fav/current systems

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Sarah Donivan

Jul 21, 2011, 10:23:54 PM7/21/11
to /tg/'s Google group
Whelp, someone has to get this party started, might as well be me!

What is everyone's favorite or at least currently played systems?

I'm in a 4e (with That DM), as well as encounters, DnD 3.5 that I'm

Oh, and Cat. Cannot forget Cat!

Travis Mink

Jul 21, 2011, 10:39:38 PM7/21/11
to /tg/'s Google group
Favorites are Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, and other Warhammer 40k
games. Just a sucker for the over-the-topness in the setting.
No current games, sadly, although always looking for a game.

Sarah Donivan

Jul 21, 2011, 10:53:56 PM7/21/11
to /tg/'s Google group
I'm interested in dark Heresy, but never had the chance to really
learn about it.


Jul 22, 2011, 1:19:36 AM7/22/11
to /tg/'s Google group
I'm currently playing in both a 4e and Dark Heresy game, RL and online

I also like to play all 40K RPGs, okay with Pathfinder, and eager to
explore more rules-light systems such as the WIP Legend of Zelda RPG
that's always on /tg/. I've only played a few truly rules-light games:
Dread (lolJenga), Kobolds Ate My Baby!, and Maid RPG.
It's too bad that my group (with one or two exceptions) doesn't really
go for rules-light as much as I do.


Jul 22, 2011, 1:35:02 AM7/22/11
to tgs-goog...@googlegroups.com
My favorite system is Savage Worlds, but Mutants and Masterminds is a close second. Oddly, the game I wind up playing the most of is Pathfinder. Currently, I'm running a Carrion Crown campaign on Monday nights with Pathfinder, playing in a Wednesday night Pathfinder Serpent's Skull campaign, running a Thursday night Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition campaign with the Exalted setting, and playing in a homebrew modern-day urban mysticism Savage Worlds game on Friday nights. I've got a pretty full plate. XD

jordan chadwick

Jul 22, 2011, 3:43:57 AM7/22/11
to /tg/'s Google group

GURPS is my fave, for sure. I've played stacks of stuff over the
years, but it's the one for me.


Jul 22, 2011, 4:48:45 AM7/22/11
to /tg/'s Google group
I'm a big fan of L5R's Roll and Keep system. Also Savage Worlds.

Fox Maclean

Jul 22, 2011, 4:56:48 AM7/22/11
to /tg/'s Google group
A bunch, I guess! I can enjoy looking at a system just for the sake of
doing what it does and does differently, so there are systems I like
or am inclined towards trying even if my experience of them has been
limited. My top mentions would probably be Reign, All Flesh Must Be
Eaten, Weapons of the Gods, Pendragon and Spirit of the Century.

I've played D&D 3.5e and 4e a lot in the past, but I have trouble
calling them favourite systems because there are aspects of them I
really dislike. I'd still quite like to try Pathfinder just to try out
some of its options and experience firsthand how much has actually
changed from 3.5e.


Jul 22, 2011, 6:41:02 AM7/22/11
to tgs-goog...@googlegroups.com
I am all about the GURPS. DH is a distant second.
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