Which country's cuisine do you want to master?

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Jan 21, 2013, 7:01:14 AM1/21/13
to the-billfold-mea...@googlegroups.com
For me, it's Spanish cuisine- I love the Mediterraenean melting pot that is Spanish food and I would love to learn to wield Spanish flavors expertly. Cured meats, tomatoes, garlic, potatoes, fresh seafood, sopas de garbanzos - so so good.

If you could choose, what would you want to cook excellently? French pastries? Scandinavian minimalism? Really good Schezuan dishes? There are so many cultures to delve into out there!!!

(Disclaimer, just had morning coffee and am feeling overly enthusiastic about the world)

Karen Bowness

Jan 21, 2013, 11:24:23 AM1/21/13
to the-billfold-mea...@googlegroups.com
definitely indian food, because it's expensive takout, but on cold winter days, i want a big bowl of basmati rice with creamy korma and paneer in it. 


Feb 2, 2013, 5:05:32 AM2/2/13
to the-billfold-mea...@googlegroups.com
Oh, I live in India right now and I'm trying to master a couple of essential dishes.  If you want, I can write down my mom's base curry recipe to which you can add anything.  Also, I don't know if paneer is expensive at the store, but it's super easy to make at home with just milk and lemon juice.  Just boil up a few cups of milk (the more the better) and when it starts to boil, turn off the heat, add a tablespoon or two of lemon juice.  Stir it a little bit and let it sit for 15 minutes, then strain the curds through cheesecloth or if you're cheap and resourceful, a (clean) handkerchief for 45 minutes.  Then you can take that ball of cheese and press it between some weights (plates with a can on top etc) for an hour and cut it into pieces.  This is one of those recipes where you can just wing it and it'll be fine!

I would love to learn thai food and I've always wanted to make croissants but I think maybe that's impossible.

Jackie Leandre

Feb 17, 2013, 2:08:44 AM2/17/13
to the-billfold-mea...@googlegroups.com
I would love to master Thai food. There is this great Thai restaurant in NYC (Pongsri) that I love.  I want to emulate their duck and I have forever been trying to perfect coconut rice. No such luck
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