Text Filter using bash, sed, and \r not working

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William Dockery

Nov 13, 2017, 9:09:13 AM11/13/17
to TextWrangler Talk
Hello, I am relatively new to TextWrangler Text Filters, but I have an ongoing need to replace ~ with ~ and linefeed in files (ie, a linefeed after each ~).  I have decided to use a Text Filter using bash and sed.  (If this is the wrong way to begin, please let me know.)

Could someone explain why the following is not working?

#!/usr/bin/env bash
sed -E 's/~/~\r/g';

Interestingly, the above filter produces the same output as:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
sed -E 's/~/~r/g';

Both of the above filters simply put a r after the ~


#!/usr/bin/env bash
sed -E 's/~/~\\r/g';



no successful linefeeds in any of the above scenarios.

Thanks for pointers--


Mac OS 10.12.6
TextWrangler 5.5.2

Thomas Fischer

Nov 13, 2017, 10:55:44 AM11/13/17
to textwr...@googlegroups.com
Hello William,

first, I usually would use TW to do the Job:
replace ~ by ~\r
by using the „Find…“ command (⌘F). You can also us the 
"Multi File search…“ command (shift-⌘F) if you want to make this change in many files.

And if I need to attach a keyboard shortcut to something I have to do very often I use AppleScript (this is another menu in TextWrangler):

tell application "TextWrangler"
replace "~" using "~\\r" searching in text 1 of window 1 options {starting at top:true}
end tell

Hope this helps.

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William Dockery

Nov 14, 2017, 5:35:48 PM11/14/17
to TextWrangler Talk
Thanks for the reply.

By way of background, I am implementing this find/replace function as part of ongoing daily editing text files for submission to a billing clearinghouse that requires files in a format called HIPAA 5010.  It's a difficult format to work with.  The files are 1 line in size, and the line is long and is punctuated by separators (~) which mark the ends of special strings within the line called "loops" in 5010 parlance.  After any given ~, the next character is a normal alphanumeric character.  There are no spaces in the file.  My ultimate goal is to be able to toggle the file from a single-line file (the necessary format for submission to the clearinghouse, but hard to read) to a multi-line file (to scan it for errors) and back again.

I do sometimes use TW "Find...Replace All" to do this job, using a saved "find ~" and "replace with ~\r", but I must admit that I like text filters because they entail fewer keystrokes (ie, you don't need to select a saved routine or hit return).

So I futzed around a bit and discovered that if I create a TW Text Filter as originally specified and actually type a return instead of putting \r in my sed expression, the filter works 99% of the way that I want it to work.  (I am calling this syntax Attempt #2.)  (Typing a return seems rather non-elegant compared to other sed implementations which accept \r, but 99% is admittedly a high number.) The 1% of missing functionality is that the Text Filter finds the last ~ in the file (which is followed by EOF) and, not surprisingly, adds a return after the ~.  This is non-desired, because if that return persists after I toggle the file back to a single-line file and I forget to delete it manually and I submit the file to the clearinghouse, the file will be rejected for syntactical reasons.  

So, I changed the regex within the sed to the following, expecting that this regex would cause the final ~ (followed by EOF) to be a non-match and therefore not be altered.

Attempt 3:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
sed -E 's/~(.)/~\

However, inexplicably, this does not work; a final return is still added, indicating, I suppose, that TW considers EOF to be a character and therefore considers ~EOF to be a match.

I read in a regex online discussion group that \z is EOF (I'm not sure of this), so I tried the following, but it fails in the same way:

Attempt #4:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
sed -E 's/~([^\z])/~\

Interestingly, if I use TW Find/Replace (using grep), with find= ~(.) and replace= ~\r\1, I get the desired effect:  no return after the last ~.

I just wish I could do that with the sed Text Filter.

If anyone knows how I can skip ~EOF with my sed filter, I would appreciate your thoughts.


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