Re: [CIB] Treaty Negotiation Debate

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P David Gill

Nov 14, 2013, 9:05:35 AM11/14/13
to Thomas Preau,
((New Thread))

"I believe that we all in our own ways support the wyld which is something that we all have in common, we just do it in different ways. To bring us all together is to make sure we as a whole are keeping it in check and not letting it over run the city. To find balance between the wyld and the weaver of the city, as both are needed here in the city to keep it thriving. To keep us thriving." Cassandra said with an even tone as she looked at all the others, though the three ratkin she looked over carefully. She knew she recognized one she had met him before, the other two however she was not certain whom they where.

"As for the rats attempting to have three voices, Vanessa you have brought spirits here to advise you and Lady Aeryn has her companions as well. Just as I have Quinn and Gil here with me we certainly all do not seem that we are stepping into these negotiations alone. Which is what it looks to be as what the Ratkin of the city are doing as well." She gave a glance to the Ratkin to confirm or deny her statement.

Lady Aeryn, speaking in a polite, only slightly condescending manner. "No Cassandra, you misunderstand our point. The ratkin come as their own voice." Gesturing to the three ratkin. "The ratkin have leverage and nearly a second voice in the Green Man's camp." Gesturing to the ratkin standing next to him. "And the first statement to defend the ratkin and support their claim comes not from the ratkin, but from the Garou." Gesturing to Gilgamesh, frowning as she did.

"It makes it feel as though perhaps our own voice is being diminished by these leverages. I personally would request that any ratkin who is not part of the ratkin delegation please leave." Staring intently at the ratkin standing next to the Green Man with an imperial glare.


Vanessa looks between everyone a bit quizzically, "What of you own Ratkin Cassandra, does he speak for the werewolves or the wererats? I have no vested interest in them leaving - no offense my Lady - but between all of us, they are an unknown variable. We don't know how they'll use this territory or what risks we have with them. How do you respond to this?"

David Gill

P David Gill

Nov 14, 2013, 9:17:52 AM11/14/13
to Thomas Preau,
Skratch is about to speak when he is cut off by Vanessa and he frowns at her 'accusation' as well as her distrust of the ratkin.

"Hey, its not kind to attack a fool. Leave him alone."

"We can concede a certain amount of necessity for the wolves' obsession with balance. We, for one, are not trying to destroy the city after all. But we aren't interested in protecting the Weaver either. We will simply agree not to go out of our way - most of the time - to defeat it. Whether *both are needed to keep us thriving, I can't agree with - no way, no how., but I'm fine with not arguing the point right now."

"We need a place that has gnosis, both for ourselves and our own spirits. We once had a place that was shared with Garou, a place of considerable power, but it was destroyed. Although I suppose one could argue it was because of the Garou it was destroyed - but hey no offense."  ;)



Nov 14, 2013, 11:27:07 PM11/14/13
to, Thomas Preau
Cassandra seemed tense for a moment, then let out a very slow breath like she was once more collecting her thoughts and a soft even smile grew on her lips. 

"Gil, was born a rat but by the grace of Gaia, Mama Rat or the Wyld itself believes himself to be one of my kind. I do not question their wisdom or their choices as we all know the wisdom of mothers is only known to them." Her tone was even as she answered Vanessa's question. Though there was this tone of leadership in her voice, it wasn't practiced but it had passion to back it up. 

"Look, we can spend all day playing the game of they have more then me. We can act like children and say that someone got one more cookie then the other. But frankly we do not have time for it. We have the beginning of the end looming on our doorsteps. If Gary wins, if Gary's forces take over Chicago that is it. Game over. No more Wyld. They will corrupt this place. They will corrupt you all or kill those who stand in their way. I have seen it happen to three of our places, they came in and in seconds killed people. Killed my people. We cannot stand against them alone. We need to start looking at one another as equals here, for any of this to work then looking down or believing that one is better then the other. The Wyld doesn't discriminate or turn its nose down at anyone. It is a force of creation and creation comes in many forms. So I think that its time that we all act like adults and talk about what we came here to talk about. What it is going to take to actually get this done. To Unite us all." 

P David Gill

Nov 16, 2013, 1:41:31 PM11/16/13
to margaret.e.greer,, Thomas Preau
Skratch speaks up again,

"Just to be clear here, we don't speak for that one there at all." Pointing at the fidgety ratkin next to the Green Man. "He killed some of my people when they came scouting out the park."

He then points at Gil, "And we definitely don't speak for him, though we may ask him to speak for us from time to time."

"We can accept this situation and promise a certain amount of non-interference against the city and the weaver - but we're not going to protect weaver! I want that clearly understood."

"We want access to the park and have an area that is dedicated as ours... and an 80" screen digital TV."

"Are there any other conditions?"


Alexander Kevin

Nov 16, 2013, 2:37:40 PM11/16/13
to P David Gill, margaret.e.greer,, Thomas Preau
Gil looks between the speakers with an obvious bit of confusion.  "I am a Child of Rat, and I do dress and smell of the street, but I am a garou.  The Bone Gnawers aren't the must influential tribe, but we are still a tribe of garou.  Now who wants to speak of their conditions next?"

Gilgamesh the Great

From: P David Gill <>
To: margaret.e.greer <>
Cc: "" <>; Thomas Preau <>
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2013 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: [CIB] Treaty Negotiation Debate

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P David Gill

Nov 17, 2013, 12:36:11 PM11/17/13
to Alexander Kevin, margaret.e.greer,, Thomas Preau
The woman who seems to carry her 'reality' around with her speaks up.

"I've already stated what I want... and need. I need to hear that I will be allowed to continue my work. I agree to limit my interests in bringing down the barrier to a reasonable area - for now. This is with the understanding that the barrier will be removed in a certain specific area. Is this agreed?"

David Gill

P David Gill

Nov 19, 2013, 3:15:39 PM11/19/13
to Alexander Kevin, margaret.e.greer,, Thomas Preau
"Do the werewolves have no other requirements than we all work together?"


David Gill

PS. 2 days ago.

Margaret Greer

Nov 19, 2013, 6:27:46 PM11/19/13
to P David Gill, Alexander Kevin,, Thomas Preau
"We want to make this place a caren, a place of power. A place where our kind can come to regain our connection to Gaia." Cassandra answered easily. 


Nov 22, 2013, 9:59:23 PM11/22/13
to, P David Gill, Alexander Kevin, Thomas Preau
Cassandra quickly added. "And we really need the kidnapping of kids to stop." 

On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 5:27:46 PM UTC-6, margaret.e.greer wrote:
"We want to make this place a caren, a place of power. A place where our kind can come to regain our connection to Gaia." Cassandra answered easily. 
On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 2:15 PM, P David Gill <> wrote:
"Do the werewolves have no other requirements than we all work together?"


David Gill

PS. 2 days ago.
On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 11:36 AM, P David Gill <> wrote:
The woman who seems to carry her 'reality' around with her speaks up.

"I've already stated what I want... and need. I need to hear that I will be allowed to continue my work. I agree to limit my interests in bringing down the barrier to a reasonable area - for now. This is with the understanding that the barrier will be removed in a certain specific area. Is this agreed?"

David Gill

On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Alexander Kevin <> wrote:
Gil looks between the speakers with an obvious bit of confusion.  "I am a Child of Rat, and I do dress and smell of the street, but I am a garou.  The Bone Gnawers aren't the must influential tribe, but we are still a tribe of garou.  Now who wants to speak of their conditions next?"

Gilgamesh the Great

From: P David Gill <>
To: margaret.e.greer <>
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2013 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: [CIB] Treaty Negotiation Debate
Skratch speaks up again,

"Just to be clear here, we don't speak for that one there at all." Pointing at the fidgety ratkin next to the Green Man. "He killed some of my people when they came scouting out the park."

He then points at Gil, "And we definitely don't speak for him, though we may ask him to speak for us from time to time."

"We can accept this situation and promise a certain amount of non-interference against the city and the weaver - but we're not going to protect weaver! I want that clearly understood."

"We want access to the park and have an area that is dedicated as ours... and an 80" screen digital TV."

"Are there any other conditions?"



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Thomas Preau

Nov 25, 2013, 8:13:45 PM11/25/13
Frowning a bit slightly. "I see, an attempt to shift this away from the relevant conversation of how things will be ordered. You wolves are known for your dominance games and attempts to take control of things. Who will be in charge of this place once we settle on agreement?"

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Daniel Maillian

Nov 27, 2013, 12:15:13 PM11/27/13
to Thomas Preau,
The Green Man narrows his eyes further.  The predatory aura he gives off seems to grow.  The ratkin near him shrinks behind him.

"This rat does not speak for the other rats, he speaks for the wyld.  If it is even hinted that he speaks for the rats again, I will not be please.  As for terms, we have very few.  We simply wish to see the wyld come back to the world.  It is being smothered by the weaver and the wyrm.  That is what we want."

Sent from my iPhone

Alexander Kevin

Dec 3, 2013, 7:32:09 PM12/3/13
to Daniel Maillian, Thomas Preau,
OOC: Sorry all I think the holidays got the best of everyone.

"We have five factions here, five groups who can provide a member for the council.  Now a council will be good for long term goals, but sometimes we will need to make quick decisions.  If we are attacked and everyone does there own thing, we will be weaker then when we work as a team.

Gilgamesh the Great

From: Daniel Maillian <>
To: Thomas Preau <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 12:15 PM
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