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OER Sustainability and Advocacy Study-Invitation to Participate

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Sabrina Davis

Feb 27, 2024, 3:03:08 PM2/27/24


Please consider taking our survey that focuses on open educational resource (OER) advocacy and sustainability. You are being asked to complete this research study by Chelsee Dickson, Kennesaw State University Libraries, Sabrina Davis, Texas Tech University Libraries, and Kristina Clement, Kennesaw State University Libraries. Our research study focuses on developing advocacy and sustainability strategies for OER creators and librarians and is funded by an Affordable Learning Georgia Research Grant.
Our goal is to understand how creators and librarians are promoting their OER works (or the works of their faculty) and ensuring reuse by downstream users in the future. This study is for academic librarians, faculty members, or other OER creators and advocates who have either adapted, created, or assisted in the promotion of an OER within the past year. Participants should be over the age of 18 and working in an academic library or at a higher education institution.  
If you decide to participate, we anticipate the survey taking 20-30 minutes to complete. It consists of three sections: the first section asks about librarians promoting OER created by faculty, the second section consists of questions about OER creators’ perception of the promotion of their work, and the third section asks how OER creators sustain their work.

The informed consent and survey are available via Qualtrics at and does not ask for any personally identifiable information. 

The survey will be live for 8 weeks until April 26, 2024. If you have questions, please contact Co-Principal Investigator, Kristina Clement at

Thank you for considering, 
Chelsee Dickson, Sabrina Davis, and Kristina Clement
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