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Apr 30, 2009, 1:36:20 AM4/30/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club

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Apr 30, 2009, 1:45:41 AM4/30/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Please click on the link above to reveal the discussion questions and
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Twilight Book 04/30 - 05/07

On Apr 29, 10:36 pm, Maria <> wrote:
> Click on


Apr 30, 2009, 8:09:57 AM4/30/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Do you like that the book is written in a first-person narrative with
Bella as the voice?
>Yes, I think it's easier to empathize with her. Although I haven't read the 'controversial' draft. I think what upset S. Meyers (from what I've read on her website) about the draft with Edward as the first person being leaked is that she hadn't edited it, didn't feel it was finished.

Bella was seen as somewhat a heroine in the book series. Do you think
she possessed the characters or qualities to hold up that position or
role? If yes or no, explain.
>Hmmm...I've been pondering the nature of Stephanie Meyer's heroines as I read through this month's assignment. On the surface, they seem weak...always flinching, gasping, fearful (not to mention getting beat up.) But central to their characters is a deep conviction in what they believe in and a stubborn resoluteness when those beliefs are challenged. Bravery is not the absence of fear, it is continuing on in spite of the fear. So yes, I think Bella qualifies as brave and somewhat heroic.

Do you think Jacob was a better partner for Bella? If yes or no,
>Since we are discussing Twilight, I'd have to answer no. In this book, he is just a presence in the background. We haven't really gotten to know him yet. From what we do know of him, he seems to be just a kid.

Why do you think Edward was attracted to Bella despite her being
"ordinary". What do you think was the significance of this? Explain.
>Do we trust that she is truly ordinary looking? Edward says himself that she doesn't see herself clearly. The book is from her perspective...she sees herself as plain. None of the boys she comes into contact with seem to see her that way.

If you were a vampire, which character would you like to be?
> LOL, according to Facebook, I am Victoria :)

Did you like the movie adaptation of the book? Do you feel that the
movie followed the book well? Did you prefer the movie or the book?
>The first time I saw the movie, I was disappointed. But it's grown on me. It definitely pales in comparison to the book, but it's something cozy to curl up with at night when I'm too tired to read.

Do you feel the actors/actress hired for the movie, depicted their
characters well? Did their appearances fit the book's visualization of
the characters?
>What was the deal with the hair styles? Jasper's especially. Hopefully they'll have a better budget for hair, make-up, etc for the next movie.

Do you think the movie lacked important aspects of the book? Do you
feel the changes in the movie was necessary to move the story along or
do you think the movie should have followed the book more closely?
>I think the movie failed to convey the depth of the love between Bella and Edward. Too many bonding moments between them (that were in the book) were cut out and the relationship did not fully develop in the course of the film. I suppose there is not enough time to fit all that into a movie.


Apr 30, 2009, 11:03:05 AM4/30/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
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Apr 30, 2009, 11:46:42 AM4/30/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Because I'm planning to answer all the questions, I'll do three at a
time. LOL!!

Do you like that the book is written in a first-person narrative with
Bella as the voice? Would you have preferred that the book was written
in a different writing style, i.e., third voice? Would you have
preferred to have varying points of view from the different

Althought I do like that the book was written in Bella's
perspective. . . it limits the book to only Bella's point of view. I
feel it limited my attachment to the other characters of the book and
understanding of them. I was extremely curious as to what Edward was
thinking, feeling, doing, what motivated him, etc. I often wondered
what he did at night considering he didn't sleep. I think it would be
interesting to know what vampires do at night. LOL!! Edward did
explain things a little bit but not enough to give me a better
understanding of the vampires. I'm not sure if I would have preferred
the book in the third voice. . . I feel it would have given the other
characters more life, the feeling of living the life of Bella would
have been lost if it was written in the third person.

Stephenie Meyers had drafted an "Edward" first person perspective of
the Twilight Book called "Midnight Sun". Unfortunately, it was leaked
on to the Internet and she has halted any new drafts of this book.
Click Here for the draft. Would you like to have read an "Edward"
perspective series of the book or perhaps preferred his perspective
more so than Bella's?

I haven't read the draft yet but I had wanted an Edward's perspective
even before I knew a draft existed. I'm disappointed that SM is not
planning to finish the book. I hope she changes her mind. I would
love to re-live the books again but in Edward's perspective. It will
be fun to see what makes him "tick"! Actually, I was more drawn to
him than I was to Bella. I found him to be a more interesting
character. Not to give any spoilers for those who haven't read "New
Moon". . .because all the books are written with Bella's perspective,
Edward was inconspicuously absent in New Moon which was disappointing
because I loved the parts in all the books with Edward in the
picture. LOL!

Bella was seen as somewhat a heroine in the book series. Do you think
she possessed the characters or qualities to hold up that position or
role? If yes or no, explain.

Because we're only discussing the Twilight book. . .Bella seem a bit
insecure and at times a bit rebellious. Because this book is a young
adult book, I believe SM was "speaking" to her audience which were
supposed to be teenagers, not necessarily the "moms' of teenagers.
LOL!! I think she created Bella to be this way because she wanted
teenagers to relate to Bella. . .to put them in her place which made
her more realistic. Throughout Twilight, she was bit "rebellious" and
a bit overly independent. I didn't like how she just walked out of
the house, her relationship with her father. . .I'm pretty
conservative with my kids so I wouldn't my daughter to have "ideas" in
her head that it's normal to just do her own thing, run off when she
pleases, to make many or almost all her own decisions. I don't
know . . .to some degree, I couldn't see why Bella was special. She
was strong and determined but at the same time, they were weaknesses
in my opinion. She wasn't very disciplined. As a parent, I would be
really concerned if my daughter was like her. . ..I would have sat my
daughter down and discuss why she behaved the way she did and try to
find a way to fix the problem. LOL! Quite honestly, I wouldn't
tolerate it if my daughter was more like Bella. . .especially,
sneaking boys into her room. Arrghhh! Remember, this is a "mother's

On Apr 29, 10:36 pm, Maria <> wrote:
> Click on

Theresa Bergen

Apr 30, 2009, 3:20:01 PM4/30/09
You know, I never really thought of Bella as a teenager (her mother said she was 'born 35'.) If I did, I might have had the same reaction as you because I would not want my own daughter to call me by my first name or come and go as she pleased.
Actually calling her Dad 'Charlie' is not right, no matter what age I was thinking her. I'm 40 and still call my Dad 'Daddy' when addressing him (perhaps that's the other extreme, lol)
But Bella's backstory is that she was raised in a role-reversal type of situation where she wound up taking cared of her ditzy mother most of the time. Given that, her behavior seems natural to the type of person she is.

Theresa Bergen,

Check out my Blog:



Apr 30, 2009, 3:28:21 PM4/30/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
True. . .Bella was more mature because she had to take care of herself
but we have to remember the intended audience for this book. . .pre-
teens and teenagers so to some degree, it was an an inappropriate
portrayal of a girl her age which I believe was 17. . . considering
the impressions she may leave with teenagers. So in that perspective,
she wouldn't be a good role model for 12 to 17 year old readers. As
an adult reading the book, I liked her. . .she appeared very
determined which I felt was her strength.

I don't think the book should have been promoted to young
teenagers. . .more young adult maybe (18 to 21 y.o)
> perspective"- Hide quoted text -

Theresa Bergen

Apr 30, 2009, 3:41:01 PM4/30/09
I agree some kids reading these are too young. We just had a large group of children here last week for Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day and the 11 year old girls in the group (the highest age limit we allowed here this year) were all obsessed with Twilight. Now I cut that conversation off quickly because they were in 'classes' with 6 & 7 year olds, so I don't know if their familiarity was from actually reading the books or if it was from seeing the movie. Either way, it just seemed too mature for these particular girls.
The one positive about these book's popularity with the younger crowd is that it did spark an interest in reading for many of them. A scrap friend's 15 year old daughter now ants only B&N gift certificates for her birthday when she never liked reading before. My co-leader (girl scouts) said the same thing happened with many of her high school student.
Hopefully kids that read the books realize that different rules apply to them than the ones the fictional characters seem to follow.


Apr 30, 2009, 4:01:04 PM4/30/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
LOL! Can you imagine a 12 year old saying "I want to be just like
Bella"! If my daughter said that, I would probably have a sit down
with her! 6&7 year olds seem a bit young for the book content.
Whether it's the movie or the book, the storyline, characters are the
same so yeah, with all the hype. . .well, parents may need to sit down
with their young daughters. I do like how Edward is portrayed and if
there was a role model in the book, it's Edward. Boys should take
note of Edward. . .they should treat girls more like how Edward treat
Bella.. There's much to admire. Jacob too in many ways. Bella. . .I
don't know. . .Bella appeared to be a bit horny for a teenager.
Arggh, I didn't like that either. As an adult, it's okay. . .for
kids, ummmm. . .nope.
> Moderator: Hide quoted text -

Margie (

Apr 30, 2009, 4:40:13 PM4/30/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
I didn't really consider Bella being a teen either - I had to
sometimes remind myself that she was only 17.
I actually didn't see her as being rebellious or disrespectful towards
her father by the fact that she called him "Charlie" behind his back,
she didn't grow up with him, and in some ways Charlie was a total
stranger to her. Bella probably grew up with her mother referring to
her Dad as Charlie, so that is what is more familiar and comfortable
to her.
Bella did make it a point several times to make sure that she did
refer to him as "Dad" to his face - she knew that she couldn't
disrespect him and that if she didn't it would not only hurt him, but
he wouldn't allow it either.

Theresa Bergen

Apr 30, 2009, 7:15:11 PM4/30/09
Here's the thing I think is tougher with kids reading the book: they're
experienced enough to know what rules they're expected to follow by their
own parents. But what about their concept of romantic love? They probably
don't have much experience with that. The obsessive love that Bella and
Edward share throughout the that really a healthy relationship
in the real world? Will kids be swept away by the deliciousness of this
fictional romance and think that's what they need to aspire to? Will they be
disappointed to find a man less perfect than Edward or a love that doesn't
stay at that 'new love' intensity forever?

Theresa Bergen,
Check out my Blog:

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Margie
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 4:40 PM
To: The Cafe Corner Book Club
Subject: [ ] Re: View this page "Twilight Book (1st Book) "


Apr 30, 2009, 10:30:56 PM4/30/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Okay here I go...

1. Do you like that the book is written in a first-person narrative
with Bella as the voice?

- 100% yes! I prefer books that are written in the first-person.
Twilight is really centered around Bella...and yes, I
think that it should be from Bella's point of view. It was just that
much easier to really dive into this story and these characters.

2. Bella was seen as somewhat a heroine in the book series. Do you
think she possessed the characters or qualities to hold up that
position or role? If yes or no, explain.

- Not sure I would really say a least not in Twilight. I
would definitely call her a strong female presence, in that she sticks
up for what she believes in and does not let the 'outside' world
influence her decisions. She is definitely a strong female...aside
from all the stupid 'accidents' she seems to find...or rather that
find her!

3. Do you think Jacob was a better partner for Bella? If yes or no,

- In Twilight...definitely no. Although, there is only a few years age
difference between them...Jacob seems much more immature than more ways than one.

4. Why do you think Edward was attracted to Bella despite her being
"ordinary". What do you think was the significance of this? Explain.

- Well, I believe that Bella believes herself to be 'ordinary'. Just
as most women tend to not hold ourselves in as high a standard as we
should. ;0) All the boys in Forks seem to think she has something. As
for Edward? Well, I think possibly in the beginning it was his
intrigue into the fact that he could not 'read' her like everyone
else. And then, the fact that she was different from most of the
'normal' girls in Forks. She was more mature and more on his level, if
you will. As, with many relationships...the inner beauty radiates,
enveloping ones whole being. ;0)

5. If you were a vampire, which character would you like to be?

- Hands down...Alice! I just think Alice is just cool! She is cute,
funny, a best friend...but don't mess with her...and how cool would it
be to see...well maybe not everything, but still! ;0)

6. Did you like the movie adaptation of the book? Do you feel that the
movie followed the book well? Did you prefer the movie or the book?

- This is a tough one for me. I have yet to see a movie that even
compared to the book. I can honestly say that no I did not like the
movie. Well...I did not hate it. For me the main thing was is that it
did not flow properly. It was too choppy. Bella and Edwards
relationship...which is pretty much the focal point of this book...was
not developed properly. But to be fair...the only way to truly do this
movie the 'right' way? It would need to be like 6 hrs long!! It was a
good...loosley based on the book Twilight. ;0)

7. Do you feel the actors/actress hired for the movie, depicted their
characters well? Did their appearances fit the book's visualization of
the characters?

- I was actually surprised that I did like Rob Pattinson. I did not
think I would. But, I actually really did like him. I was actually
okay with the cast. Some of the kids at the school? Maybe not so
much...but I guess they were suppose to be highschool kids, right? ;
0) My problem was actually with more of the setting. I did not like
the Cullen's house! It just did not fit at all!!

8. Do you think the movie lacked important aspects of the book? Do you
feel the changes in the movie was necessary to move the story along or
do you think the movie should have followed the book more closely?

- It is so hard...especially for this one in particular...for a movie
to truly stay true to the book. With so much of this story in Bella's
mind? Maybe they should have made it into a Mini-series instead!? ;0)

Tracy :0)
> >I think the movie failed to convey the depth of the love between Bella and Edward. Too many bonding moments between them (that were in the book) were cut out and the relationship did not fully develop in the course of the film. I suppose there is not enough time to fit all that into a movie.- Hide quoted text -


Apr 30, 2009, 10:48:38 PM4/30/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Theresa and Tracy,

You brought brought up good points that made me look at things a bit
differently from my original thoughts in regards to the questions.
I'll answer a few of the other questions and I'll return and respond
to your answers later.

Hopefully, the other ladies will stop by during the week...I'd love to
read their responses to the questions!
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

May 1, 2009, 1:48:02 AM5/1/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club

I loved that the book was written in the first person. I think it is
easier to follow the story when written that way.

I think that Edward was more the hero then Bella being the herorin. I
think she came across as a peacemaker.

I think Jacob was attracted to bella becuase she listened to him or
at least pretended to most of the time. I also think that guys are
always attractecd to the girls who play hard to get. :)

Do you think it would have worked if Bella was beautiful and Edward,


Do you feel the timing in which Edward reveals that he is a vampire to
Bella appropriate or would you have preferred that the mystery be

I think the timing was spot on.

Margie (

May 1, 2009, 11:29:19 AM5/1/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Awesome questions, Maria!
I've answered a few... I'll be back later to anwer those movie related
ones, lol! I have some "major issues" with the movie!!! hee hee

1. Do you like that the book is written in a first-person narrative
with Bella as the voice? Would you have preferred that the book was
written in a different writing style, i.e., third voice? Would you
have preferred to have varying points of view from the different
At first I didn’t mind that we are hearing only Bella’s side of the
story… but as time goes on, I did wish to know more about the other
characters. It was a lil frustrating to not have a direct link to know
what some of the other characters were thinking about at certain key
points of the story. But I think that the book was written this way on
purpose… you get to experience exactly what Bella is going through -
and that is why most of us are such HUGE Edward fans!

2. Stephenie Meyers had drafted an "Edward" first person perspective
of the Twilight Book called "Midnight Sun". Unfortunately, it was
leaked on to the Internet and she has halted any new drafts of this
book. Click Here for the draft. Would you like to have read an
"Edward" perspective series of the book or perhaps preferred his
perspective more so than Bella's?
As much as I am craving for her to finish “Midnight Sun”! I don’t see
how we would have fallen in love with these characters if it was
written in another perspective. We go through what Bella goes through
- we get to know and fall in love/hate relationships as she does, we
can relate to her and her human feelings, thoughts and perspective.
Having Edward’s side of the story will intensify and put more depth
into everything. I don’t believe we could have really fallen for
Edward if he had narrated, there wouldn’t have been much to relate to.

3. Bella was seen as somewhat a heroine in the book series. Do you
think she possessed the characters or qualities to hold up that
position or role? If yes or no, explain.
Yes - she was very thoughtful, always putting everyone else’s feelings
and safety ahead of herself. She was mature in so many ways and took
responsibility for all of her actions - good and bad. We have to
remember that Bella’s character is suppose to be the “adult” in the
family - her Mom was an ‘air-head’ and her Dad lacked parenting skills
- so she took it upon herself to be strong and to try to make the
right decisions. If it was a wrong decision, she always took her
punishment without argument.

4. Do you think Jacob was a better partner for Bella? If yes or no,
In Twilight, we don’t see much of Jacob to think that he’d be better
for Bella. He’s younger and a bit immature. A friend for sure, but
nothing more. Bella needs an equal partner, not another person that
she has to take care of.

5. Do you think Bella being clumsy and prone to accident central to
the story line?
Now that was tiring, lol! I am a clumsy person too (I can‘t dance or
play sports either!), but even I know that nobody can be that
hazardous! I believe that SM made Bella this way to show that not
everyone is perfect - we all have our flaws. It was a way to really
relate to Bella; SM couldn’t make Bella be perfect and have to compete
against the Cullen’s.

6. Stephenie Meyers had stated that she didn't really study the
history of vampires prior to writing the book. Do you like Meyer's
version of what vampires are, with her dispelling many of the myths
about vampires?
It was refreshing to see a different version of what a Vampire can and
can’t do. I was really surprised at first, but also relieved. These
Vampires are more likely to exist - easier to picture the story
happening in real life.

7. Why do you think Edward was attracted to Bella despite her being
"ordinary". What do you think was the significance of this? Explain.
Edward’s attraction to Bella gave new meaning to ‘soul mate’. At first
I thought that Edward’s love was because of her scent that drove him
to seek her and want her. But as you continue to read - their’s is the
toughest love of all - he must do all that he can not to kill the one
he loves. He must sacrifice his own being and overcome for true love.
How many people do you know that can resist temptation? Or a Vampire
resisting his need to feed? ;)

8. Do you think Edward's attraction to Bella was primarily physical
(her blood) or do you feel he truly loved Bella for her qualities as a
person? Do you recall any parts of the book that explains his
attraction for her other than her blood?
Edward’s attraction to Bella WAS primarily physical - he was only able
to resist because of his dedication, love and loyalty to the Cullen
Family. Once he can control himself, he finds that he cannot read her
mind - and then that is when his curiosity overcomes everything else
and he starts to inquire about her and get to know her and eventually
fall in love with her.

9. Do you feel the timing in which Edward reveals that he is a vampire
to Bella appropriate or would you have preferred that the mystery be
I’m surprised that it wasn’t revealed sooner! It was so obvious; for a
minute there, I really thought that Edward was going to have to break
the code and tell her outright! LOL!

10. Do you see Edward as being the "bad boy" that parents warn their
daughters not to have a relationship with? Do you feel that this was
what Stephenie Meyer was conveying in the story?
This is a really good questions… I didn’t considered Edward as the
‘bad boy’ when I first read the book. I’m not sure if I do now. I
don’t like that he sneaks into Bella’s room all the time, but it’s not
like they are doing anything wrong. I see that as the kids nowadays
don’t have much faith in their parents trusting them and that’s why
they sneak around even doing good stuff. I’m not sure and really can’t
say much on the subject since my boys are only 5 and 3; I guess I can
consider Edward a “very responsible bad boy“, lol! He does make sure
that everything he does is ok with Bella - he is always looking out
for her well-being.

11. There were only a few pockets of vampires around the world. Why do
you think there weren't more vampires? Was it necessary that the
vampires did not produce more vampires?
It isn’t necessary for there to be more vampires - they’re not dying
off in any way, so there’s no need to produce. Plus, it’s very
difficult to create new Vampires - the ’maker’ may not be able to
control himself and can easily kill. AND once a new Vamp is created -
they are a handful to keep control in order to teach them how to be a
proper Vamp - especially a Vegan-Vamp, lol!


May 2, 2009, 12:06:32 AM5/2/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Wow, great questions - it's been over a year since I've read the books
so let's see what I can answer....

If you were a vampire, which character would you like to be?

I’d like to be Alice, I loved her whimsical playfulness. She was a
free spirit and I only wished there had been more of her in the book.

Stephenie Meyers had stated that she didn't really study the history
of vampires prior to writing the book. Do you like Meyer's version of
what vampires are, with her dispelling many of the myths about

I loved her adaptation of the whole vampire myth. It was different
than any other vampire book I had read and that made it all the more
appealing as I kept reading. It was fabulous to have these beautiful
vampires that are able to come out in the daytime rather than the
spooky vampires that lurk through the night.

Do you feel the actors/actress hired for the movie, depicted their
characters well? Did their appearances fit the book's visualization of
the characters?

I actually love Kristen Stewart that plays Bella. I feel she really
possessed the teen angst that was felt through the first person
narration in the book. RP playing Edward has grown on me. The
secondary characters like Rosalie, well, she wasn’t as beautiful as I
imagined her, neither was Carlisle. I just wish the makeup hadn’t been
so heavy and fake. The wigs were all a little too much as well. I
mean, Jacob looked terrible with that wig. I know they make better
looking movie wigs than that! LOL

May 2, 2009, 12:50:38 PM5/2/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
o Stephenie Meyers had drafted an "Edward" first person perspective of
the Twilight Book called "Midnight Sun". Unfortunately, it was leaked
on to the Internet and she has halted any new drafts of this book.
Click Here for the draft. Would you like to have read an "Edward"
perspective series of the book or perhaps preferred his perspective
more so than Bella's? I love the idea for this! I absolutely loved
Edward in Twilight and believe that it would be beautiful to get in to
his mind!

o Do you think Jacob was a better partner for Bella? If yes or no,
explain. NO, I actually began to hate Jacob.

o Do you think it would have worked if Bella was beautiful and Edward,
ordinary? Yes, Bella and Edward had a deep connection.

o Do you think Edward's attraction to Bella was primarily physical
(her blood) or do you feel he truly loved Bella for her qualities as a
person? Do you recall any parts of the book that explains his
attraction for her other than her blood? At first Edward wanted
Bella for her blood and then he got in to other peoples minds and saw
that Bella had kept her word and was a good person and that he wanted
to be around her. I believe that when he would visit her at night he
fell in love with her.

o If you were a vampire, which character would you like to be?
Rosalie because she was beautiful and bad arse.

o Did you like the movie adaptation of the book? Do you feel that the
movie followed the book well? Did you prefer the movie or the book?
The book was definitely better but I did enjoy the movie but felt so
many aspects of the book could have been shown and were not, plus that
whole scene at the green house never even took place. Why didn't they
show the blood typing scene instead, plus I would have LOVED to have
seen the scene where Bella and Edward are watching the movie in the
dark and all the chemistry between them is happening, that was pretty
intense to read. =0)

o Do you think the movie helped readers "visualize" the characters of
the book? Yes

o Do you feel the actors/actress hired for the movie, depicted their
characters well? Did their appearances fit the book's visualization of
the characters? I think they were all good picks.


May 2, 2009, 2:37:17 PM5/2/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club

Hi Stephenie,

I actually felt that SM could have elaborated more on Rosalie's
character. Because Bella did not have as much interaction with
Rosalie, the explanation for Rosalie's antagonism towards Bella was

In the movie, Rosalie was not as beautiful as described in the book.
I watched the movie first before I read the book and when I realized
that Rosalie was suppose to be extremely movie, I saw a huge
disconnect from the movie's depiction of Rosalie from the book



May 2, 2009, 2:52:44 PM5/2/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hi Carisa,

I totalie agree, Rosalie was suppose to be beautiful but Nikki Reed
did not depict Rosalie as described in the book. Nikki Reed is a
natural burnette and they had to dye her hair and I believe she's
hispanic. Why didn't they choose an actress that is blonde? Nikki
Reed was really good in "Thirteen" and at age 16 she was the co-screen
writer for that movie. I was really impressed that she could write a
screen-play at such a young age and she was so believable in

I read that Twilight was pretty low budget and they actually wanted a
cast that were not well known.

Many of the actors/actresses chosen for the movie, looks different in
real life. Alice actually has long hair, Carlisle has brown hair,
again Rosalie a burnette, Jacob has short hair, and Edward less
polished looking (LOL!).

I feel Kristen Steward as Bella is the closest to the character in the
book but I think her acting is sort of stiff. Kristen played Bella
like how she (Kristen) is in real life but as far as appearance wise,
I think she fit the role really nicely.

Edward suppose to look beautiful and drop-dead gorgeous. . .it's a
good thing I didn't read the book first because I would have been
really disappointed. Like you, Rob Pattinson is growing on me the
more I see him on interviews. . . not because he is good looking but
he is an interesting fella in real life. I didn't think he looked
"gorgeous" in the movie, but I now can't imagine another person to
play the role. In my opinion, after seeing the movie, he "is" Edward.

Taylor Lautner as Jacob in New Moon will be difficult to imagine
because I've seen interviews of him and he is about half a foot
shorter than Rob Pattinson in real life! LOL!

Great discussion, Carisa!



May 2, 2009, 2:55:44 PM5/2/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Oh, I wanted to add a write up on the different characters in

Check it out.


May 2, 2009, 3:09:35 PM5/2/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
I wanted to clarify this comment. Because we're only discussing
Twilight, Rosalie's character is not developed really well. If
someone read only Twilight and not read the rest of the other books,
the understanding of Rosalie antagoism would be difficult to

I'm only trying to limit my comments to events that occured with
"Twilight" and not the other books. . . .not everyone read the other
books so I don't want to reveal too much. It's difficult because I
have to catch myself when discussing Twilight. . .LOL!

Wendy Gorton

May 3, 2009, 1:41:34 PM5/3/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Wow, it's been killing me being at work and not able to participate in
the discussion. I've enjoyed reading all the discussion responses.
Here's mine:

* Bella was seen as somewhat of a heroine in the book series. Do you
think she possessed the characters or qualities to hold up that
position or role?

Yes, I feel Bella is a heroine. She is the heroine of her own life
story. She is a teen with low self-esteem, dealing with extrodinary
circumstances. She has courage that is only just beginning to

*Do you think Jacob was a better partner for Bella?

Okay, there was a part of me that wanted Bella to be with Jacob in the
beginning. I felt that she could have a more conventional
relationship with him, but that was unrealistic. There was no spark
between them. I think they were much better as friends.

*Why do you think Edward was attracted to Bella dispite her being
"ordinary"? What do you think was the significance of this?

Well, I think the fact that Bella was characterized as "ordinary" is
one of the main reasons Edward was attracted to her. I think Edward
was homesick for "ordinary" because his existence was anything but.
What I think carried the relationship further was that Bella wasn't
really ordinary. She had inner beauty and strength that attracted to.

*Did you like the movie adaptation of the book? Do you feel that the
movie followed the book well? Di you prefer the movie to the book?

I don't think movies can compare to books themselves, because the
reader's imagination is far more vivid than any movie scene can
convey. That said, I never see a movie before I read the book. I
considered not seeing the Twilight movie, because I love the book so
much, that I didn't want it ruined for me. I went with my daughter
(who had not read the book). She loved the movie and I was left
wanting. I was very disappointed that the characters were somewhat
flat and time that could have been spent developing the story was
spent on sappy music and Edward and Bella staring into each other's
eyes. Okay, I won't go on; I think you get my point. As been stated
above, I know it would have taken more time than was feasible to
really tell this story. We own the DVD, and I'm sure I'll curl up to
watch it on occasion, I just prefer the power of the written word.

Thanks Maria for the opportunity to discuss Twilight. These were
wonderfully thought-provoking questions and I love all the replies.



May 3, 2009, 3:01:13 PM5/3/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hey Wendy,

I agree with you. . I had watched the movie first then the book so I'm
glad I did it that way. I really liked the movie. If I read the book
first, I think the movie would have been a big disappointment. I felt
that the progression of Bella and Edward's relationship was confusing
in the movie. It had to be developed quickly because obviously, they
couldn't fit everything from the book but because I watched the movie
first before reading the book, I really couldn't understand how the
relationship developed from "just meeting" to Bella suddenly wanting
to sacrifice her human life to Edward.

The thoughts and feelings that Bella described in the book could not
be expressed in the movie because many parts of the book were Bella's
thoughts and unless there was a lot of narration in the movie, those
parts could not be conveyed. Because of my confusion about the
movie, I decided to read the book to help explain a few things about
the movie that didn't make sense to me. After reading the books, I
watched the movie again, and I was disappointed with the movie the
second time around. The book I agree is so much better.

Margie (

May 3, 2009, 9:02:20 PM5/3/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Yes, after (at the time) reading the book twice, seeing the movie was
a bit of a disappointment...
The only person that looked and acted exactly the way I pictured them
to be was Bella! Emmett came in second.
I find RP was perfect as Edward - not as 'gorgeous' as I pictured him
to be - but all that could've just been in Bella's mind - how handsome
he is to her - but RP did an awesome portrayl of Edward's feelings,
moods, and angst.
Why didn't they find a nautal blonde gorgeous chic to play Rosalie?
BUT - Nikki Reed did get the whole attitude right!
Alice was perfect too, except for that hair!!! That was a really bad
wig! and don't even get me started on Carlisle and Jasper!!!
Victoria is awesome - I LOVE the actress - she was good, I cannot wait
to see more of her in NM.

As for the movie itself - they left out sooo many key things and also
made a few mistakes!!!
I wish that they would have added a lil more of them getting to know
each to where we can hear them! Seeing them chit chat isn't the same
as actually hearing them talk and feeling them fall in love!
I hate that they left out the kiss that Edward gives Bella in the
garage scene when Alice/Jasper are taking Bella to Phoenix - if you've
read the other books - you'll know why.
I also hate the whole Prom scene - I love the dancing part in the
gazebo - but why weren't the other Cullen's there? and why is Victoria
there??? You see Victoria as soon as they walk into the room - I know
that it may have been hard for Edward to pick her thoughts out in such
a noisy place, but still!!! I hate that they made Edward look weak and
not on guard, especially at the end when they show Victoria again
watching them through the window! Edward could have at least looked
like he felt some sort of presence! Ugh!
Ok, ok, I'll stop now - LOL!

Wendy Gorton

May 4, 2009, 12:27:24 PM5/4/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
I guess we have to just be content with the movie being sort of a
teaser for the book. I think, as Maria did, a lot of people were
inspired to read Twilight after seeing the movie. I like to think of
movies like that, as book recommendations. I also hope that movie
deals encourage our young writers, such as Stephenie Meyer to continue
writing quality fiction.


May 5, 2009, 11:00:20 AM5/5/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
~~Do you like that the book is written in a first-person narrative
with Bella as the voice? Would you have preferred that the book was
written in a different writing style, i.e., third voice? Would you
have preferred to have varying points of view from the different
characters?~~ No, I like the approach she took to writing Twilight. It
is a good introduction to the other characters, and really helps to
humanize Bella's experience and make it easier to identify with.

~~Stephenie Meyers had drafted an "Edward" first person perspective of
the Twilight Book called "Midnight Sun". Unfortunately, it was leaked
on to the Internet and she has halted any new drafts of this book.
Click Here for the draft. Would you like to have read an "Edward"
perspective series of the book or perhaps preferred his perspective
more so than Bella's?~~ I'd love to read a separate book from Edward's
POV, but not intermingled with the Twilight book. It would be an
interesting comaprison.

~~Bella was seen as somewhat a heroine in the book series. Do you
think she possessed the characters or qualities to hold up that
position or role? If yes or no, explain~~ I don't know that she is a
heroine in the true sense of the meaning (in literature). So no, I
don't think she should be deemed a heroine.

~~Do you think Jacob was a better partner for Bella? If yes or no,
explain.~~ If this discussion is purely about the Twilight book, then
no, I don't (I don't think so period, but that can wait, lol). In
Twilight he is young and not ready for the kind of relationship he is
ready for in later books.

~~Why do you think Jacob was attracted to Bella?~~ She is a bit older,
different from all the other girls that live there, and wise for her

~~Do you think Bella being clumsy and prone to accident central to the
story line?~~ Yes,I do. Otherwise, it would have been much harder to
explain her various cuts bruises, and broken bones.

~~Stephenie Meyers had stated that she didn't really study the history
of vampires prior to writing the book. Do you like Meyer's version of
what vampires are, with her dispelling many of the myths about
vampires?~~ I was a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV Series)
and Angel (TV Series) so this was defintely different for me. But I do
like the way she chose to create her vampires.

**that's all I have time for right now - I'll have to come back to the
other ones!


May 7, 2009, 1:15:40 AM5/7/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
I'll answer a few more of the questions. . .

Do you think Bella being clumsy and prone to accident central to the
story line?

I think it was necessary because it served as a purpose for Edward to
"save" her, to be her knight in shining armor, to feel protective over
her. Bela was overly independent and really didn't need "protection"
or "saving" . . .Bella's clumsiness is a part that she really couldn't
control so this gave Edward a reason to play his role as her "savior"
to some degree. It's the damsel in distress thing that are so common
in romantic novels.

Stephenie Meyers had stated that she didn't really study the history
of vampires prior to writing the book. Do you like Meyer's version of
what vampires are, with her dispelling many of the myths about

I like SM's version of vampires. I'll tell you a story. .. when I
was about 7 years old, my friend's mom was city bus driver and one
day, without asking for my parents' permission, I decided to go along
with my friend and hop on the city bus (her mom's bus) and travel to
another town (my parents would have killed me if they knew what I
did). Anyway, we decided to see a movie. . .it was a "vampire"
movie. I never knew what a vampire was so I agreed to watch the
movie. The movie was one of those black and white films with the
really scary looking vampires with huge fangs that turn into bats,
etc. (classic vampires) It was a BIG MISTAKE. I was seriously
traumatized. I'm not kidding. I had terrible nightmares of vampires
for years, I would sweat bullets laying in bed before falling asleep
and subsequently, I developed a habit of covering my neck with a
blanket. It can be 90 degrees in the summer and I would still have a
blanket covering at least my upper body even during the day. I didn't
care about my legs as long as my upper body and especially my neck was
covered. Because the vampires in the movie would touch a sleeping
woman's hand, I also developed a habit of curling my fingers into a
fist or tuck them under my body. Believe it or not but I still sleep
this way. I'll cover my top half and not care if my bottom half is
covered. LOL!!!

Back to the question. . .I like SM's vampires because they're
mysterious but not scary. They're more interesting than horrifying.
They live like normal people in many ways, they're compassionate (well
some of them), and they can actual control themselves from attacking
humans. It makes them "likable" and at times, admirable.

Why do you think Edward was attracted to Bella despite her being
"ordinary". What do you think was the significance of this? Explain.

Like everyone stated, it was Bella that described herself as ordinary
but I honestly believe she was actually ordinary. She had stated that
when she was living in Phoenix, boys did not notice her. I think in
the little town that she moved to. . .she was a new girl in
town. . .she may have been attractive enough but I think the boys went
gaga over her because she may have been prettier than the girls that
lived there. She was seen as the "worldly" girl from Phoenix and
someone like her would be interesting to people who lived in a small
town all their lives. I think SM wanted to impress the idea that even
if you're "ordinary" in a stereostypical way, that you can still be
interesting, attractive, and fascinating to others. I don't think the
story would have been convincing if Bella came from a small town and
moved to a big city. She would have been lost in the crowd. In the
small town setting, she stood out more convincingly.

As for Edward being attracted to Bella. . .I think after years of
living as a vampire, seeing "beautiful" people, especially being among
other vampires who are considered beautiful. . .Edward saw beyond the
physical . . .the "inner beauty" of a person became his source of
attraction rather than the physical beauty of a person.

Theresa Bergen

May 7, 2009, 10:09:14 AM5/7/09
LOL, Maria, I had the same experience when I saw Jaws as I kid. I was afraid, not only of the water, but that something terrible was lurking under my bed at night. Kids have such vivid imaginations. Now, when I see that movie (my husband will watch it if it's on TV, ugh) it's so fake and cheesy...hard to believe I was ever terrified of such a thing.
I think Bella was clumsy also to show development of her character later on in the series. The way Jacob was clumsy before he came into his own. It made the changes stand out in sharp contrast to what they were like before.
I like that SM's vampires can go about in the day. Vampires that are vulnerable to sunlight or wooden stakes or garlic wouldn't have worked in SM's universe. I think the idea of these perfect, nearly omnipotent vampires being so vulnerable to matters of the heart made the romance between Edward and Bella that much more compelling.


May 8, 2009, 4:02:53 PM5/8/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hey Margie,

I agree. . .the movie had too many missing parts. . . key parts I must
add. I hope they don't make the same mistake with New Moon.

I heard New Moon will have more special effects. . .I'm not sure if
that is good or bad. Just hope the story don't get lost in all the



May 8, 2009, 4:05:15 PM5/8/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hey Wendy.

I think if I was totally satisfied with the movie and I had no
questions about it, I may not have read the book! LOL!

The movie inspired me to read the book.

It is nice that female authors are doing so well and are given the
chance to become successful.

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