looked over at me. "Why are you
doing that?" she asked. She didn't sound mean about it, more like she was

"My grandpa fought in World War II and he died last year," I said. "I'm
doing it for him."
She blinked. Embarrassment flickered over her face and she looked away.
"Oh," she said.

Over the next few weeks, more girls confronted me, thinking they could bully
me about the pledge. I gave them all that same answer. Eventually, they
stopped asking.

I came to realize something. These kids thought they were rebelling against
something they were forced to do in school. The fact was, every single girl
in that locker room probably had a family member in the military at some
point. With a Navy base nearby, some of them even had enlisted dads.

I never inspired other girls to do the pledge along with me. That was okay.
They made a choice; I made mine. It was enough that I stood there, in the
open, to say those words. I was doing it for Grandpa, but more than that, I
was doing it for myself.

Grandpa raised me to be proud to be an American, and that pride didn't stop
because I was in seventh grade.
- -


*****Bizarre News sent in by Terry:

Spanning the globe for the strange and stupid.

Bizarre News - February 12, 2014

Greetings fellow Bizarros:

Littering in California? That's a thousand dollar fine and a dick Tasering. Keep The Golden State clean!

The whole incident started when a 58-year-old man dropped a cigarette butt on the sidewalk outside of his home. A Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy apparently saw the crime and decided to write him a ticket. A $1,000 ticket.

The man's son, 26-year-old Daniel Johnson who was inside the home cooking, was alerted by a neighbor that his father was being ticketed outside.

When he went outside to find out what was going on and discovered that his father had just been given a $1,000 ticket he told the officer, Deputy Abdulfattah, that the family didn't have a thousand bucks and offered to pick the cigarette up from the ground.

Johnson alleges that Abdulfattah responded, "I can write you a ticket too if you want."

Supposedly Johnson began to walk away when he claims another deputy grabbed him from behind and slammed him to the ground. The next part is undisputed. While he was on the ground Abdulfattah used a Taser on Johnson's genitals multiple times.

"He was definitely point blank," Johnson said. "He was right above me as he Tased me, so there's no mistake that he was trying to Tase me in my genitalia."

Johnson said he could "smell his flesh burning from the tases" and was screaming in pain.

Johnson filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

*****Today in history by Alan Dicey:

TODAY IN HISTORY, Today is Saturday, February 15, the 46th day of 2014.
There are 319 days left in the year.
Today's Highlight in History:
On this date February 15,  1898 : The U. S. Battleship Maine explodes
A massive explosion of unknown origin sinks the battleship USS Maine in
Cuba's Havana harbor, killing 260 of the fewer than 400 American crew
members aboard, and bringing the United States closer to war with Spain
On this date, in 1564, Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa.
On February 15, 1764, the site of present-day Saint Louis was established by
Pierre Laclede and Auguste Chouteau.
On this date in 1776: Nova Scotia governor sends word of potential American
On this date in 1812: Wilson Hunt arrives at Astoria, Oregon
On this date in 1835: Alexander Stewart Webb born
On this date   in 1898, the U.S.  Battleship Maine mysteriously blew up in
Havana Harbor, killing more than 260 crew members and bringing the United
States closer to war with Spain.
On this date in 1903 : First Teddy bear goes on sale
On this date in 1915: during World War 1, Mutiny breaks out among Indian
soldiers in Singapore
On this date in 1933, President-elect Franklin D.  Roosevelt escaped an
assassination attempt in Miami that mortally wounded Chicago Mayor Anton J.
Cermak; gunman Giuseppe Zangara was executed more than four weeks later.
On this date in 1942 : Japan celebrates major victory in the Pacific
On this date in 1944, Allied bombers destroyed the monastery atop Monte
Cassino (MAWN'-tay kah-SEE'-noh) in Italy.
On this date in 1950: Disney's Cinderella opens
Also, on this date in 1950: USSR and PRC sign mutual defense treaty
On this date in 1952, a funeral was held at Windsor Castle for Britain's
King George VI, who had died nine days earlier.
On this date   in 1961, 73 people, including an 18-member U.S.  Figure
skating team en route to the World Championships in Czechoslovakia, were
killed in the crash of a Sabena Airlines Boeing 707 in Belgium.
On this date in 1965, Canada's new maple-leaf flag was unfurled in
ceremonies in Ottawa.
Canada adopts maple leaf flag
On this date in 1966 : President DeGaulle offers to help end the Vietnam War
On this date in 1970: Chicago Eight defense attorneys sentenced
On this date   in 1971, Britain and Ireland "decimalized" their currencies,
making one pound equal to 100 new pence instead of 240 pence.
On this date in 1980: Lillian Hellman sues Mary McCarthy

On this date in   1982, 84 men were killed when a huge oil-drilling rig, the
Ocean Ranger, sank off the coast of Newfoundland during a fierce storm.
On this date in 1984: Broadway legend Ethel Merman dies
On this date in 1996: Oil tanker runs aground near Wales
On this date in 1998: Victory at last for Earnhardt at Daytona
On this date in 1989, the Soviet Union announced that the last of its troops
had left Afghanistan, after more than nine years of military intervention.
On this date   in 1994, just as his trial was about to start, drifter Danny
Harold Rolling pleaded guilty to the 1990 murders of five college students
in Gainesville, Florida (Rolling was executed in October 2006.)
On this date   in 2002, a private funeral was held at Windsor Castle for
Britain's Princess Margaret, who had died six days earlier at age 71.
Ten years ago:
A pair of blazes in China killed at least 93 people.
Dale Earnhardt Jr.  Won the Daytona 500 on the same track where his Father
was killed three years earlier.
The West defeated the East 136-132 in the NBA All-Star game.
Actress Jan Miner, best known as "Madge the Manicurist" in Palmolive TV ads,
died in Bethel, Connecticut, at age 86.
Five years ago:

President Hugo Chavez (CHAH'-vez) of Venezuela won a referendum to eliminate
term limits, paving the way for him to run again in 2012.
The Western Conference beat the East 146-119 in the NBA All-Star game.
Matt Kenseth won the rain-shortened Daytona 500.
One year ago:
With a blinding flash and a booming shock wave, a meteor blazed across
Russia's western Siberian sky and exploded, injuring more than 1,000people
as it blasted out windows.
Pressing his case in Chicago, the town that launched his political career,
President Barack Obama called for the government to take an active,
wide-ranging role in ensuring every American has a "ladder of opportunity"
into the middle class.
In a spectacular fall from political prominence, former U.S.  Rep.  Jesse
Jackson Jr., D-Ill., and his wife, Sandra, agreed to plead guilty to federal
charges growing out of what prosecutors said was a scheme to use $750,000 in
campaign funds for lavish personal expenses.  (Jackson is serving a
2--comyear prison term; because of the couple's young children, Jackson's
wife will serve a yearlong sentence after her husband completes his.)
Today's Birthdays:
Former Illinois Congressman John Anderson is 92.
Former Defense and Energy Secretary James Schlesinger is 85.
Actress Claire Bloom is 83.
Author Susan Brownmiller is 79.
Songwriter Brian Holland is 73.
Rock musician Mick Avory (The Kinks) is 70.
Jazz musician Henry Threadgill is 70.
Actress-model Marisa Berenson is 67.
Actress Jane Seymour is 63.
Singer Melissa Manchester is 63.
Actress Lynn Whitfield is 61.
"Simpsons" creator Matt Groening (GREE'-ning) is 60.
Model Janice Dickinson is 59.
Actor Christopher McDonald is 59.
Reggae singer Ali Campbell is 55.
Actor Joseph R. Gannascoli is 55.
Musician Mikey Craig (Culture Club) is 54.
College and Pro Football Hall of Famer Darrell Green is 54.
Country singer Michael Reynolds (Pinmonkey) is 50.
Actor Michael Easton is 47.
Rock musician Stevie Benton (Drowning Pool) is 43.
Actress Renee O'Connor is 43.
Actress Sarah Wynter is 41.
Olympic gold medal swimmer Amy Van Dyken is 41.
Actor-director Miranda July is 40.
Rock singer Brandon Boyd (Incubus) is 38.
Rock musician Ronnie Vannucci (The Killers) is 38.
Actress Ashley Lyn Cafagna is 31.
Blues-rock musician Gary Clark Jr.  Is 30.
Actress Natalie Morales is 29.
Actress Amber Riley (TV: "Glee") is 28.
Thought for Today:
"We live by encouragement and die without it slowly, sadly and angrily."
Celeste Holm, American actress (1917-2012).
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“We hope you enjoyed your day on Blind Café. Where the members matter most”-

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