Copyright Form

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7:42 AM (16 hours ago) 7:42 AM
to textdetox-clef2024
Dear participants,

As you might have seen, together with your paper you need to provide a copyright form. You must provide it for your paper to be published.

There was an email from EasyChair, we forward it here so you will provide the form in the correct format:

This mail concerns the signature of the copyright form for CLEF 2024. Many authors already submitted copyright forms signed or filled in the wrong way.


As we mentioned in the camera ready instruction, it is absolutely mandatory to sign it by hand ***ON A PAPER SHEET***.

This means that a copyright form signed ***USING A TABLET*** and not an actual pen on a paper sheet ***IS NOT CONSIDERED VALID***.

Recognizing a copyright form signed with a tablet is easy, as the watermark in the signature area will be very visible: it will become less visible only if the copyright form is printed and scanned.

Be aware that this is a strict publisher's requirement: if you want to know more about why CEUR-WS requires hand signed copyright forms, please visit the following page:

The prefilled version of the copyright form is provided here:

When **filling out** the copyright form, make sure that:

1. The first field contains the title of your paper, ***exactly identical*** to the one in the manuscript and on easychair

2. The second field contains the COMPLETE list of authors, including the corresponding one, ***exactly identical*** (with the same spelling and in the same order) as reported in the manuscript and on easychair. **DO NOT ADD second names, initials, or additional names, if they are not present in the manuscript and on easychair as well**.

3. The subsequent fields contain the name of the corresponding author (**exactly** as reported in the previous field) and all their required contact data

When **signing** the copyright form, make sure that:

1. You have printed it and you are signing it on paper (**DO NOT USE TABLETS**)

2. You have reported the date and location (i.e., the city where you are) of the signature

3. Do not write anything on the signing field beyond the location, the date, and your signature

After that, you can scan the copyright form (or use your phone to take a picture) and submit it.

**DO NOT EDIT OR ADD TEXT** to the prefilled part of the copyright form

If you do not have access to a printer and/or a scanner (or a phone), please visit to understand how to provide a valid copyright form.

For any doubts or questions, please contact

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