It's a Name that tune Friday on Blind Cafe

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Julie Parker

Feb 6, 2014, 11:29:42 PM2/6/14
to daily menu


Good Morning Members, its A Name that tune Friday on Blind Café!



*Thanks to all our hosts and hostesses who work very hard to entertain our members.




*We hope you enjoy your day on Blind Café!


February 7th, 2014:


 ****On the Menu every day is for our new members as it has instructions on how to subscribe to our chat list and Menu. Also it gives a description of what can be found in a room by hitting F6. All other members can skip this section and go down to our Senior Menu to find a quick guide to today’s events. Our next section The Classic Menu gives a description of how our games are played. Finally our Dessert Menu is at the bottom of the page and is filled with articles from our members.


*BLIND CAFÉ’S Menu Favorites on the Menu every day:

*Check out our recipe on today’s menu in the Bistro, if you have a recipe that you would like to submit, please send it to   

*Located at the bottom of the menu you will find our Members Corner. Here we post Tid bits about Medical updates, Financial News, Today in history, zilch replays, Jokes, and other interesting articles sent in by our members.

. If you would like to submit an article please send it to


*To chat to your friends on Blind Café go to


*Blind Café recommends Cavi courses. If   you are interested in any Cavi courses you can visit:
or if you have any questions for Monica you can e-mail her at:



*Mystery Theatre.  Press F6 and listen to one of our very own produced mini who dun nit plays, starring our very own Blind Café Members.


* Press F6 in our Faith Chapel and listen to one of Pastor Jonathon or Pastor Volly Nelson’s Sermons.

*Press F6 in The Pirate’s Cove and sail away to the Islands with Jimmy Buffet.

*Press F6 in Laughing Leprechaun and enjoy some luck of the Irish. Coming soon our members Saint Patrick’s Day Limerick’s.



*Gadget’s Tech Room. Hit F6 and hear instructions on how to use I Phone Ap’s.


*I didn’t know that learning Centre. Hit F6 and listen to our learning tutorials.


*Café Premier Events Room. Sit back, hit F6 and get ready to listen to our full length, hilariously funny Christmas play that our Blind Café members acted in. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”


* Blind Café’s 2013, Murder in the Café Manor Halloween Horror Production by Julie P and Patti Woodworth


*Our 2013 Café Expresso Christmas Play, starring Willie and Jeannie Wilson as Santa and Mrs. Claus. See how our members turned into rogue toys and elves. Laugh along as poor Sweet P gets hit with the white stuff that she hates so much and last but not least, see how Lorraine runs Grandma over with the reindeer. For some reason Confetti and crew seem to have a hard time with getting Willie off the ground. Written and Produced by Julie Parker and Patti Woodworth, it’s definitely a must to listen to.

*T.V Land. Kick back, put your feet up, relax on one of our comfortable couches,   hit f 6 and watch one of our old time classic T.V shows such as Alf

Andy Griffith

Brady Bunch


Gilligan’s island

Green acres

Highway to Heaven


Leave it to beaver


Mork and Mindy

Mr. Ed

The Munsters

The Walton’s

W.K.R.P in Cincinnati


  We have more shows coming soon.


*The Café Comedy Lounge. Hit F6 and get ready for some great comedians like Jeff Dunham, Roy D Mercer, Bill Cosby, James Gregory, Billy Covington songs, Ron White, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Cosby, Jeanne Roberson, He Haw episodes and our very own John Harris and Willie in the Copper Clapper! Enjoy a great laugh whenever you want to get happy!  

*Movies, Movies, Movies:


We have over 600 described movies for your enjoyment. Come in to Willie’s cinema and watch the movie of your choice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Press F6 from the main room window, and choose the movie you would like to play. Happy movie watching, and don’t forget to bring the popcorn.


*Friday’s Senior Menu:



*7 am Join Mike and the breakfast club crew in the Donut and Coffee shop.


9:30am join your host Bill in the Café Fitness Zone for a good morning wake up work out!



*11am Join your host Patti W. Yes! You guessed it. It’s an early morning game of Zilch!


*2:30pm join your host TG Dragon blood in the Winner Circle for an afternoon game of Texas Hold Em! Terry will be in the room half an hour before the game starts to answer any questions.


*4 pm join your hosts Alan for an informative hour all about Chess. Yes, Blind and Visually Impaired People, Can, and Do, Play Chess! In the Knights of the Round Table room.


5pm Happy Hour in the Pirate’s Cove Room


*8pm join your hosts Julie and Patti W for name that tune. Can you name a tune in 2 seconds for 50 points? How about 3 seconds for 30 points? Don’t worry you can always ask for team help for 20 points. *10 pm join your host Neva for Friday night Café Craps in our Café Craps Dice Room.


Midnight Join Shammy in the Café Comedy lounge for some after hours humor, it promises to be a hoot, and lots of laughs.

**BLIND CAFÉ’S New Events Menu:

New Event:

February 15th. In addition to our talent contest we will be playing our Auction songs.

****For our Classic Menu including times and explanation of games, please read below.  All times are Eastern Standard:



7 am The Donut and Coffee Shop opens:

 Join our breakfast club and find out about world events and what the weather is like in each others neck of the woods. If you are an early riser you will find one of us lingering around our freshly brewed coffee. If you like to dunk your donut, you had better grab one quick before Willie eats them all!

Join Mike this morning for a cup of brew and a chat.


9:30am Café Fitness Zone:

Hi! This is Bill!
Also known as Mister Fitness Here on the Blind Café!
Join me every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning in the Café Fitness
For your morning exercise                          !
We're going to be working out!
We're going to be talking about nutrition!
We're going to be talking about how to put together an exercise program and
live a healthier better life!
The better you look, the better you feel, the better you feel about
So Come in, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 9:30,
Right after the Donut shop,
and be ready to sweat and have some fun!
So join me, Bill, Mister Fitness,
and In the Café Fitness Zone.




11 am Zilch Out Room Sponsored by Patti W:

Join your host Patti W and her computer Spanky in our Zilch Out room for a great game of Zilch. All you need to know about this game is don’t Zilch Out.



11:30 am the Bistro Opens Sponsored by Chris Spencer:

 Share your lunch hour with us. Come by and   chat while we serve you a freshly made sandwich, croissant or for dessert try one of our French pastries.  Fresh on the Menu today. Sent in by Shawn.

Pineapple Coconut Surprise
1 box yellow cake mix
1 can crushed pineapple
1 large box instant vanilla pudding
1 large bowl Cool Whip
1 can coconut
Prepare cake as directed on box. Place 1 layer of cake in a large bowl and punch holes with wooden spoon. Cover layer with half the pineapple; then with half of pudding. Cover with Cool Whip and sprinkle with coconut. Repeat with remaining ingredients.
The 4 Ingredient Cookbook:
Corn Pudding
2 (16 ounce) cans cream corn
1 (6 ounce) package corn muffin mix
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup margarine, melted
Mix all ingredients and pour into a greased 2 quart casserole dish. Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees.
Makes 6 servings.

2:30pm Texas Hold Em In The Winners Circle. Sponsered by Chris and Cheryl Spencer:

 Join your host TG Dragonblood for Texas Hold Em. We will be holding tournaments Friday’s and Sunday’s on Quintons Playroom, you need to have the program downloaded. Terry will be in the room at 2pm to answer any questions. 


4 pm Chess Chat In the   Knights of the Round Table Room. Sponsored by Alan Dicey:

Today at 4pm. Do you like to play Chess?  Would you like to learn how to play chess? Then join your host Alan and Shammy in their new room “Knights of the round table” Here’s what Alan has to say: "Yes, Blind and Visually Impaired People, Can, and Do, Play Chess!"
I will tell you How You Can Learn to Play Chess Absolutely free of cost,
including receiving a free full size highest quality "Adaptive Chess Set"!
"The Gymnastics of the Brain" or "The Martial Arts of the Mind" feel the
"Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat" or just have lots of fun, a
fantastic hobby, wonderful inexpensive recreation, playing blind or sighted
people alike.
A great way to meet others, take this games of Kings to whatever level you
Each Week, I will be discussing all aspects of this great Sport, from how
to get started, to improving your game if you play already!




4 pm Senior moments sponsored by our vets.  Join Willie, Alan, Julie or Patti for happy hour. Of course that’s if you can remember where the room is! If you have to hold the key down for an extra second because you can’t remember what you were going to say, don’t worry, you’re in the right room. I think!


5pm Happy Hour in The Pirate’s Cove Room. Sponsored by Alicia:

Come listen to some great Jimmy Buffet tunes!


8 PM Name that tune In Games R Us Sponsored by JB Heart:

Join your hosts Julie and Patti W for Name that tune. Can you name a tune in 2 seconds for 50 points? How about 3 seconds for 30 points? Don’t worry, you can always ask for team 20 points. If you love music, this is the game for you!


10 PM Café Craps in Café Craps Dice Room: 


Join your host Neva for our house game. Can you roll the highest score? Or at least 100 to enter this months tournament? Come by and find out.  All you need to know about this game is, don’t Crap out.


Midnight Open Mic Night in Café Comedy Lounge. Sponsored by Shammy Join your host Sham the man for side bursting jokes. Find out this weeks Blind Café Top 10 hilarious do’s and don’t’s on the Cafe, compiled by Shammy himself. This is an adult event.


11pm Café after Dark opens sponsored by Terra Lee:

  Anyone for a late night chat? Let’s see who can stay awake the longest. If we survive until 7am we can always go down to the Donut and coffee shop and join the breakfast club. Where they meet every day.


****What’s for Dessert in the Members Corner:


*Tiffany’s Interesting Food Facts for today:

February 7
 National Fettuccine Alfredo Day

**Thought of the day:

Thanks Sharon for the thought of the day.

Let go of the past as there is always a future ahead of you


**** Joke of the Day:                                     

Oh boy! My friend Mike Tate had to dig to the bottom of the barrel for this one! I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop any time. 

Of Course! Boom Boom!

Don’t forget to come on out to the Café Comedy Lounge tonight and visit with Sham the Man for Open Mic night. Shammy wants to hear your jokes. Don’t forget he purchased Cheryl’s naughty joke book in the Auction so if you want to hear some good one’s tonight, he suggests you come on out and visit with him.. See y’all at midnight!




****Traveling as a Diabetic. Sent in by Julie:

TSA and You – Know Your Rights as a Traveler

Millions of individuals board airplanes around the world on any given day and of those travelers some will be wearing a medical device. Whether it is for business or pleasure you won’t be boarding any flight without first passing through security. You may have found yourself in this exact situation before. You are at the TSA checkpoint and you tell the TSA agent you’re wearing an insulin pump and don’t want to go through the body scanner, opting for a pat-down instead. The TSA agent then tells you it’s ok for you to go through the body scanner with your device and sends you off to be scanned anyway. You go in with your insulin pump and it shows up on the scanner. Next thing you know you’re asked to step aside so you can get a pat-down and an explosive residue test done on your hands, not exactly the most efficient way to get through the security checkpoint.

So what does the TSA say about this? Per the Transportation Security Administration website "If a passenger uses an insulin pump, he or she can be screened without disconnecting from the pump. However it is important for the passenger to inform the officer conducting the screening about the pump before the screening begins." It continues to state “Passengers who have insulin pumps can be screened using imaging technology, metal detector or a thorough pat-down. A passenger can request a pat-down in lieu of imaging technology.”

The question now becomes, what is the right thing to do?

If you are wearing a Medtronic insulin pump and a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) device, can you go through the airport body scanner? The answer is no. Medtronic has not indicated advanced imaging technology to be safe for insulin pump or CGM devices.

We suggest you remove your insulin pump and CGM (sensor and transmitter) if you choose to go through an airport body scanner. If you do not wish to remove your devices, you may request an alternative pat-down screening process. If you do remove your insulin pump and CGM, do not send the devices through the x-ray machine as an alternative.

Can you go through the Airport metal detector with your insulin pump and CGM? The answer is yes. Insulin pumps are designed to withstand common electromagnetic interference, including walk through metal detectors.

Taking an insulin pump through airport security is quite common. It is always a good idea to carry the Airport Information Card (located in the front pocket of your user guide) when you are traveling.

Finally, when it comes to your insulin and other supplies there are a few more things to keep in mind.

  • In order to board with syringes and other insulin delivery devices, you must carry an insulin vial with a pharmaceutical label that clearly identifies the medication. Never store insulin in checked luggage, because it may be exposed to extreme (often freezing) temperatures, which can change its effectiveness
  • Carry your glucagon in its original, pharmaceutically labeled container
  • Boarding with lancets will be allowed as long as the lancets are capped and they are carried along with a glucose meter with the manufacturer's name embossed on the meter
  • If you are traveling for an extended period of time and you will have a large number of supplies with you, do not put them all in your checked luggage. Keeping at least two or three set changes with you will ensure you can maintain your pump therapy in the chance your luggage does not arrive at your destination with you.


****The Rainbow Bridge sent in by Alan:

The Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called the Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to the Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content; except for one small thing... they miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but one day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.
The bright eyes are intent; the eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to break away from the group, flying over the green grass, legs carrying him faster and faster.
YOU have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together...

- - -


*****You know their music but do you know where their name came from? Sent in by Alan:

You know their music, but do you know where their name comes from?
From Pearl Jam to The Beatles, what's the meaning behind these band names.
1. Lynyrd Skynyrd (Ass. Press)
The band's name came from band member's Gary Rossington and Bob Burns'
strict high school gym teacher named Leonard Skinner. The teens were often
caught butting heads with Skinner for letting their long hair grow. The
teens eventually dropped out of school but decided to pay homage to their
"favorite" teacher by naming their band after him. But in order to "protect
the guilty," as Gary put it , they changed the name slightly to Lynyrd

2. Coldplay   (Ass. Press
The British rockband were originally known as "Starfish. After a friend's
band with the name "Coldplay" decided to ditch the name, "Starfish" asked if
they could take it for themselves. The band first known as Coldplay got
their name from a book of poems called "Child's Reflections: Cold Play.

3. Mumford & Sons  (Reuters)
When Mumford & Sons were looking for a good name for their band, they wanted
a name that would give people a sense of an "antiquated family business
name. They decided to go with Mumford and Sons because band member Marcus
Mumford was the most recognizable as the lead singer.

4. Florida Georgia Line  (Reuters)
singers Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard named their band for their bordering
home states. Kelley who hails from Florida, and Georgia native Hubbard  met
through a mutual pal while attending Belmont University in Nashville.

5. The Beatles    (Ass. Press)
John Lennon dreamt up the name for the Fab Four's band. The Beatles is a
mixture between beetles and beat.

6. Pink Floyd ( Capital/Harvest)
The British rockers named their band after two blues singers: Pink Anderson
and Floyd Council.

7.  Fall Out Boy  (Ass. Press)
Fall Out Boy founding members Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump spent a lot of
time arguing over what they should call their band. After creating a long
list of potential names, they had friends vote for their favorite. "Fall Out
Boy" was the clear winner, as the band mates were "Simpsons" fans and the
name came from one of the cartoon's characters.

8.  Pearl Jam   (Ass. Press)
Legend has it that Eddie Vedder's great-grandmother Pearl was married to a
man who often concocted preserves spiked with hallucinogens. But the band
confirmed to Rolling Stone magazine that the only part of that tale that
isn't fiction is the name of Vedder's great-grandma. The real story behind
the name Pearl Jam came from a brainstorming session in a Seattle restaurant
when the musicians were desperately trying to replace their original name,
Mookie Blaylock. Bass player James Ament came up with "pearl" but the "jam"
part was added in a 1991 trip to New York to sign their record deal with
Epic Records. [Neil Young] played, like, nine songs over three hours," Ament
told Rolling Stones of the time they went to see the singer perform. "Every
song was like a 15-or 20-minute jam. So that's how 'jam' got added on to the
name. Or at least that's how I remember it.

9. 3 Doors Down  ( Ass. Press)
The rock band got their name after the three original members were walking
down a street and they came across a door with a piece of wood that read,
"doors down" and so they became 3 Doors Down.
- - -


*******Today in history by Alan Dicey:

TODAY IN HISTORY, Today is Thursday, February 6, the 37th day of 2014.There
are 328 days left in the year.
TODAY IN HISTORY, Today's Highlight in History:
On February 6, 1952, Britain's King George VI died at Sandringham House in
Norfolk, England; he was succeeded as monarch by his elder daughter, who
became Queen Elizabeth II.
On this date in 1778, the United States won official recognition from France
with the signing of a Treaty of Alliance in Paris.
On this date in 1788, Massachusetts became the sixth state to ratify the U.
S. Constitution.
On this date in 1820: Freed U.S. slaves depart on journey to Africa
On this date in 1865: during the Civil War, Confederate General John Pegram
On this date in 1891: Dalton Gang commits its first train robbery
On this date in 1899, a peace treaty between the United States and Spain was
ratified by the U. S. Senate.
On this date in 1911, Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th president of the United
States, was born in Tampico, Illinois.
On this date in 1917: German sub sinks U.S. passenger ship California
On this date in 1922, Cardinal Archille Ratti was elected pope; he took the
name Pius XI.
On this date in 1928: Anastasia arrives in the United States
On this date in 1933, the 20th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, the
so-called "lame duck" amendment, was proclaimed in effect by Secretary of
State Henry Stimson.
On this date in 1937: Of Mice and Men is published
On this date in 1943, a Los Angeles jury acquitted actor Errol Flynn of
three counts of statutory rape.
Also, on this date in 1943: during World War 2, Mussolini fires his
On this date in 1959, the United States successfully test-fired for the
first time a Titan intercontinental ballistic missile from Cape Canaveral.
On this date in 1966: President Johnson meets with South Vietnamese Premier
On this date in 1973, Dixie Lee Ray was appointed by President Richard Nixon
to be the first woman to head the Atomic Energy Commission.
On this date in 1985: The "Reagan Doctrine" is announced
On this date in 1992, 16 people were killed when a C-130 military transport
plane crashed in Evansville, Indiana.
On this date in 1993: Tennis great Arthur Ashe dies of AIDS
On this date in 1994, actor Joseph Cotton died in Los Angeles at age 88.
On this date in 1998, President Bill Clinton signed a bill changing the name
of Washington National Airport to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.
Also, on this date In 1998 Pop music star Falco, who'd had a 1986 hit with
"Rock Me Amadeus," died in a traffic accident in the Dominican Republic; he
was 40.
Also, on this date in 1998: Infamous school teacher goes back to prison
On this date in 2009: Honda Insight debuts as Prius competitor
Ten years ago:
President George W. Bush appointed a bipartisan commission to examine
intelligence on Iraq's weapons. (In a scathing 600-page report released in
March 2005, the commission called the spy community "dead wrong on almost
all of its prewar judgments" about Iraqi weaponry.)
A suicide bomber set off an explosion that ripped through a Moscow subway
car during rush hour, killing 41 people.
Auto mechanic Joseph P. Smith was charged with kidnapping and murder after
authorities in Sarasota, Florida, found the body of 11-year-old Carlie
Brucia (BROO'-shuh), whose abduction had been captured by a carwash
surveillance camera.(Smith was later convicted and sentenced to death.)
Five years ago:
Key senators and the White House reached tentative agreement on an economic
stimulus measure at the heart of President Barack Obama's recovery plan.
Federal health officials said Peanut Corp. of America, a Georgia peanut
processor, had knowingly shipped salmonella-laced products as far back as
Death claimed actors James Whitmore at age 87 and Philip Carey at age 83.
One year ago:
The U. S. Postal Service proposed eliminating Saturday mail delivery, an
announcement that immediately drew protests from some lawmakers.
At least nine people were killed by a tsunami that smashed into villages in
the Solomon Islands, flattening dozens of homes in the South Pacific island
Toy maker Hasbro Inc. announced that Monopoly fans had voted online to add a
cat token to the board game, replacing the iron.
Today's Birthdays:
Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor is 97.
Actor Patrick Macnee is 92.
Actor Rip Torn is 83.
Actress Mamie Van Doren is 83.
Actor Mike Farrell is 75.
Former NBC News anchorman Tom Brokaw is 74.
Singer Fabian is 71.
Actress Gayle Hunnicutt is 71.
Actor Michael Tucker is 70.
Producer-director-writer Jim Sheridan is 65.
Singer Natalie Cole is 64.
Actor Jon Walmsley is 58.
Actress Kathy Najimy is 57.
Rock musician Simon Phillips (Toto) is 57.
Actor-director Robert Townsend is 57.
Actor Barry Miller is 56.
Actress Megan Gallagher is 54.
Rock singer Axl Rose (Guns N' Roses) is 52.
Country singer Richie McDonald is 52.
Singer Rick Astley is 48.
Rock musician Tim Brown (Boo Radleys) is 45.
Actor Brandon Hammond is 30.
Actress Alice Greczyn (GREH'-chihn) is 28.
Thought for Today:
"The first duty of a leader is to make himself be loved without courting
love.To be loved without 'playing up' to anyone even to himself."
Andre Malraux, French author (1901-1976).
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“We hope you enjoyed your day on Blind Café. Where the members matter most”

JB Heart
Author of Children's Books and Novels
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