Buying vs. Borrowing

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Apr 24, 2009, 11:10:50 PM4/24/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hi Book Club!

I plan on borrowing book club books from my local library. I was
lucky to get May's book in 3 days. How many of you are planning to
borrow books from the library. Would their be an advantage to
selecting books 2 months ahead of time to account for waiting lists?

Just thinking out loud...

Apr 24, 2009, 11:37:38 PM4/24/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hi Heather, I would borrow books from my Library but because I live
in a small town and our Library is very small it has taken me as long
as 4 weeks to get a book that I have reserved. I will be buying my
books. I purchased The Host at Sam's club tonight. I paid 14.46 for it
not a bad price. :) But if I could get my books from the library I
certainly would. I will pass my books onto my daughter and she will
then let my sister read the books I send her so it is well worth my



Apr 24, 2009, 11:44:46 PM4/24/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Good idea Heather. How about one month ahead rather than 2. Maybe we
can start the book suggestion and voting for June's book once everyone
has joined in.

I wasn't thinking of how and when people can get their books because I
live near a book store! LOL!

Maybe I'll change the date up a bit. For June's book we can start the
book suggestions maybe tomorrow and give everyone until the end of
month since i sort of started up the blog late in the month and on the
23rd of May, start the book suggestions and voting for July's book.

I don't want to do the book selection too early in advance . . I don't
want everyone to get confused. So one month advance will be easier to
manage without confusing any one.

What do you all think of that? Is one month advance selection a good
time or do you want it like Heather suggested, 2 months?


Margie (

Apr 25, 2009, 10:16:15 AM4/25/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hi Everyone!
I love the idea of using my library, but, it is so busy and
overcrowded that I dread going!
I am so lucky that a warehouse opened up by me a year ago! It's mostly
paperbacks, 30-60% off!!!
They do have populare hardcovers too - 20-40% off!
I've been a very happy girl - especially since I prefer to have my own
books ;)

One month is good for me - but I'll go with whatever the majority

Apr 25, 2009, 9:36:27 AM4/25/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
I think that one month is fine and a great idea. I will probably buy
my books, but would prefer to get them from the Library if I
can...sometimes it can take a long time depending on how many copies
and how popular they are.

Tracy :0)
> > Heather- Hide quoted text -
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Apr 25, 2009, 9:56:53 PM4/25/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
I'm good with what ever any one wants to do.

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