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Dec 31, 2013, 6:26:05 PM12/31/13
I am Tybalt Freeman. Devours the Unclean Heart. Wendigo Theurge cliath Homid. Anruth. Follower of Wendigo.

I seek Likes it Rough and Gil. I'm hoping to merry the rest of the sept as well. I am looking for recent going ons in this area.


Alexander Kevin

Dec 31, 2013, 6:39:05 PM12/31/13
to truthofmistake,
Greetings Tybalt, I am Gilgamesh the Great, Bone Gnawer, Theurge, Lupus Cliath.  I do not know about marrying the sept, but I'm sure our alpha can find a suitable kinfolk for you.  What sort of news are you looking for?


From: truthofmistake <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 6:26 PM
Subject: Greeting

I am Tybalt Freeman. Devours the Unclean Heart. Wendigo Theurge cliath Homid.  Anruth.  Follower of Wendigo.

I seek Likes it Rough and Gil. I'm hoping to merry the rest of the sept as well. I am looking for recent going ons in this area.


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Margaret Greer

Dec 31, 2013, 6:50:56 PM12/31/13
to Alexander Kevin, truthofmistake,
Tybalt, I am Cassandra Likes it Rough, Homid, Black Fury, Ragabash, Adren. I have to say that marriage is quite forward perhaps we could get to know one another better first and we could hook you up with a suitable kinfolk. But I can help you with news in this area if you can narrow it down a little. 


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Alexander Kevin

Dec 31, 2013, 6:51:35 PM12/31/13
to Rob,
I am great at many things, though I do enjoy telling stories and traveling the umbra. I am sending a newspaper along with this spirit.  It's how homids tell their tales of deeds that happened.  There is one that is told a lot that is about a lazy soldier.  I do not think he would last long as a garou.


OOC: I'm forwarding you the news email

From: Rob <>
To: Alexander Kevin <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: Greeting

Funny.  Join the sept.  Is what I meant.  I don't need any kin at the moment.  Gilgamesh. The Great. Great at?  And new I am lookin for. Any about local events I'm trying to acclimate to a new bunch of people in a new town.  

Sent from my iPhone


Jan 1, 2014, 12:37:32 PM1/1/14
to Margaret Greer, Alexander Kevin,
Any new pertaining to the sept and recent inter sept goings on?  What's the new guy need to know ? 

Sent from my iPhone


Jan 1, 2014, 3:27:04 PM1/1/14
to, Margaret Greer, Alexander Kevin
OOC: Just to clarify for my own half awake brain is this a spirit that has been sent to the Sept or is this actually taking place at the Sept?

Margaret Greer

Jan 1, 2014, 7:53:20 PM1/1/14
to Rob,
Is he like physically on the Sept like gone through the warders and everything?

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 6:35 PM, Rob <> wrote:
Dave new what was up and I'm sure it's all good. Play on ;) 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 1, 2014, at 6:09 PM, Margaret Greer <> wrote:

Okay I am going to put this out there, with the way you started this I took it as spirits. Cassandra would have a lot of different responses to things as would I am sure the STs because the Sept is hidden and all of that. I am not trying to be a jerk but I am trying to help to make sure you get into the game and such. 

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:10 PM, Rob <> wrote:
Tybalt is there in person shaggy hair and ripped jeans with a flannel shirt and a carhart jacket. 

Sent from my iPhone

Margaret Greer

Jan 1, 2014, 8:30:40 PM1/1/14
to Rob, Alexander Kevin,
Cassandra's arms crossed over her chest as she looked at Tybalt for a moment, her face slowly going from mostly friendly to a slight frown as she realized a few things.  "Are you planning on actually joining the Sept or are you just going to come in and out? Have you met with the Sept Alpha yet or not? Suddenly you are asking a lot of questions for someone who has only just shown up who I know nothing about other then your name and titles." 

Matthias Grey

Jan 1, 2014, 8:36:18 PM1/1/14
to Margaret Greer, tunundary@yahoo com, Rob,

Matthias strides up quickly, sword in hand. Looking over the newcomer, he takes special care to watch how he stands, his clothing especially his feet, and looking for weapons.

"Do we have a problem here?" He asks, voice a growl.


Jan 1, 2014, 8:55:54 PM1/1/14
to Margaret Greer, Alexander Kevin,
Given our society and it's rules. My name and title in fact say everything about me. And I have spoken to your alpha. I am thinking to join your sept yes. Suddenly so unfriendly. Don't like my tribe. Or strangers ? 

Sent from my iPhone


Jan 1, 2014, 8:58:34 PM1/1/14
to Matthias Grey, Margaret Greer, tunundary@yahoo com,
I have no idea who you are. Or the nature of your problems.  I'm doing ok though. Tybalt says these things with a very curious and interested look on his face.  Tybalt also has no weapons. And looks oddly at mathias for the feet thing. 

Sent from my iPhone

Matthias Grey

Jan 1, 2014, 9:25:17 PM1/1/14
to Rob, Margaret Greer, tunundary@yahoo com,

((Specifically he's looking to see the state of his shoes and if he stands like somebody who knows how to fight.))

Margaret Greer

Jan 1, 2014, 10:46:48 PM1/1/14
to Matthias Grey, Rob, tunundary@yahoo com,
"Strangers. That and the last Wendigo who came through this part came in caused discord and frankly did nothing. That and well if you had been cleared I mostly figure that we would have heard you at some point seeking entrance to the Sept so you will have to understand why I am so very wary. What with us being a stones throw away from the largest hive in North America." Her hands move to rest upon her hips, looking at him with her good eye. "That and honestly, thinking is what the last few people did before they decied that it was too much to try and actually be members of this Sept...we are too close to one of the biggest fights of this time to be on the fence about things wouldn't you say?"


Jan 2, 2014, 3:26:00 PM1/2/14
to Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey, tunundary@yahoo com,
Sure. No need for fence sitting.  Don't think hostility is needed. But hey last guy was a lame duck. And I'm just a cliath. Need to prove myself.  I can do that. I would suggest that a bit of pilot inquiry before out right hostility might get you more help. Help I and others can bring. If we are allowed.  And by the looks of this place and the insanity running around. Help is needed. 

Sent from my iPhone

Margaret Greer

Jan 2, 2014, 3:59:25 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Matthias Grey, tunundary@yahoo com,
"We?" Her eyebrow raised out of curiosity, letting the rest of what he said slip past her for now and focusing on that part alone. 

Margaret Greer

Jan 2, 2014, 4:14:57 PM1/2/14
to Rob,
"I have gone to many in the Nation and they have seemingly turned their backs on Chicago. So you will have to excuse the fact that I am rather skeptical. So what are you good at as a Theurge. Because we have one of the best in my packmate Gil. My other packmate Matthias has been training this Sept and two others as per the Legends orders..." She paused. "Have you heard your Tribes orders from the Legend Dire Skin of Stone?"

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Rob <> wrote:
My self and the rest of the Garou nation   

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Jan 2, 2014, 4:32:58 PM1/2/14
to Margaret Greer,
I'm sure your packmates a very capable garou. I never said otherwise.  There seems to be more work then hands.  So I'm offering to help. And you better believe I wish to help the wendigo keep a sept. 

Sent from my iPhone

Matthias Grey

Jan 2, 2014, 4:49:18 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Margaret Greer,
((What is the tone of Tybalt's speech? Does he have an accent? Please go into more detail so that we can respond appropriately. Text has no tone.))

Matthias Grey
"In the Shadow of Valkyries"
Fenrir, Modi, Homid, Cliath
Master of the Forge
Beta of Ghost Division under Tyr
Follower of Brigid

P David Gill

Jan 2, 2014, 4:50:56 PM1/2/14
to Matthias Grey, Rob, Margaret Greer,
((In other words, add a bit of narration))


Matthias Grey

Jan 2, 2014, 5:13:01 PM1/2/14
Matthias keeps his gaze hard and focused, remaining on the Adren Black Fury's right side. "So you want to join the Sept, but here you are already making yourself seem like SUCH a nice guy. New to town or just newly changed?" His tone is obviously sarcastic and he's rather open with a general lack of care for Tybalt's breeding.

Matthias Grey
"In the Shadow of Valkyries"
Fenrir, Modi, Homid, Cliath
Master of the Forge
Beta of Ghost Division under Tyr
Follower of Brigid

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rob <>
Date: Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: Greeting
To: Matthias Grey <>

His tone is kind and his demeanor is relaxed and rather open. His eyes hold steady with all who meet him. But he clearly respects likes it rough for her rank. He is clearly weary of mathias as he is yet to introduce himself tybalt has spirit heritage 5 wendigo and pure breed 5 wendigo.  

Sent from my iPhone


Jan 2, 2014, 5:17:35 PM1/2/14
to Matthias Grey,
My people learned a long time a go. Respect shown is respect given. And I am new to town. And up to likes it roughs dramatic attitude shift everything was fine. And I am a nice guy. Reason for your disrespect and sarcasm at a guy trying to help? 

His face looks like he's extremely curious. 

Sent from my iPhone

Margaret Greer

Jan 2, 2014, 5:35:11 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Matthias Grey,
"You are new in town. My attitude was not dramatic, just delayed until I realized that no one told me anything about anyone new on our Sept. Our Alpha is normally very good about said information. As the highest ranking member of this Sept outside of the Alpha pack I tend to be allowed in the loop. Also, I come from the school of Respect is shown when Respect is earned. You have danced around my questions and continue to ask your own. So I will ask you one more time, do you know what your tribal orders are that where passed down to us by the Legend?" 


Jan 2, 2014, 5:41:19 PM1/2/14
to Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
I have danced around nothing.  You have not introduced yourself means I don't know who you are.  Yes I know of Dires orders. 

Sent from my iPhone


Jan 2, 2014, 5:43:56 PM1/2/14
to Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
I have met a number of other fenrir and they I got a long with just fine. Helped illuminate much about the tribe.  You I have to say are equally illuminating 
Sent from my iPhone


Jan 2, 2014, 5:52:10 PM1/2/14
to Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
(( although rob would like a reminder cuz it's hard to find old emails on my phone )) 

Sent from my iPhone


Jan 2, 2014, 5:54:31 PM1/2/14
to Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
(( also the not introducing your self was aimed at mathias. The yes I know my orders was back at likes it rough. U forget text makes it hard to express body language. ::) )) 

Sent from my iPhone

Jan 2, 2014, 5:57:10 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
"I believe you are to make it cold or winter. It's actually good timing that you are here. I was about to go and build a shrine to Wendigo out on the lake if you would like to assist."


Sent from my iPhone

Matthias Grey

Jan 2, 2014, 5:57:33 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Margaret Greer,
Matthias grins ferally, his eye changing from green to light blue. "Let me tell you something about my Tribe, newcomer. When our homes have been attacked and somebody shows up unannounced and demanding questions beyond their station, we tend to react poorly. You have yet to speak to my packmate with the respect she is due, much less myself. You are Anruth, so you should be quite used to being treated with suspicion. My name is Matthias Grey 'In the Shadow of Valkyries', Fenrir, Modi, Homid and Master of the Forge here. This is my home. You of all people should know what it's like to have your home threatened by strangers and the price paid for not reacting appropriately."

Matthias Grey
"In the Shadow of Valkyries"
Fenrir, Modi, Homid, Cliath
Master of the Forge
Beta of Ghost Division under Tyr
Follower of Brigid


Jan 2, 2014, 6:08:18 PM1/2/14
to, Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
There is a shrine to him already. But we can make it bigger stronger. And he's not happy about goings on in a park around here. 


Sent from my iPhone

Jan 2, 2014, 6:11:55 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
"There is a shrine to him on the sept. As I stated this one will be on the lake. Could probably even see Gary from it on a good day."


Sent from my iPhone

Margaret Greer

Jan 2, 2014, 6:15:00 PM1/2/14
to Alexander Kevin, Rob, Matthias Grey,
Something about what was being talked about made Likes it Rough tense up even more then she already was, her fists clenching hard enough that her knuckles went white. 


Jan 2, 2014, 6:15:16 PM1/2/14
to Matthias Grey, Margaret Greer,
Interesting.  I think you might like to know. This is my home too. Your alpha had accepted me. And if your packmate is unhappy I'm sure she will tell me about it 

I still don't understand why everyone is so adversarial 

Sent from my iPhone


Jan 2, 2014, 6:16:14 PM1/2/14
to, Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
Hmmm.  If you think two is a good idea I'm down. I still need to visit the shrines on the sept. need to feel out the balance here.

Sent from my iPhone

Matthias Grey

Jan 2, 2014, 6:21:00 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Margaret Greer,
"Wait a damn minute. Five minutes ago you said you were challenging to join the Sept, now you're suddenly part of it? When the hell did that happen? Let me tell you something, boyo. You haven't seen adversarial. I'm getting pretty fucking tired of everybody getting let on in to a STEALTH SEPT," he growls out the last.

((Rob, please just send a single email. Sending multiple messages like this is really confusing and doesn't allow for responses.))

Matthias Grey
"In the Shadow of Valkyries"
Fenrir, Modi, Homid, Cliath
Master of the Forge
Beta of Ghost Division under Tyr
Follower of Brigid


Jan 2, 2014, 6:26:30 PM1/2/14
to Matthias Grey, Margaret Greer,
Hmmm.  I was making sure I was a member before I said anything. Once confirmed. I said as much.  And you can dispense with the threats. I just joined the second closest sept to the worst hive in existence. Not overly afraid of you. Question is. Now that I'm standing here still lookin to help. Can you accept my help? 

Sent from my iPhone

Margaret Greer

Jan 2, 2014, 6:29:17 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Matthias Grey,
"I don't see Hopes for Spring anywhere around here to confirm. What did you have to do in order to join? This is all very confusing." 

Matthias Grey

Jan 2, 2014, 6:30:54 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Margaret Greer,
Matthias rolls his eyes and walks away.

Matthias Grey
"In the Shadow of Valkyries"
Fenrir, Modi, Homid, Cliath
Master of the Forge
Beta of Ghost Division under Tyr
Follower of Brigid


Jan 2, 2014, 6:32:41 PM1/2/14
to Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
(( Dave just told me he hand waved it so idk what I can say)) 

Sent from my iPhone

Alexander Kevin

Jan 2, 2014, 6:57:20 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
(ST Ruling: There is some confusion in this thread because of communication issues.  Tybalt is challenging to join the sept and he needs to help out his future septmates to do so.  He has not said anything to the contrary due to ST ettiquette.  If you have a problem message me after the scene is over.  There is and was no IC confusion about what was going on.)

Zander AST

From: Rob <>
To: Margaret Greer <>
Cc: Matthias Grey <>; "" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: Greeting


Jan 2, 2014, 7:05:35 PM1/2/14
to Alexander Kevin, Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
(( ok sure )). 

Sent from my iPhone

Margaret Greer

Jan 2, 2014, 7:16:33 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Alexander Kevin, Matthias Grey,
"Help Gil with the shrine. You seem equipped to do that. Wendigo isn't very fond of my Tribe either." 



Jan 2, 2014, 7:18:39 PM1/2/14
to Margaret Greer, Alexander Kevin, Matthias Grey,
I am very much looking forward to this.   I enjoy helping. Especially on spirit matters.  

Sent from my iPhone

Margaret Greer

Jan 2, 2014, 7:21:14 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Alexander Kevin, Matthias Grey,
"Also, if you are going to be in and out, I suggest showing up to the training in the morning. If you are going to be a member here we need to know how well you fight. What dents in your armor need to be hammered out so to speak." She said with only half a hint of friendly suggestion. 

Alexander Kevin

Jan 2, 2014, 7:27:44 PM1/2/14
to Margaret Greer, Rob, Matthias Grey,
"Anything we should gather for the shrine?  It's a bit of a walk and I don't want to have to make too many trips."


From: Margaret Greer <>
To: Rob <>
Cc: Alexander Kevin <>; Matthias Grey <>; "" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: Greeting


Jan 2, 2014, 7:28:42 PM1/2/14
to Margaret Greer, Alexander Kevin, Matthias Grey,
I'm a fair hand at combat. But I could always get better. 

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Jan 2, 2014, 7:29:48 PM1/2/14
to Alexander Kevin, Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
Snow and cold are a decent start. If we can bring him a few hearts of our foes. That goes over well 

Sent from my iPhone

Alexander Kevin

Jan 2, 2014, 7:34:04 PM1/2/14
to Rob, Margaret Greer, Matthias Grey,
"Well I don't think we have many hearts on hand, but we could get some snow."


From: Rob <>
To: Alexander Kevin <>
Cc: Margaret Greer <>; Matthias Grey <>; "" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: Greeting

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