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Jun 15, 2009, 1:38:20 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hi Ladies,

It's discussion time for No Time for Goodbye by Lindwood Barclay.
Please click on the link below to check out Day #1 questions.
Discussions will begin June 15 and end on June 22. Please participate
in the discussions!

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Tracy Houghton

Jun 15, 2009, 2:17:46 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
When Cynthia woke up in the morning to find her family gone, what did
you first suspect happened to them? Did you think they left Cynthia
behind as Cynthia initially thought?

I honestly did not know what had happened. I suppose from her
perspective it would look that way...and I don't think anyone would
want to think the worst...but whatelse can you think. It is definitely
something that would make anyone crazy. The constant wondering if you
did something so terrible as to drive your family away. What an awful
feeling that would be!

On Jun 15, 11:38 am, Maria <> wrote:
> Hi Ladies,
> It's discussion time for No Time for Goodbye by Lindwood Barclay.
> Please click on the link below to check out Day #1 questions.
> Discussions will begin June 15 and end on June 22.  Please participate
> in the discussions!
> Click on

Tracy Houghton

Jun 15, 2009, 2:21:54 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Did you like the way the story progressed and how it ended?

I loved the way the story progressed! It was such a great read! The
reader can totally see the perspective of the other characters around her husband for example. You can understand how he
might start to doubt her. It is such a bizzare situation to be in. I
really enjoyed the ending as well. Sometimes with these stories that
are so twisted the ending kind of falls short and leaves you
disappointed...not this one. It was a well weaved story line and it
did not reveal itself too soon. Love it!
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Taylor Usry

Jun 15, 2009, 2:23:49 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
I was as bewildered as Cynthia was! I couldn't imagine they would have
just left her there out of anger for her behavior, but I knew if they
had been murdered in the home there would be some obvious signs. I was
totally dumbfounded!

Taylor Usry

Jun 15, 2009, 4:02:26 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Did you like the way the story progressed and how it ended?

I forgot to answer this part, lol. I loved the way the story moved
along - I thought it was well paced, and we really had a chance to get
to know the characters well.


Jun 15, 2009, 4:06:40 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
When Cynthia woke up in the morning to find her family gone, what did
you first suspect happened to them? Did you think they left Cynthia
behind as Cynthia initially thought?
I had no idea what to think!!! I kept going back and forth on if they
were alive or dead. I honestly believe they were dead somehow more
than anything b/c I couldn't imagine a mother up and leaving her
daughter like that never to be heard from again if she were alive. It
just didn't make sense to the mother in me.

Did you like the way the story progressed and how it ended?
I did enjoy the way the story progressed. I couldn't put this book
DOWN!!! I literally read it in one day. I actually got sunburned on my
deck reading it b/c I didn't realize the time. LOL All the subtle
clues and then when you started getting those little chapters in
italics about the other characters. I kept wondering who that could
be, etc. and I just had to keep reading.

Amanda Sewell

Jun 15, 2009, 4:12:10 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
When Cynthia woke up in the morning to find her family gone, what did
you first suspect happened to them? Did you think they left Cynthia
behind as Cynthia initially thought?

I thought maybe they had been in some sort of car accident or
something that somehow was never found. I thought it was unrealistic
that they could have been MAD enough to leave her behind.

Did you like the way the story progressed and how it ended?

I liked the ending for sure. I thought it was well written and there
were enough secondary characters to keep my mind distracted enough to
not guess who the real villains were. It was an interesting read.
Thank you to whomever suggested this -- it was not an author I had
heard about before, but I would read more of his work.

Wendy Gorton

Jun 15, 2009, 5:04:54 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
When Cynthia woke up in the morning to find her family gone, what did
you first suspect happened to them? Did you think they left Cynthia
behind as Cynthia initially thought?

Did you like the way the story progressed and how it ended?

I agree with Amanda, I didn't think Cynthia's family could have just
been mad enough to leave her like that. I definitely thought there
had ben some sort of foul play involved. I was afraid that we were
being led on a twisted path and Cynthia had actually had something to
do with her family's demise. I was glad that was not the case.

I read this book in one day as well (no sunburn though, thank
goodness). I disagree with the progression of the story though; I
felt it moved a bit slowly and it took me about 5 chapters or so to
really start caring about the characters. They came off a bit wooden
to me. However, once I was fully engrossed in the story, I couldn't
put the book down and I loved how it ended. I'm sure I'll read more
of Linwood Barclay's work and I've already recommended the book to my

Jun 15, 2009, 6:24:56 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
When Cynthia woke up in the morning to find her family gone, what did
you first suspect happened to them? Did you think they left Cynthia
behind as Cynthia initially thought?

I thought that her family had beem killed. What I could not figure out
was who did it and why. I did like the way that the book progressed
and how it ended. The author tied up all of the loose ends of the
story and I love a happy ending. :)


Jun 15, 2009, 6:39:56 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Wendy,like you, I am quite certain that I will be reading more of
Linwood Barclay's work. I prefer to read a book that has a lot of
dialouge and this book did. I hope that the author will be writing
more books soon.



Jun 15, 2009, 7:33:32 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
What did I suspect happened to the family when Cynthia woke up?

I really thought I had it nailed- I was sure that the family had gone
into the witness relocation program and because Cynthia hadn't been
home earlier that evening they couldn't take her along.

Did I like how the story progressed?
It was an OK book but not the most compelling of the genre that I have
read. I did like that mafia type man who got shot. Interesting
character! My husband picked the book up to read and made it through
2 chapters before denouncing it as "not his thing!" LOL


Theresa Bergen

Jun 15, 2009, 8:12:46 PM6/15/09
When Cynthia woke up in the morning to find her family gone, what did
you first suspect happened to them? Did you think they left Cynthia
behind as Cynthia initially thought?
No, I didn't think they left her behind. I figured they were dead, but had
no idea why everyone but her.
I guessed the bigamy angle when she saw her 'brother' at the mall.

Did you like the way the story progressed and how it ended?

I did like that it was a page turner, but I read through it so fast, I've
kind of forgotten how it ended, LOL.

Theresa Bergen,
Check out my Blog:


Jun 15, 2009, 9:37:52 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hi Ladies!!! It took me about 2 days to finish the book! LOL! I did
go through it quite quickly.

When Cynthia woke up in the morning to find her family gone, what did
you first suspect happened to them? Did you think they left Cynthia
behind as Cynthia initially thought?

I really didn't know what to think. Initially, I thought it odd that
the beds were made meaning they either never slept in them or they or
someone cleaned up before they left. That was one clue that they
couldn't have possibly died. . .in the house that is. I really didn't
think they would leave Cynthia behind if they had to leave for what
ever reason. I thought that they would have woken her up.

I began to think that someone came into the house and abducted them
but because Cynthia was drunk, they decided to not take Cynthia along
but it didn't make sense that they weren't found after so many years
unless they were murdered after they were abducted. There was also
the fact that there were no break in so it may have been someone they
knew and had let in the house. All that stuff about the father living
a double life did not enter my mind untill the little hints and clues
in italics. At that point I knew it had something to do with the
father and I thought maybe he got rid of the son and wife and didn't
have the opportunity to get rid of Cynthia. I thought that maybe he
had a girlfriend and didn't want a divorce. I watch a lot of CourtTV
stuff and many times . .it's usually the husband who is having an
affair and wants to kill his family rather than get a divorce. LOL!

Did you like the way the story progressed and how it ended?

I liked the flow of the story line. . .there were a lot of twist and
turns which was fun. It didn't get boring at any point in my

I'm not sure I liked the ending and the explanation of what actually
occured. There were parts of the book that I felt didn't make any
sense at all and things that I felt were not plausible. As I read
through parts of the book towards the ending. . I would say to
myself. . ."nawww, that's not possible or why would the father do
that?". . .stuff like that. I don't want to get into this part
because it'll answer Day #2 question. LOL!


Jun 15, 2009, 9:39:03 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hey Carisa . . .you know it's a good book if you sat in the sun not
realizing your were being sunburned! LOL! Glad you liked the book!


Jun 15, 2009, 9:41:11 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hey Taylor. . .I felt the same way. I didn't think they could be that
upset with Cynthia that they would just leave her behind and they
couldn't have been murdered without any signs. I did feel that
Cynthia at one point was imagining that someone was watching her and
that she was actually going crazy.


Jun 15, 2009, 9:43:43 PM6/15/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hey Tracy. . .I thought the perspective of the husband was
interesting. Having his perspective allowed the other characters to
evolve in the storyline more so than it would have if it was written
in Cynthia's perspective. I did like the fact that just when you
think you've gotten the story solved, something different turns up to
have you guessing again.

Wendy Gorton

Jun 16, 2009, 12:00:04 PM6/16/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Hi Heather, I'm glad you mentioned the witness relocation idea. I had
that impression as well.


Little D

Jun 17, 2009, 1:00:56 AM6/17/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
What did I think happened to Cynthia's Family.

My first instinct was there was definitely some kind of conspiracy
going on - but what - had no idea. I thought that her family was dead
- but had no idea how - it definitely kept you guessing as to what was
going to transpire. I didn't think that her family would have left
her behind - I agree with Maria and Taylor - there would have to be
some pretty extenuating circumstances for a family to leave one member

Did you like the way the story progressed?

I loved how this was written - and agree with Tracy - the fact that it
was written from the husband's perspective definitely made the bizarre
happenings keep you guessing as to what was happening. At one point I
did think that Cynthia might be setting everything up to get attention
but then reason set in and thinking it didn't make sense that after
all this time - why would she be wanting the attention now. Going
back to my conspiracy thoughts - I did think that all of this was
being set up to have something happen to her husband and daughter as
an ending and at some times thought that her aunt was involved in the
disappearances - especially after her aunt was murdered. I thought
for sure that something would come out in the end about her aunt being
involved. The twists were great - just when I thought I had it
figured it out - something else happened.

I loved the ending - the double life her father lead was a really neat
twist. And I absolutely lost it when I read the letter from her mom.
I think that was the best way to end the story - a hug from her mom
that spanned across time to let her know that she was loved.

Theresa Bergen

Jun 17, 2009, 6:05:22 AM6/17/09
OMG I forgot about the note! That WAS the best part of the story.


Jun 20, 2009, 2:21:38 PM6/20/09
to The Cafe Corner Book Club
Yeah the letter was so sad. It was beautiful that her mom wrote the
note. It makes me want to write notes to my daughter so she has
something to keep as she grows older.
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