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Jun 20, 2009, 2:06:58 PM6/20/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club

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Wendy Gorton

Jun 21, 2009, 10:57:20 AM6/21/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
What did you think of Cynthia's father? Did you question how it was
possible that Clayton could return to Enid after she murdered Patricia
and his son? What did you think of his reason for not going to the
police? Elaborate.

Did you think it's possible for Enid to commit the murder the way she
did it considering it was committed in a parking lot and disposing the
bodies without detection?

I wasn't surprised by Cynthia's father staying with Enid after she
murdered his wife and son. Cynthia expressed that her father was a
very weak individual and I think that was a pivotal point in the
story. I think that he married Enid in the first place and made all
the other disasterous decisions in his life based on his weakness.

As far as Enid being able to commit the gruesome murder she did in the
parking lot and then not leave any evidence behind, I find that
ludicrous. There would have been blood everywhere. That was a sore
spot for me in the book. I would have thought that the author would
have researched all the in's and out's of forensics before venturing
into this storyline.


Jun 21, 2009, 11:34:54 PM6/21/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club

What did you think of Cynthia's father? Did you question how it was
possible that Clayton could return to Enid after she murdered
and his son? What did you think of his reason for not going to the
police? Elaborate

Well. . .I didn't think very highly of Cynthia's father at all. He
was very weak as described but worse. I couldn't believe he chose to
be an accessory to the crime rather than reporting it to the police.
It wasn't a stranger that Enid killed, it was his wife and his son. I
guess there are people like him in this world but it still is
unforgivable that he allowed Enid to live free. What can you expect
from a bigamist. His reason for not turning Enid was a terribly weak
excuse. It really didn't make any sense to me. I can't believe he
could even sleep in the same bed with Enid after what she did. Did he
even love his son. . .I would be out of my mind. . .and even kill Enid
myself! LOL! Despite the "weakness" in the storyline. . .it made for
a great twist to the storyline! LOL!

Did you think it's possible for Enid to commit the murder the way she
did it considering it was committed in a parking lot and disposing
bodies without detection?

Like Wendy said . .I thought it was ludicrous that it happened the way
it was described in the book. For one thing, Enid was a small lady.
Secondly, the police would have seen all the blood and "wonder" whose
blood it was all over the parking lot. Third, how did she manage to
carry the bodies into the car without anyone seeing what she was
doing. She couldn't have done it that quickly. There is no way it
could have happened as described. I think Linwood could have worked
on the details a bit more . . .it wasn't, in my opinion, well thought

Jun 22, 2009, 3:14:38 PM6/22/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Well I thought he was a terrible man. I know that the author justified
Claytons action for staying with Enid by saying that he was protecting
his daughter. But why did he not just turn her in to the police? I
really enjoyed the book but I did not like Claytons character.


Jun 22, 2009, 3:22:44 PM6/22/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
I agree with both Wendy and Maria in regards to Enid killing Clayton's
wife and son. I do feel that the author could have worked on the
details a little bit better. Oh and back to Clayton's wife and son
being killed by his second wife. I would have gone out of my mind too
had they been murdred.


Little D

Jun 23, 2009, 10:36:30 PM6/23/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
I also agree - the murder does leave a bit wanting. It almost seemed
like an after thought of what really happened to them. Clayton was
definitely a weak man. What would compel a man to go along with
murder of his own flesh and blood, and using the protecting his
daughter I also find a weak spot in the story. If he really wanted
to protect her - by turning in his wife would have done the same thing
without ever having the risk of Enid going even further off the deep
end and still kill her. I still like the idea of the dual life - but
the murder of his wife and son definitely seemed to be the weak part
of the story. I definitely think the author could have made this part
of the story stronger to help bring everything together. The
discarding of the car was a great plot - but everything leading up to
that was weak.
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