It's an On Broadway Saturday on Blind Cafe

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Julie Parker

Jan 31, 2014, 10:37:55 PM1/31/14
to daily menu



Good Morning Members, it’s An on Broadway Saturday on Blind Café!



 “We hope you enjoy your day on Blind Café”


*Thanks to all our hosts and hostesses who work very hard to entertain our members.



Date: February 1st, 2014:


****On the Menu every day is for our new members as it has instructions on how to subscribe to our chat list and Menu. Also it gives a description of what can be found in a room by hitting F6. All other members can skip this section and go down to our Senior Menu to find a quick guide to today’s events. Our next section The Classic Menu gives a description of how our games are played. Finally our Dessert Menu is at the bottom of the page and is filled with articles from our members.


*BLIND CAFÉ’S Menu Favorites on the Menu every day:

*Check out our recipe on today’s menu in the Bistro, if you have a recipe that you would like to submit, please send it to   

*Located at the bottom of the menu you will find our Members Corner. Here we post Tid bits about Medical updates, Financial News, Today in history, zilch replays, Jokes, and other interesting articles sent in by our members.

. If you would like to submit an article please send it to


*To chat to your friends on Blind Café go to


*Blind Café recommends Cavi courses. If   you are interested in any Cavi courses you can visit:
Or if you have any questions for Monica you can e mail her at:



*Mystery Theatre.  Press F6 and listen to one of our very own produced mini who dun nit plays, starring our very own Blind Café Members.


*Press F6 in our Faith Chapel and listen to one of Pastor Jonathon or Pastor Volly Nelson’s Sermons.

*The Pirate’s Cove. Press F6 and sail away to the Islands with Jimmy Buffet.

*Laughing Leprechaun. Enjoy some luck of the Irish by pressing F6 in this room!

*Gadget’s Tech Room. Hit F6 and hear instructions on how to use I Phone Ap’s.


*I didn’t know that learning Centre. Hit F6 and listen to our learning tutorials.


*Café Premier Events Room. Sit back, hit F6 and get ready to listen to our full length, hilariously funny Christmas play that our Blind Café members acted in. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”


* Blind Café’s 2013, Murder in the Café Manor Halloween Horror Production by Julie P and Patti Woodworth


*Our 2013 Café Expresso Christmas Play, starring Willie and Jeannie Wilson as Santa and Mrs. Claus. See how our members turned into rogue toys and elves. Laugh along as poor Sweet P gets hit with the white stuff that she hates so much and last but not least, see how Lorraine runs Grandma over with the reindeer. For some reason Confetti and crew seem to have a hard time with getting Willie off the ground. Written and Produced by Julie Parker and Patti Woodworth, it’s definitely a must to listen to.




*T.V Land. Kick back, put your feet up, relax on one of our comfortable couches,   hit f 6 and watch one of our old time classic T.V shows such as Alf

All in the family

Andy Griffith


Brady Bunch


Gilligan’s island

Green acres

Highway to Heaven


Leave it to beaver

Little house on the prairie


Mork and Mindy

Mr. Ed

The Munsters

The Walton’s

W.K.R.P in Cincinnati


  We have more shows coming soon.


*The Café Comedy Lounge. Hit F6 and get ready for some great comedians like Jeff Dunham, Roy D Mercer, Bill Cosby, James Gregory, Rodney Carrington’s songs, Ron White, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Cosby, Jeanne Roberson, He Haw episodes and our very own John Harris and Willie in the Copper Clapper! Enjoy a great laugh whenever you want to get happy!  

*Movies, Movies, Movies:


We have over 600 described movies for your enjoyment. Come in to Willie’s cinema and watch the movie of your choice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Press F6 from the main room window, and choose the movie you would like to play. Happy movie watching, and don’t forget to bring the popcorn.


*BLIND CAFÉ’S   Senior Menu:



** 1 pm Join Neva for Farkle in the winners Circle!


2:30pm Join Neva in the Winners Circle for a fun game of Apples to Apples.

4 pm Join your host Sue Ellen for an afternoon game of Uno in the winners Circle!


6pm Martial Arts Presentation in The I didn’t know that Room:

Enjoy an hours Presentation of Judo and Martial Arts given by Robert Simpson a Martial Arts   expert.


*8:30pm on Broadway. Join your host Marsha and come by and share your talent with us or just sit back, relax and enjoy the entertainment.


 10:30pm Join your host Trevor and his computer Madame Guillotine for a game of Zilch. Watch out for the Madame though! You never quite know what mood she is going to be in!


After Zilch: Join everyone in the Café After Dark for friendly Chat.



***BLIND CAFÉ’S New Events Menu:

New Event:

This year in addition to our February 15th Lovers Day talent evening we will be playing our Fall Auction Songs. If you were bid on, please get with the person who bid on you and find out what song they would like you to record.



******BLIND CAFÉ’S Classic Menu includes times and explanation of games, please read below.  All times are Eastern Standard:



7 am The Donut and Coffee Shop opens:

 Join our breakfast club and find out about world events and what the weather is like in each others neck of the woods. If you are an early riser you will find one of us lingering around our freshly brewed coffee. If you like to dunk your donut, you had better grab one quick before Willie eats them all!


11:30 am the Bistro Opens Sponsored by Chris Spencer:

Share your lunch hour with us. Come by and   chat while we serve you a freshly made sandwich, croissant or French pastry. Fresh on the Menu today. Sent in by Peaches.

Pecan Confections
1 egg white
1 cup light brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon flour
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup pecan halves
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. In a small bowl, beat egg white to a stiff froth at medium speed, then gradually beat in brown sugar, salt and flour. Stir in chopped pecans. On a greased cookie sheet, drop mixture by 1/2 teaspoonfuls. Lightly press a pecan half in each cookie. Bake 15 minutes. Let cool some on cookie sheet, then finish cooling on a wire rack.
The 4 Ingredient Cookbook:
Peachy Carrots
1 pound package carrots, sliced and cooked
1 tablespoon margarine, melted
1/3 cup peach preserves
Pinch salt, optional
Combine carrots with margarine and peach preserves. Add salt. Cook over low heat until carrots are heated thoroughly.
Makes 6 servings.
The Betty Crocker Recipe Card Library:
Family Breakfast Brighteners
Mushroom Shirred Eggs
1 can (10 1/2 ounces) condensed cream of mushroom soup
1/2 teaspoon grated onion
1/4 cup milk
6 eggs
2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
1/2 cup dry bread crumbs
1/8 teaspoon salt
6 slices pork luncheon meat
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix soup, onion and milk. Spoon about 3 tablespoons soup mixture into each of 6 ungreased 6 ounce custard cups. Break an egg carefully into each cup. Mix butter, bread crumbs and salt; sprinkle on eggs. Place cups on baking sheet. Bake 25 to 30 minutes, or until eggs are desired doneness. While eggs bake, heat slices of meat in oven. Unmold eggs on meat.
Makes 6 servings.


1pm Farkle In the Winners Circle. Sponsored by Chris and Cheryl Spencer:

Join Neva for a nifty game of Farkle! The winner will be entered into our Year End Tournament. Let’s see who is the best Farkaler on Blind Café! It might be you!

2:30pm Apples to Apples in the Winners Circle. Sponsored by Chris and Cheryl Spencer:

Join your host Neva for a fun game of Apples to Apples. Match a quirky answer to a serious definition.



4 pm Uno in the Winners Circle. Sponsored by Chris and Cheryl Spencer:

Join your host Sue Ellen for an afternoon game of Uno.


6pm Martial Arts Presentation In I didn’t know that Room:

Here’s what Robert has to say! I always love to talk about martial arts.
But tips like leaving a light and a radio on when you leave your house or
apartment, how ladies should carry their purses, walking confidently knowing
where you are walking, hundreds and hundreds of tips and tricks that will
keep you safer in everyday life.
You don't have to be Scared going out and about.  Get out enjoy life

I Started Judo in 1992.
I am a Former Member of a World Blind Judo team.
1998. International competitor Japan, Brought home team silver for USA.
Currently holds:
 A 2nd degree black belt in Hanbo-jitsu.
A 3rd. degree black belt Judo.
A 4th degree Black belt small circle ju-jitsu.
A 4th degree Black belt in traditional ju-jitsu.
A Blue belt in BJJ. Brazilian Ju-jitsu.
A USA Judo state certified coach.
I have been in the martial arts now for the past 21 years.
I have many medals and trophies.
As a leagaly blind person I discovered Judo and fell in love with it. I went
beyond learning self-defense, and made it a way of life.
I want to share what I learned with you!
Robert Simpson-Morrison.



8:30pm on Broadway:

 Join your host Marsha and our Blind Café Members in the On Broadway Lounge for a true showcase of talent. Listen to the Café’s best as they sing and play instruments and even read poetry, or just come on in and be a part of the audience and enjoy their talent.


10:30 pm Zilch out room Sponsored by Patti W:

Join your host Trevor and his computer Madame Guillotine for a round of everybody’s favorite addiction, Zilch. All you need to know about this game is, don’t Zilch out.



11 pm Café after Dark opens sponsored by Terra Lee:

  Anyone for a late night chat? Let’s see who can stay awake the longest. If we survive until 7am we can always go down to the Donut and coffee shop and join the breakfast club. Where they meet every day.


Midnight Easy Listening Music Room:

Still in the mood for music? Come by and play some tunes with Julie and friends.

*******What’s for Dessert in the Members Corner:


*Tiffany’s Interesting Food facts about today:

February 1
 National Cake Pops Day
 National Baked Alaska Day
 National Dark Chocolate Day

**Thought of the day:

Thanks Sharon for the thought of the day.

> ESP is real...I read about it in tomorrow's paper.

.*** Joke of the day:I hope all our guy members are smarter than this! > Steve noticed that Dewey was looking depressed, and asked what was wrong.
> "Well," said Dewey, "I ran afoul of one of those awkward questions women ask. Now I'm in deep trouble at home."
> "What kind of question?" asked Steve.
> "My wife asked me if I would still love her when she gets old, fat and wrinkly."
> "That's easy," said Steve. "You just say 'Of course I will'."
> "Yeah," said Dewey, "That's what I did, except I said 'Of course I DO...'"
>Of Course! Boom Boom!


****Social Security sent in by Bob Tullis:

You may have seen this,   But it's worth another look.


Did you know this?  I certainly did not.  
Once again, our beloved congressmen are playing  fast and loose with vernacular.
What motive did they have for changing  the name of our Social Security?
I'm sure they have a plan, and it won't be to our betterment.
Here we go.
Have you noticed, the Social Security check is now referred to as a   "Federal, Benefit Payment"? 
I'll be part of the one percent to forward this. 
I am forwarding it because it touches a nerve in me, and I hope it will in you. 
Please keep passing it on until everyone in our country has  read it. 
The government is now referring to our Social Security checks as a " Federal Benefit Payment ".
This isn't a benefit . It is earned income!
Not only did we all contribute to Social Security but our employers did too.
It totaled 15% of our income before taxes . 
If you averaged $30K per year over your working life, that's close to $180,000
Invested in Social Security. 
If you calculate the future value of your monthly investment in social security( $375/month,
including both your and your employers contributions) at a meager 1% Interest  rate
compounded monthly, after  40 years of working you'd have more than $1.3+ million dollars saved!
This is your personal investment. 
Upon retirement, if you took out only 3% per year, you'd receive $39,318 per year,
or $3,277 per month. 
That's almost three times more than today's average Social Security benefit of
$1,230 per month,according to the Social Security Administration.
(Google it - its a fact). 
And your retirement fund would last more than 33 years (until you're 98 if you retire
at age 65)! I can only imagine how much better most average-income people could live
in retirement if our government  had just invested our money in low-risk
interest-earning accounts. 
Instead, the folks in Washington pulled off a bigger Ponzi scheme
than Bernie Madoff ever did.
They took our money and used it elsewhere. 
They forgot (Knew) that it was OUR money they were taking. 
They didn't have a referendum to ask us if we wanted to lend the money to them.
And they didn't pay interest on the debt they assumed. 
And recently they've told us that the money won't support us for very much longer. 
(Isn't it funny that they NEVER say this about  welfare?)
But is it our fault they misused our investments? 
And now, to add insult to injury, they're calling it a benefit,
as if we never worked to earn every penny of it. 
Offered by John C. 
Just because they borrowed the money doesn't mean that our investments were a charity! 
Let's take a stand. 
We have earned our right to Social Security and Medicare. 
Demand that our legislators bring some sense into our government. 
Find a way to keep Social Security and Medicare going for the sake of
that 92% of our population who need it.   
*Then call it what it is:
Our Earned Retirement Income.



*****Why is New Years January 1st? Sent in by Alan Dicey:

Why is New Year's Day January 1st?
Because Julius Caesar said so. Why?
Early Roman Calendar
Since long before Caesar's time, date keeping was dicey. In fact, the
355-day Roman calendar that immediately preceded Caesar's Julian, worked on
a four year cycle where every other year, an additional month was inserted
between February (Februarius), the last month of that calendar year, and
March (Martius), the first month of the year; this was done in order to
catch the calendar up with the Earth's orbit of the Sun. That additional
month, called the Mensis intercalaris, brought in the missing 22 or 23 days,
and to even things up, took another five days from February in the years it
was present.

Since the calendar had been designed to ensure the proper observance of
religious dates, priests, called pontifices, were responsible for declaring
when the interclaris month should begin and end. Since these priests were
also involved with politics, they sometimes:
"Misused their power by intercalating days or not intercalating them, merely
in order to lengthen or shorten some magistrate's year of office, or to
increase the gains of some government contractor, or to inflict loss upon
By the time Caesar came around, the Roman calendar was in shambles, and in
46 BC, Julius Caesar commanded that it be changed.

Julian calendar

The Julian calendar's beginnings were as crazy as the old Roman calendar at
its worst: "In order to wipe out the consequences of past neglect, it was
necessary that the year 46 BC (called by Macrobius the annus confusionis)
should extend to 445 days. The normal number of 355 days had already been
increased by the addition of the ordinary 23 days, inserted after February
23. As many as 67 days, divided into two menses intercalares . . . were now
interposed between November and December. . . . This year thus consisted of
15 months."
After this "year of confusion," the new calendar really started.
Intercalation was abolished, and each year was increased to 365 days, with a
leap year added every fourth year (quarto quoque anno) to February. The
months of the calendar after Caesar's shake-up followed the old Roman
calendar closely and most are familiar to us even today: Ianuarius,
Februarius, Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Iunius, Guintilis, Sextilis, September,
October, November and December.

Along with these changes, Caesar set the New Year to January 1.  Why? Since
153 BC, January 1 was the day new consuls in Rome took office and Romans had
commonly used the name of the two consuls to identify a specific year in
question.  Thus, by officially making January 1 start the New Year, it
simply lined up with the consular year.

As to why the consular year started on January 1 instead of the original
Roman Calendar New Year's day of March 1, this isn't known.  That said,
there are references that seem to imply that January 1 may have begun
marking the New Year as early as 189 BC, which precedes when the consular
year started beginning on that day.

One proposed reason for this switch is that January is thought by most to
have been named after the god of transitions and beginnings, Janus, during
the reign of the second King of Rome, Numa Pompilius, who lived from 753-673
BC.  Thus, it was naturally enough for the Romans to eventually decide to
make the switch. However, whether this is the reason or not is very much up
for debate.

Gregorian Calendar

Although the Julian Calendar was relatively accurate, its use of 365.25 days
in a calendar year, as opposed to the precise 365.2425 days, over centuries,
created a discrepancy in the calendar. In fact, by the time Pope Gregory
XIII (1572-1585) became the Bishop of Rome, the Julian calendar had lost 10

It was this discrepancy that brought about the reformed calendar. Actually
beginning 20 years before the calendar took effect with the Council of Trent
in 1563, church leaders wanted to restore the spring equinox to the date it
was when the First Council of Nicaea was convened in 325 (by 1563, the
equinox was falling on March 11, rather than March 21).

As simple as making a Papal decree, Gregory issued the Inter gravissimas on
February 24, 1582, and nearly eight months later, the last day of the Julian
calendar, October 4, 1582, was followed by the first day of the Gregorian
calendar, October 15, 1582. Viola!

Today, the Gregorian calendar is the unofficial calendar of the United
States and the United Nations, as well as most countries in the world.

New Year's Day

Since before even Caesar's time, people celebrated the New Year. In ancient
Babylon, this began after the spring equinox in March, and part of the
celebration including subjecting the king to ritual humiliation. In fact,
"if royal tears were shed, it was seen as a sign that Marduk [a god] was
satisfied and had symbolically extended the king's rule."

After he was murdered by a small group of his "friends" ("Et tu, Brute?"),
the Roman Senate made Caesar a god on January 1, 42 BC, a date which
coincided with the time-honored practice of making offerings to Janus in the
hope of having good fortune throughout the year.

Throughout the Middle Ages in Europe, January 1st's New Year's celebrations
were discouraged, as they were seen by church leaders as a pagan practice.
Instead, other days were often used as a substitute varying from nation to
nation.  This changed when the Gregorian calendar was instituted and, at
least in the Catholic nations, January 1 once again became the official New
Year, and it slowly spread from their with the Gregorian calendar.

Bonus Fact:
As mentioned, many protestant nations ignored the Gregorian calendar for
some time. England stuck to the Julian Calendar until 1751 before finally
making the switch. Orthodox countries took even longer to accept the change
in calendars. Russia, for one did not convert to the Gregorian calendar
until after the Russian Revolution in 1917. The funny thing was, in 1908,
the Russian Olympic team arrived 12 days late to the London Olympics because
of it.
- - -

Today in History, Today is Friday, January 31, 2014
on this date January 31, 1958, the United States entered the Space Age with
its first successful launch of a satellite into orbit, Explorer 1.

On this date in 1606 Guy Fawkes, convicted for his part in the Gunpowder
Plot against the English Parliament and King James I, was executed.
On this date in 1752: Governor Morris is born
On this date in 1797 Composer Franz Schubert was born in Vienna, Austria.
On this date in 1865 Robert E. Lee was named general-in-chief of the
Confederate armies.
Also, on this date in 1865: House passes the 13th Amendment
On this date in 1872: Author Zane Grey is born
On this date in 1917 Germany announced a policy of unrestricted submarine
On this date in 1919 Baseball Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson, who broke the
sport's color barrier in 1947, was born in Cairo, Geordgia.
On this date in 1923: Norman Mailer is born
On this date in 1937: American composer Phillip Glass is born
On this date in 1944 U.S. forces invaded the Japanese-held Marshall Islands
during World War 2.
O nthis date in 1945 Private Eddie Slovik became the only U.S. soldier since
the Civil War to be executed for desertion.
On this date in 1949 The first TV daytime soap opera, "These Are My
Children," was broadcast by the NBC station in Chicago.
On this date in 1950 President Harry S. Truman announced that he had ordered
development of the hydrogen bomb. U.S. President Harry S. Truman publicly
announces his decision to support the development of the hydrogen bomb, a
weapon theorized to be hundreds of times more powerful than the atomic bombs
dropped on Japan during World War II.
On this date in 1968 : during the Vietnam War, Viet Cong attack U.S. Embassy
On this date in 1971 Astronauts Alan B. Shepard Jr., Edgar D. Mitchell and
Stuart A. Roosa blasted off aboard Apollo 14 on the third successful manned
mission to the moon.
On this date in 1972: during the Vietnam War, North Vietnam presents
nine-point peace proposal
On this date in 1974: Samuel Goldwyn dies
On this date in 1988: Doug Williams leads Redskins to Super Bowl victory
On this date in 1990 McDonald's Corp. opened its first fast-food restaurant
in Moscow.
On this date in 1995: Clinton authorizes loan to Mexico
On this date in 2000 An Alaska Airlines jet plunged into the ocean off
Southern California on a flight from Mexico to San Francisco, killing all 88
people on board.
On this date in 2001 A Scottish court sitting in the Netherlands convicted
one Libyan and acquitted a second in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103
over Lockerbie, Scotland.
On this date in 2006 Samuel Alito was confirmed by the Senate and sworn in
as a Supreme Court justice.
On this date in 2006 The Senate approved Ben Bernanke as chairman of the
Federal Reserve.
On this date in 2007: names most memorable TV cars
On this date in 2011 Egypt's military promised not to fire on peaceful
protests and recognized "the legitimacy of the people's demands."
On this date in 2011 Myanmar opened its first parliament in more than two
Today's Birthdays:
Singer-actor Justin Timberlake turns 33 years old today.
Carol Channing Actress 93
Ernie Banks Baseball Hall of Famer 83
Philip Glass Composer 77
Princess Beatrix Former queen of the Netherlands 76
Richard Gephardt Former House minority leader 73
Jessica Walter Actress ("Arrested Development") 73
Baseball Hall of Famer and Texas Rangers president Nolan Ryan turns 67 years
old today
KC Singer, musician (KC and the Sunshine Band) 63
Johnny Rotten Rock singer (The Sex Pistols) 58
Anthony LaPaglia Actor ("Without a Trace") 55
Minnie Driver Actress 44
Portia de Rossi Actress ("Arrested Development," "Ally McBeal") 41
Bobby Moynihan Actor, comedian ("Saturday Night Live") 37
Kerry Washington Actress ("Scandal") 37
Marcus Mumford Singer, musician (Mumford and Sons) 27.
Thought For Today:
"But peace does not rest in the charters and covenants alone. It lies in the
hearts and minds of all people. So let us not rest all our hopes on
parchment and on paper, let us strive to build peace, a desire for peace, a
willingness to work for peace in the hearts and minds of all of our people.
I believe that we can. I believe the problems of human destiny are not
beyond the reach of human beings."
-President John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963)
- - -


“We hope you enjoyed your day on Blind Café. Where the members matter most” 

JB Heart
Author of Children's Books and Novels

Julie Parker

Feb 8, 2014, 12:51:58 AM2/8/14
to daily menu



Good Morning Members, it’s An on Broadway Saturday on Blind Café!



 “We hope you enjoy your day on Blind Café”


*Thanks to all our hosts and hostesses who work very hard to entertain our members.



Date: February 8th, 2014:


****On the Menu every day is for our new members as it has instructions on how to subscribe to our chat list and Menu. Also it gives a description of what can be found in a room by hitting F6. All other members can skip this section and go down to our Senior Menu to find a quick guide to today’s events. Our next section The Classic Menu gives a description of how our games are played. Finally our Dessert Menu is at the bottom of the page and is filled with articles from our members.


*BLIND CAFÉ’S Menu Favorites on the Menu every day:

*Check out our recipe on today’s menu in the Bistro, if you have a recipe that you would like to submit, please send it to   

*Located at the bottom of the menu you will find our Members Corner. Here we post Tid bits about Medical updates, Financial News, Today in history, zilch replays, Jokes, and other interesting articles sent in by our members.

. If you would like to submit an article please send it to


*To chat to your friends on Blind Café go to


*Blind Café recommends Cavi courses. If   you are interested in any Cavi courses you can visit:

or if you have any questions for Monica you can e mail her at:

*Sixteen players battled for the highest score in Friday night’s Café Craps game. Mike won with 300 points.

Lorraine and Neva also scored over 100 and qualified for the February Craps Tournament.


Neva Fairchild



** 1 pm Join Neva for Farkle in the winners Circle!


2:30pm Join Neva in the Winners Circle for a fun game of Apples to Apples.

4 pm join your host Sue Ellen for an afternoon game of Uno in the winners Circle!


6pm Martial Arts Presentation in the I didn’t know that Room:

Enjoy an hours Presentation of Judo and Martial Arts given by Robert Simpson a Martial Arts   expert.


*8:30pm on Broadway. Join your host Marsha and come by and share your talent with us or just sit back, relax and enjoy the entertainment.


 10:30pm join your host Trevor and his computer Madame Guillotine for a game of Zilch. Watch out for the Madame though! You never quite know what mood she is going to be in!


After Zilch: Join everyone in the Café after Dark for friendly Chat.



***BLIND CAFÉ’S New Events Menu:

New Event:

This year in addition to our February 15th Lovers Day talent evening we will be playing our Fall Auction Songs. If you were bid on, please get with the person who bid on you and find out what song they would like you to record.



******BLIND CAFÉ’S Classic Menu includes times and explanation of games, please read below.  All times are Eastern Standard:



7 am The Donut and Coffee Shop opens:

 Join our breakfast club and find out about world events and what the weather is like in each others neck of the woods. If you are an early riser you will find one of us lingering around our freshly brewed coffee. If you like to dunk your donut, you had better grab one quick before Willie eats them all!


11:30 am the Bistro Opens Sponsored by Chris Spencer:

Share your lunch hour with us. Come by and   chat while we serve you a freshly made sandwich, croissant or French pastry. Fresh on the Menu today. Sent in by Peaches.

Fried Ice Cream
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 (6 inch) flour tortillas
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons sugar
1/4 cup cornflake crumbs
2 large scoops French Vanilla ice cream
1 can whipped cream
Toppings of honey and chocolate syrup
Fry tortillas in oil and drain. Combine cinnamon and sugar. Sprinkle half of the cinnamon mixture over both sides of fried tortillas; coat evenly. Combine remaining cinnamon mixture with cornflakes in another bowl. Pour onto plate. Place large scoop of ice cream in flakes and roll the ice cream around until entire surface is covered. Put ice cream on tortilla. Serve with honey and chocolate syrup.


1pm Farkle in the Winners Circle. Sponsored by Chris and Cheryl Spencer:

Join Neva for a nifty game of Farkle! The winner will be entered into our Year End Tournament. Let’s see who is the best Farkaler on Blind Café! It might be you!

2:30pm Apples to Apples in the Winners Circle. Sponsored by Chris and Cheryl Spencer:

Join your host Neva for a fun game of Apples to Apples. Match a quirky answer to a serious definition.



4 pm Uno in the Winners Circle. Sponsored by Chris and Cheryl Spencer:

Join your host Sue Ellen for an afternoon game of Uno.


6pm Martial Arts Presentation in I didn’t know that Room:

Here’s what Robert has to say! I always love to talk about martial arts.
But tips like leaving a light and a radio on when you leave your house or
apartment, how ladies should carry their purses, walking confidently knowing
where you are walking, hundreds and hundreds of tips and tricks that will
keep you safer in everyday life.
You don't have to be Scared going out and about.  Get out enjoy life

I Started Judo in 1992.
I am a Former Member of a World Blind Judo team.
1998. International competitor Japan, Brought home team silver for USA.
Currently holds:
 A 2nd degree black belt in Hanbo-jitsu.
A 3rd. degree black belt Judo.
A 4th degree Black belt small circle ju-jitsu.
A 4th degree Black belt in traditional ju-jitsu.
A Blue belt in BJJ. Brazilian Ju-jitsu.
A USA Judo state certified coach.
I have been in the martial arts now for the past 21 years.
I have many medals and trophies.

As a legally blind person I discovered Judo and fell in love with it. I went

beyond learning self-defense, and made it a way of life.
I want to share what I learned with you!
Robert Simpson-Morrison.



8:30pm on Broadway:

 Join your host Marsha and our Blind Café Members in the On Broadway Lounge for a true showcase of talent. Listen to the Café’s best as they sing and play instruments and even read poetry, or just come on in and be a part of the audience and enjoy their talent.


10:30 pm Zilch out room Sponsored by Patti W:

Join your host Trevor and his computer Madame Guillotine for a round of everybody’s favorite addiction, Zilch. All you need to know about this game is, don’t Zilch out.



11 pm Café after Dark opens sponsored by Terra Lee:

  Anyone for a late night chat? Let’s see who can stay awake the longest. If we survive until 7am we can always go down to the Donut and coffee shop and join the breakfast club. Where they meet every day.


*******What’s for Dessert in the Members Corner:


*Tiffany’s Interesting Food facts about today:

February 8
 National Molasses Bar Day
 National Potato Lover’s Day

**Thought of the day:

Thanks Sharon for the thought of the day.

> Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow.

*** Joke of the day:

Oo! I hope this never happens to anyone! > The waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his thumb over the meat as he is carrying on the plate.
> "Are you crazy?"  complained the customer, "You have your hand on my steak!"
> "What?"  answers the waiter, "You want it to fall on the floor again?"
>  "
>Of Course! Boom Boom! Hahahahahahahaha



****Can light measure a blood sugar? Sent in by Terry:

Diabetic Digest - February 5, 2014


I don't know about you, but I'm tired of pricking my
fingers to measure my glucose levels. It hurts, it's
aggravating, and the supplies can get expensive. Now,
according to researchers, finger sticks my become a
thing of the past.

I have an article that my shine a light on an alternative
to those painful finger sticks.

Plus, get the recipe for a delicious Banana Chocolate
Parfait. Who wouldn't want one of those?


*****Thrifty Tips sent in by Terry:

Thrifty Tips
Pinch your pennies until Lincoln squeals.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Greetings Thrifty Friends,

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Keep pinchin' those pennies,

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*******Weird news but it’s true sent in by Alan:

Lead Story
  * America's returning warriors continue to experience inexplicable
difficulty after putting their lives at risk for their country.  It took 13
years for Army Sgt.  Maj.  Richard Erickson to get his job back from
his civilian employer after he took leave in 2000 to serve in the
National Guard special forces.  The employer soon fired him for
taking "excessive military leave." The employer? The United
States Postal Service, for which Erickson worked as a window clerk
(and which was forced to reinstate him after a January 2014 ruling
awarding him $2 million in back pay).  Erickson had won several
interim victories, but USPS fought each one, extending the case,
and said in January that it might even appeal the latest ruling. [Los
Angeles Times, 1-8-2014]
NUTS!!! THANKS DICK!   Recurring Themes
  * Happy New Year: (1) Once again, celebrants in France marked
January 1st by setting fire to 1,067 cars nationwide (down from
1,193 the previous January 1st).  (2) In the Hillbrow neighborhood
of Johannesburg, South Africa, celebrants apparently decided to
abandon a 20-year-old tradition and not hurl furniture from
high-rise apartments.  (The Hillbrow custom was highlighted on one
social-networking website, along with the New Year's graveyard
gathering of relatives in Chile and Ireland's banging bread on walls
to dispel evil spirits.) [Daily Telegraph (London), 1-1-2014] [Wall
Street Journal, 1-2-2014]
  * Holy Mutations: Deformed animals born in developing countries
often attract streams of pilgrims--seeking to touch a creature
considered divinely blessed.  In December, a five-legged cow in
Raipur, India, had supposedly "caused" the last 30 women who
touched it to give birth to boys.  Don't think it was the cow what done
that!  And a day after that report came
one from Phuket, Thailand, in which a newborn gecko with six legs
and two heads has become a magnet for visitors seeking clues to
winning lottery numbers.  [Daily Mail (London), 12-25-2013]
[Phuket News, 12-26-2013] OH KAY!!
  * In November the Journal-News of Hamilton, Ohio, examining
various police union contracts in the state, learned that in several
jurisdictions, officers are allowed to work their shifts even when
less sober than some drivers whom they ticket for DUI.  In Lebanon,
Ohio, for instance, cops can work with a .04 blood-alcohol reading.
In Butler County, an .04 reading triggers officers' legal protections
unavailable to ordinary drivers.  (However, in Lebanon, an officer's
right to suck on a breath mint before taking the test was recently
removed from the contract.) [Journal-News, 11-17-2013]
  * Judges As Romantics: (1) In December, Italy's top appeals court
awarded a new trial to a man, 60, who had been convicted of having
sex with an 11-year-old girl.  Evidence had been excluded that the
pair were having a "romantic relationship" with "feelings of love."
(2) Alabama Judge James Woodroof of Limestone County, given
two separate chances in December to sentence Austin Clem, 25, to
jail time for raping a girl beginning when she was 7, both times
opted for probation.  (The no-jail sentences perhaps reflected that
Clem's family and hers continued to socialize after the rapes.)
[Agence France-Presse via Business Insider, 12-31-2013]
[Associated Press via New York Times, 12-24-2013]
  * The Continuing British Campaign to Abolish Risks: (1) Britain's
Royal Mail announced in December that it would stop delivery to
Jeff and Sheila White's cottage in Carnforth because the carrier was
frightened of cows.  (Mrs.  White said he was just lazy, in that when
the cows were present, the carrier had to open and close a gate to get
to their cottage.) (2) A 65-year-old school crossing guard resigned
in October from a job he said he liked because officials at Manadon
Vale Primary School had ordered him to stop playfully "high-
fiving" students.  Guards, the school said, need both arms free to
hold signs and make proper signals.  [Daily Mail, 12-5-2013]
[Plymouth Herald, 10-14-2013]
  * News of the Weird has reported the emerging mainstream
treatment (for various bowel disorders) of fecal transplants, in
which a healthier relative "donates" via enema supposedly healthier
microbes to a sickly patient, to normalize intestinal activity.  The
process, still strange to many patients despite its apparent success,
has become so popular that in October Canadian officials felt the
need to warn patients not to perform amateur transplants.  Said one
mother, after successfully treating her 10-year-old daughter, "I think
one day . . .  we will have fecal-matter banks [like blood banks and
sperm banks]." [CTV, 10-4-2013]
  * Unclear on the Concept: In December, after Carmen Reategui,
34, was arrested for DUI in Readington Township, N.J., and was
too impaired to drive home, she called Nina Petracca, 23, who
block quote
rived at the police station impaired, herself (and was arrested
block quote end
DUI), and both women called Ryan Hogan, 33, to take them home,
but he also arrived impaired was also arrested.  [Hunterdon County
Democrat, 12-20-2013]
  * Classics: (1) Jamal Garrett, 29, was arrested in Antioch, Calif., in
January after, police said, he tried to rob a Wells Fargo bank but had
fled empty-handed after a teller struggled to read a poorly written
holdup note.  (She and her manager said they did not even know
immediately if it was a holdup or just a note requesting assistance.)
(2) Daniel Severn, 27, pleaded guilty to burglary in England's Hull
Crown Court in December, for trying to enter a home through the
roof but getting trapped, upside down, in the bathroom.  He dug his
phone out of his pocket, but it fell into the toilet, and he remained
hanging for an hour and a half until a resident arrived and found
him.) [San Jose Mercury News, 1-6-2014] [Daily Telegraph
(London), 12-12-2013]
  Updates on News of the Weird Stories
  * Unrelenting, swastika-tattooed New Jersey neo-Nazi Heath
Campbell, 40, saw child number nine born in November, and once
again, a county's family welfare office removed it almost
immediately.  "I'm not allowed to have children because I'm a
Nazi," he lamented.  Campbell first made headlines in 2008 when a
bakery declined to decorate a birthday cake for his son, Adolf Hitler
Campbell, leading child welfare officials to investigate, and more
seizures followed, now including the November-born Eva (Lynn
Patricia) Braun.  Campbell told reporters he would continue to fight
for offspring.  "I'll stop making them when they stop taking them."
[New York Daily News, 12-30-2013]
  * News of the Weird informed readers in November that the
Snuggle House was about to open in Madison, Wis., promising
clients pajama-clad bedmates--as long as no sex (or foreplay, even)
took place.  In fact, Snuggle House has yet to open (in part because
the Madison assistant city attorney has yet to overcome her belief
that cuddling without sex is impossible).  However, a December
Associated Press report noted that no-sex cuddleries thrive in
Rochester, N.Y.  ("The Snuggery"), Boulder, Colo.  ("Be The Love
You Are"), and San Francisco ("Cuddle Therapy").  Snuggle House
owner Matthew Hurtado said he is still working with Madison
officials on regulations to prevent naughtiness.  [Associated Press
via Washington Post, 12-8-2013]
  * Among planet Earth's most bizarre local customs is the Christmas
tradition in Spain's Catalonia region of decorating Nativity scenes
with figurines of famous people squatting, answering nature's calls.
News of the Weird has noted that Presidents (Bush and Obama)
have been "honored" with posterior-baring statuettes, along with
Queen Elizabeth.  Right on cue this past Christmas, Spanish artists
unveiled "caganers" in the images of Pope Francis and Nelson
Mandela.  (Perhaps the least-illogical explanation for the tradition is
that if the manger is fertilized, the coming year's crops will
flourish.) [Agence France-Presse via The Local (Rome), 11-16-
  * To build an iron-ore smelting plant in Iceland in 2009, Alcoa, Inc.,
was forced to kowtow to the country's national obsession that elves
("hidden people") live underground and that construction projects
must assure that the little fellas have had a chance to scatter
gracefully to new habitats.  Alcoa hired the necessary elf-monitoring
"engineers," and eventually the project proceeded.  In December
2013, the government announced it was temporarily abandoning a
major road project connecting a remote peninsula and the capital of
Reykjavik after it was "learned" that the route would disturb an "elf
church." The likely outcome, again, according to an Associated
Press dispatch, is that the project will resume once the elves have
relocated.  [Associated Press via San Jose Mercury News, 12-23-
******Today in history by Alan Dicey:

TODAY IN HISTORY, Today is Friday, February 7, the 38th day of 2014.  There
are 327 days left in the year.
Today's Highlight in History:
On February 7, 1964, The Beatles began their first American tour as they
arrived at New York's John F.  Kennedy International Airport, where they
made wise cracks during a chaotic press conference while thousands of their
fans were jammed inside the terminal.
On this date in 1775: Benjamin Franklin publishes "An Imaginary Speech"
On this date in 1795, the 11th Amendment to the U.S.  Constitution, dealing
with states' sovereign immunity, was ratified.
On this date In 1812, author Charles Dickens was born in Landport,
Portsmouth, England.
Also, on this date in 1812: Earthquake causes fluvial tsunami in Mississippi
On this date In 1857, a French court acquitted author Gustave Flaubert of
obscenity for his serialized novel "Madame Bovary.
On this date in 1862 during the Civil War, Rebel reinforcements ordered to
Tennessee's Fort Donelson
On this date in 1881: Plea bargaining gains favor in American courts
On this date in 1904, a fire began in Baltimore that raged for about 30
hours and destroyed more than 1,500 buildings.
On this date in 1914, Keystone Film Corporation released the silent short
comedy "Kid Auto Races at Venice," Charles Chaplin's second film, and the
first in which he plays the Little Tramp.
On this date in 1936, President Franklin D.  Roosevelt authorized a flag for
the office of the vice president.
On this date in 1938 : Tire king Firestone dies
On this date in 1944, Bing Crosby and the John Scott Trotter Orchestra
recorded "Swinging on a Star" for Decca Records in Los Angeles.
On this date in 1948, General Dwight D.  Eisenhower resigned as Army chief
of staff; he was succeeded by General  Omar Bradley.
On this date in 1962, President John F.  Kennedy imposed a full trade
embargo on Cuba.
On this date in 1965 : during the Vietnam War, U.S. jets conduct retaliatory
On this date in 1970 : LSU star Maravich scores 69 points in single game
On this date in 1974, the island nation of Grenada won independence from
On this date In 1984, space shuttle Challenger astronauts Bruce McCandless
II and Robert L.  Stewart went on the first untethered space walk, which
lasted nearly six hours.
On this date in 1990 : Soviet Communist Party gives up monopoly on political
On this date in 1992: European Union treaty signed
On this date in 1999, Jordan's King Hussein died of cancer at age 63; he was
succeeded by his eldest son, Abdullah.
On this date in 2002: President George W. Bush announces plan for
"faith-based initiatives"
Ten years ago:
John Kerry won the Washington state and Michigan Democratic presidential
Five years ago:
A miles-wide section of ice in Lake Erie broke away from the Ohio shoreline,
trapping about 135 fishermen, some for as long as four hours before they
could be rescued (one man fell into the water and later died of an apparent
heart attack).
Walls of flame roared across southeastern Australia, leveling scores of
homes, forests and farmland in the country's worst wildfire disaster in a
quarter century.
Bolivia's new constitution took effect.
Death claimed jazz singer Blossom Dearie at age 84, country singer Molly Bee
at age 69, and Jack Cover, inventor of the Taser stun gun, at age 88.
One year ago:
CIA Director-designate John Brennan strongly defended anti-terror attacks by
unmanned drones under close questioning at a protest-disrupted confirmation
hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Today's Birthdays:
Author Gay Talese is 82.
Former Senator Herb Kohl, D-Wis., is 79.
Actor Miguel Ferrer is 59.
Reggae musician Brian Travers (UB40) is 55.
Comedy writer Robert Smigel (SMY'-guhl) is 54.
Actor James Spader is 54.
Country singer Garth Brooks is 52.
Rock musician David Bryan (Bon Jovi) is 52.
Actor-comedian Eddie Izzard is 52.
Actor-comedian Chris Rock is 49.
Actor Jason Gedrick is 47.
Actress Essence Atkins is 42.
Rock singer-musician Wes Borland is 39.
Rock musician Tom Blankenship (My Morning Jacket) is 36.
Actor Ashton Kutcher is 36.
Actress Tina Majorino is 29.
Actress Deborah Ann Woll (TV: "True Blood") is 29.
Thought for Today:
"Do not read as children do to enjoy themselves, or, as the ambitious do to
educate themselves.  No, read to live. "
Gustave Flaubert, French author (1821-1880).
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