Chocolate What a fun excuse to get together!!
We began the night with an open hot chocolate bar.

Complete with wafers, caramels, marshmallows & candy canes.

And then spent the next 2 hours making chocolate covered pretzels, marshmallows and oreos.
The idea was to make goodie bags for girlfriends, neighbors, teachers, etc., but I don't think that many (if any) actually made it into the goodie boxes.
I also got so caught up in all of the chocolate, I mean excitement, that I forgot to take any pictures of us actually making our yummy treats. So... so that you don't have to imagine, here are some of the fantastic things that we made.
Ours turned out EXACTLY like this :)
It was so much fun!
Next year, I'll remember to buy more almond bark!
Posted By Tiffany to
That Village House at 12/14/2011 12:34:00 AM