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Zoom Program TODAY, Tuesday at 7:30 pm. All about the Sap Beetles that chew through the pollen cells in stored frames

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Rob Mathews, 2024 ACBA President

May 21, 2024, 3:46:51 PM5/21/24
to The Alameda County Beekeepers Association
[Jerry tried sending this to the Bee Talk group yesterday but Google's spam filter apparently ate it; I'm trying again below.]

Zoom Presentation: Dr. Ramesh Sagili, tonight (Tuesday May 21) at 7:30 PM.

All about the Sap Beetles that chew through the pollen cells in stored frames.

Click here to join the Zoom meeting

Dr. Sagili is an entomology professor at Oregon State University.
He'll speak about the pesky little Sap Beetle that eats our pollen frames.

"I first noticed sap beetle larva chewing through pollen frames about 10 years ago.  They turn the contents of pollen cells into a fine sawdust.

Let's find out more about this pest.
Is it a native, or an invader from abroad?
Is it something to fret about?
How can we protect our frames?
Are they a threat to our colonies or just an annoyance?
What are they good for in the environment?".

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