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Jan 9, 2013, 10:02:38 PM1/9/13
Yay, I'm really excited that this group has been created and would love to see real live menu plans and recipes used on a daily basis by other Billfold/Hairpin/etc readers. Hopefully this can turn into a good resource or at least a source of inspiration? I will do my part to keep it going! It's nice to meet you, Jen (and anyone/everyone else who may post here eventually). This is Amanda, the updater of the Betting on Love series by the way. 

Post useful links here!

My first one will be:, link sent to me by Adam's sister yesterday that I have yet to comb through but looks promising? 


Jan 10, 2013, 11:27:31 AM1/10/13
Hey Amanda! Thanks for posting the greatist link; a lot of those recipes look really good. I love giant recipe lists like that, where it seems like the odds of finding multiple recipes that would work for your tastes/needs/etc. are good.
My first link to share is It lists 28 days of meal ideas, with links to some recipes, and leftovers incorporated into other meals. I haven't tried any of these yet, but it seems pretty well thought out. Also, what can I say, I'm a big fan of the fact that the author includes making a batch of cookies in each week's planning.

Karen Bowness

Jan 11, 2013, 2:26:04 PM1/11/13
Hi! By way of introduction, I will share Budget Bites - - I haven't made much from there yet, but made Chicken in Peanut Sauce the other night (but with almond instead, because I had some leftover) and it was incredible, highly recommended. 

I like to make a pot of soup on Sunday and then portion it out for lunches all week, so if anyone has great soup recipes that are filling and hold up well (no pasta, for example). throw them my way! 


Jan 11, 2013, 8:40:53 PM1/11/13
Budget Bytes is great. I have made her Dragon Noodles, Teriyaki meatballs, Tandoori Chicken bites (I used skinless thigh meat instead of white), and the pumpkin baked oatmeal. I like her because her recipes are often short and simple, and things I can buy at regular stores inexpensively. They have all come out great.

The Tandoori chicken bites are HIGHLY recommended. I usually eat with some cucumber/yogurt and garlic butter rice (just melt a pat of butter in a little dish in the oven while the chicken's cooking with some chopped garlic in it, then mix in with the rice) and wilted spinach all in one lovely bowl. It's so hard to not eat all of the chicken at once.


Jan 11, 2013, 8:54:29 PM1/11/13
I only hear good things about Budget Bytes - I think I've gotten at least 1 pro-Budget Bytes comment on my monthly pieces since like month #2 - but every time I read the words "Budget" and "Bytes" my appetite completely vanishes. Especially Bytes with a Y. That is a terrible reason to not want to use a useful site, I readily admit but I have gone through her site a few times and the other thing that bugs me is the reason her recipes are so cheap is because she buys her meat in bulk, like this one for chicken in peanut sauce (which sounds delicious), where miraculously an entire pound of chicken breasts is only $1.99. 


Jan 11, 2013, 9:22:47 PM1/11/13
Yes, I'll admit the name also drives me crazy, as well as her picture, and the writing at times. But alas, her recipes are easy, and that's what I want most of the time.

About the chicken though: I would never go run to the store and pick up a package of chicken at full price. Ever. I would just eat something that didn't have chicken in it. I don't buy boneless skinless breasts hardly ever, and if I do they MUST be on sale. It is sometimes on sale for $1.99 a pound. I usually go for dark meat because bone-in goes on sale for $0.99/lb. The boneless thighs are sometimes $1.50. Freeze them in a freezer bag so they're not touching so you can get as many as you need out. I also think that where she lives plays a big role in how cheap her groceries are. I know my grocery prices are low like hers, and people in the bigger cities and on the coasts don't get those kind of deals.
I realize a lot of people also don't shop sales or freeze things, but guys, DO IT. It saves soooo much money!

Karen Bowness

Jan 14, 2013, 11:16:15 AM1/14/13
I usually buy groceries the day I need them (we walk to the grocery store, no bulk for us!) and take advantage of the nearly-sell-by sales, where the store needs to get rid of things that are expiring soon. I'm cooking them that day, so that is perfect for me. Still, never $1.99/lb. 


Jan 21, 2013, 2:01:55 PM1/21/13
Hi all! Excited to join this recipe/food klatch and share ideas with you guys!

Here's my first link contribution. This blog has been a great resource for me over the years - she doesn't seem to update much anymore, but the archives are robust:

She breaks down pricing and nutritional value per ingredient for most dishes - hardcore. The Southwestern Foil Chicken is one of my favorites.
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